M multi-transport.rkt => multi-transport.rkt +12 -2
@@ 4,8 4,9 @@
+ "transports/mercury-transport.rkt"
(define multi-transport%
(class object%
@@ 29,6 30,12 @@
(new web-transport%
[on-status-change on-status-change]
[on-error on-error]
+ [on-request-complete on-request-complete])
+ ;; Mercury transport can handle mercury protocol
+ ;; Schemas: mercury://
+ (new mercury-transport%
+ [on-status-change on-status-change]
+ [on-error on-error]
[on-request-complete on-request-complete])))
(define/public (get-transport-for-url url)
@@ 40,7 47,10 @@
(define transport (get-transport-for-url new-url))
(if (false? transport)
(on-error (format "no transport for: ~a" new-url))
- (send transport fetch new-url current-url)))))
+ (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (v)
+ (print v)
+ (on-error (format "an error has happened: ~a" (exn-message v))))])
+ (send transport fetch new-url current-url))))))
(provide multi-transport%)
\ No newline at end of file
A protocols/mercury-protocol.rkt => protocols/mercury-protocol.rkt +173 -0
@@ 0,0 1,173 @@
+#lang racket
+(require net/url
+ racket/tcp
+ racket/pretty
+ racket/struct)
+(define mercury-default-port 1965)
+(struct mercury-response (status meta body)
+ #:mutable
+ #:methods gen:custom-write
+ [(define write-proc
+ (make-constructor-style-printer
+ (lambda (obj) 'mercury-response)
+ (lambda (obj) (list (mercury-response-status obj) (mercury-response-meta obj) (mercury-response-body obj)))))])
+(define (make-mercury-response status meta [body #f])
+ (mercury-response status meta body))
+(struct mercury-conn (host port in out) #:mutable)
+(define (make-mercury-conn) (mercury-conn #f #f #f #f))
+(define (mercury-conn-live? gc)
+ (define in (mercury-conn-in gc))
+ (define out (mercury-conn-out gc))
+ (and in (port-closed? in)
+ out (port-closed? out)
+ #t))
+(define (ensure-default-port url)
+ (if (not (url-port url))
+ (begin
+ (set-url-port! url mercury-default-port)
+ url)
+ url))
+(define (ensure-mercury-protocol url)
+ (cond
+ ;; I don't think the case below can actually happen...
+ [(false? (url-host url)) (error 'ensure-mercury-protocol "No host in url: ~a" (url->string url))]
+ ;; Below is a very complicated dance to prepend mercury:// if the URL contains no protocol.
+ [(false? (url-scheme url)) (let*
+ ([url-as-string (url->string url)]
+ [url-as-string-with-protocol (string-append "mercury://" url-as-string)])
+ (ensure-mercury-protocol (string->url url-as-string-with-protocol)))]
+ [(not (equal? (url-scheme url) "mercury")) (error 'ensure-mercury-protocol "can't request non-mercury protocol: ~a" (url-scheme url))]
+ [else url]))
+(define (mercury-conn-open requested-url)
+ (define url ((compose1 ensure-default-port ensure-mercury-protocol string->url) requested-url))
+ (define-values (in out) (tcp-connect/enable-break (url-host url) (url-port url)))
+ (define gc (make-mercury-conn))
+ (set-mercury-conn-in! gc in)
+ (set-mercury-conn-out! gc out)
+ (set-mercury-conn-host! gc (url-host url))
+ (set-mercury-conn-port! gc (url-port url))
+ gc)
+(define (mercury-conn-close! gc)
+ (match-define (mercury-conn host port in out) gc)
+ (when out
+ (close-output-port out)
+ (set-mercury-conn-out! gc #f))
+ (when in
+ (close-input-port in)
+ (set-mercury-conn-in! gc #f)))
+(define (write-out out str)
+ (fprintf out "~a\r\n" str)
+ (flush-output out))
+(define (mercury-recv! gc)
+ (define-values (status meta) (mercury-conn-header! gc))
+ (mercury-response
+ status
+ meta
+ (mercury-conn-body! gc status meta)))
+(define (mercury-conn-header! gc)
+ (define header-line (read-line (mercury-conn-in gc) 'return-linefeed))
+ (define header-list (regexp-split #rx" +" header-line))
+ (values (string->number (car header-list)) (string-join (cdr header-list))))
+(define (mercury-conn-body! gc status meta)
+ (cond
+ [(and (equal? status 20) (string-prefix? meta "text/gemini")) (mercury-conn-body/parse-mercury! gc)]
+ [(and (equal? status 20) (string-prefix? meta "text/xml")) (mercury-conn-body/parse-binary! gc)]
+ [(and (equal? status 20) (string-prefix? meta "text/")) (mercury-conn-body/parse-generic! gc)]
+ [(and (equal? status 20) (string-prefix? meta "image/")) (mercury-conn-body/parse-binary! gc)]
+ [(equal? status 20) (mercury-conn-body/parse-binary! gc)] ;; Catch all for successful transfers. Just delegate to multi-renderer.
+ [else #f]))
+(define (mercury-conn-body/parse-generic! gc)
+ (define (read-loop acc)
+ (define (read) (read-line (mercury-conn-in gc) 'any))
+ (define line (read))
+ (if (not (eof-object? line))
+ (read-loop (cons line acc))
+ (string-join (reverse acc) "\n")))
+ (read-loop '()))
+(define (mercury-conn-body/parse-binary! gc)
+ (port->bytes (mercury-conn-in gc)))
+(define (mercury-conn-body/parse-mercury! gc)
+ (define (read-loop acc)
+ (define (read) (read-line (mercury-conn-in gc) 'any))
+ (define line (read))
+ (if (not (eof-object? line))
+ (read-loop (cons (mercury-process-line line) acc))
+ (reverse acc)))
+ (read-loop '()))
+(define line-toggled #f) ;; I don't think this is thread-safe. Ideally, this can be a part of conn.
+(define (mercury-process-line line)
+ (define first-word (car (regexp-split #rx" " line)))
+ (define (link? w) (equal? w "=>"))
+ (define (heading? w) (and (> (string-length w) 0) (equal? (substring w 0 1) "#")))
+ (define (list? w) (equal? w "*"))
+ (define (toggle? w) (equal? w "```"))
+ (define (make-link line)
+ (define lst (string-split line))
+ `(link ,(cadr lst) ,(string-join (cddr lst))))
+ (define (make-heading line)
+ (define lst (string-split line))
+ `(heading ,(string-length (car lst)) ,(string-join (cdr lst))))
+ (define (make-list line)
+ (define lst (string-split line))
+ `(list ,(string-join (cdr lst))))
+ (cond
+ [(link? first-word) (make-link line)]
+ [(heading? first-word) (make-heading line)]
+ [(list? first-word) (make-list line)]
+ [(equal? line "") `(break)]
+ [(toggle? first-word)
+ (begin
+ (set! line-toggled (not line-toggled))
+ `(preformatted ,line-toggled))]
+ [else `(text ,line)]))
+(define (mercury-request url #:follow-redirects [fr #f] [how-many-redirects-so-far 0])
+ (when (> how-many-redirects-so-far 4)
+ (error 'mercury-request "too many redirects"))
+ (define gc (mercury-conn-open url))
+ (write-out (mercury-conn-out gc) url)
+ (define response
+ (begin0
+ (mercury-recv! gc)
+ (mercury-conn-close! gc)))
+ (if (and (member (mercury-response-status response) (list 30 31)) fr)
+ (mercury-request (mercury-response-meta response) #:follow-redirects #t (add1 how-many-redirects-so-far))
+ response))
+(define (mercury-valid-status-code status)
+ (list? (member status '(10 11 20 30 31 40 41 42 43 44 50 51 52 53 59 60 61 62))))
+(define (gemtext->gemexpr str)
+ (map (lambda (l) (mercury-process-line l)) (string-split str "\n")))
+ mercury-request
+ mercury-valid-status-code
+ ensure-mercury-protocol
+ gemtext->gemexpr)
+(provide (struct-out mercury-response))
M renderers/gemini-renderer.rkt => renderers/gemini-renderer.rkt +4 -1
@@ 3,6 3,7 @@
+ "../persist.rkt"
@@ 136,7 137,9 @@
(if (middle-clicked)
(on-request-new-tab link)
- (on-request-navigation link))
+ (if (side-load? link)
+ (on-request-new-tab link)
+ (on-request-navigation link)))
A transports/mercury-transport.rkt => transports/mercury-transport.rkt +48 -0
@@ 0,0 1,48 @@
+#lang racket/gui
+ net/url
+ "../protocols/mercury-protocol.rkt"
+ "../utils.rkt")
+(define mercury-transport%
+ (class object%
+ (super-new)
+ (init-field
+ [on-status-change (void)]
+ [on-request-complete (void)]
+ [on-error (void)])
+ (define/public (can-handle-url? url)
+ (define u (string->url url))
+ (equal? (url-scheme u) "mercury"))
+ (define/public (fetch new-url [current-url #f])
+ (begin
+ (when (not (non-empty-string? new-url))
+ (error 'set-url "Can't load empty URL"))
+ (when (not (false? current-url))
+ (define new-url-url (string->url new-url))
+ (set! new-url (url->string
+ (ensure-absolute-url
+ new-url
+ current-url
+ (url-scheme new-url-url)))))
+ (on-status-change (format "Requesting ~a" new-url))
+ (define last-response (mercury-request new-url #:follow-redirects #t))
+ (define status (mercury-response-status last-response))
+ (define meta (mercury-response-meta last-response))
+ (define body (mercury-response-body last-response))
+ (cond
+ [(equal? status 51) (on-error (format "Error: ~a not found" new-url))]
+ [(not (mercury-valid-status-code status)) (on-error (format "Error: invalid status code: ~a" status))]
+ [else (on-request-complete new-url
+ (mercury-response-meta last-response)
+ (mercury-response-body last-response))])))))
+(provide mercury-transport%)
M window.rkt => window.rkt +3 -1
@@ 242,7 242,9 @@
(send multi-renderer render mime content))
(define (error-handler msg)
- (message-box "Error" msg #f '(caution ok)))
+ (status-change "An error has happened.")
+ (message-box "Error" msg #f '(caution ok))
+ (status-change ""))
(define (render-complete)