Update zipflow
Update to Varnish-Cache 7.5
Implement set_level
This module provides a Varnish-Cache Delivery Processor (VDP) interface to Mark Adler's zipflow library to package and compress responses into the ZIP format.
The primary repository is at https://code.uplex.de/uplex-varnish/libvmod-zipflow
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Using this VMOD, ZIP responses can be generated on the fly from an arbitrary number of objects. The mechanism is similar to ESI handling in Varnish-Cache: For each object to be added as a file in the ZIP archive, a sub-request is generated.
The resulting ZIP is generated while it is being delived. It is not stored (this can, however, be achieved with requests from varnish to itself).
Example: Send the response body as a zip file containing "filename":
import zipflow;
sub vcl_init {
sub vcl_deliver {
set resp.filters += " zipflow";
Example: Create a two subrequests for other URLs, which are bundled into the ZIP response:
import zipflow;
sub vcl_recv {
if (req.url == "/zip") {
return (synth(1200));
sub synth_zipflow {
if (zipflow.is_subreq()) {
# activate zipflow
set resp.filters = "zipflow";
set resp.body = " "; // REQUIRED!
# do not put this body into the zip
# create two subrequests to put into the zip
return (deliver);
sub vcl_synth {
if (resp.status == 1200) {
call synth_zipflow;
This README is only intended as a first introduction, for more details, please refer to the vmod_zipflow(3) man page. If you are reading this file on line, it should also be available as vmod_zipflow.man.md.
To report bugs, please use the sourcehut bug tracker.
For enquiries about professional service and support, please contact info@uplex.de.
To contribute to the project, please use the sourcehut bug tracker.
To support the project's development and maintenance, there are several options:
This project was greatly facilitated by Mark Adler's zipflow library.
Copyright 2022, 2023 UPLEX Nils Goroll Systemoptimierung
All rights reserved
Author: Nils Goroll <nils.goroll@uplex.de>