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Remove unused import.
Add link to mastodon.
Update copyright years.
Remove projects sub-page, it is redundant with About
Decrese saturation of background.
Update about page to discuss projects.
Include sig files if they are in the static directory.
Add link to signature of paper.
Add "Papers" subsection to "Writings" page.

Also remove some unused builders.
Add static copy of "Comparative Function Arguments" paper.
Reorganize prose.

Instead of calling everything "notes", put everything under the umbrella
term "writings" and organize existing content into "notes", which are
primarily meant as a record of useful information, and "posts" which are
primarily me running my mouth. =)
Rename "Notes" to "Writings"
Wrap each top-level menu item in a div.
Structure link data into a record type.
Add classes to navigation elements.

They all get the `top-nav` class, and an extra class based on the text
rendered to the user (the latter is quite slapdash [but I used a fancy
word to describe it so that makes it OK ;)]).
Move navigation menu creation into dedicated function

Before, the navigation menu had data and some SXML creation in the
top-level haunt.scm, and some additional processing in layout.scm.
The code in layout.scm is the only place where the navigation menu is
referenced, so move it all into layout.scm. Additionally move the
creation logic into a separate function. The navigation menu changes
more frequently than the rest of the code generated by this file, so
keeping it in a dedicated space is convenient. This also lets me
eliminate the let form in the `page-layout` function, reducing the
amount of indentation in the body.
Remove unused attribute.
Also mention social context.
Remove redundant title.
Add "About" page
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