
Include sig files if they are in the static directory.
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This repository contains the code to generate my personal website.


The content is licensed under the CC-BY-SA-4.0 International license. See the COPYING.content file for the full terms of the CC-BY-SA-4.0 International license.

The code is preferentially licensed under the AGPL because this is what I default to, see the personal-code repository's README for more on that. I understand that the websites generated by this code will not be impacted by this license, just as programs generated by gcc are not impacted by the normal GPL. I also don't think this code is all that interesting, but licensing by default is more responsible than licensing only once it becomes explicitly clear that a license is needed. If you are nonetheless interested in reading it, the haunt module of my personal-code. contains some helpers for creating the signed source files available at the bottom of each manually written page. I don't think these functions are interesting to many people which is why I don't contribute them upstream, but if I ever create a second website I will want to use them which is why I placed them in a separate repository. See the COPING.code file for the full terms of the AGPL.

See content/acknowledgements.md for third-party projects I am relying on.