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> Backend for cosmic
+## Modules
+The core concept around the cosmic API is the module. At a high level, a Module
+is a class that an abstract java project/program may implement, then this
+project may be added to cosmics classpath, then at runtime cosmic will detect
+And serve the module.
+A module is essentually a rest API entry point to some abstract java
+application. To create a module, the application must do two things.
+Annotate the module with the [`@Module`](https://git.sr.ht/~skiqqy/libCosmic/tree/master/item/src/main/java/xyz/skiqqy/cosmic/lib/module/Module.java) annotation. This allows cosmic to detect
+and load the module. The other is the module must extend and implement a
+[`ModuleConf`](https://git.sr.ht/~skiqqy/libCosmic/tree/master/item/src/main/java/xyz/skiqqy/cosmic/lib/module/ModuleConf.java) class. This conf is then pass to the single constructor used
+to instantiate the Module.
+The config should then be given to cosmic so that it may instantaite the module
+at start up.
+I have left out alot of detail to try condense this, it is best to read the
+source code directly to see how this happens (I will soon have a demo out
+showing this in action).
## Installing