
My tmux confs
a3b7c4fb — Stephen Cochrane 4 years ago
Small readme fix
220afe3f — Stephen Cochrane 4 years ago
Changed timeout for pane selection
8cde2e2d — Stephen Cochrane 4 years ago


browse  log 



You can also use your local clone with git send-email.


Build Status

#Table of Contents

  1. Installing
    1. Dependencies
      1. Powerline
      2. Powerline-Fonts
  2. Change Configs
  3. Config Dependencies
  4. Notes
  5. Config-Examples


Clone anywhere, then ./install.sh and follow the instructions.

Or, copy the following, and paste it in your terminal

mkdir repos
cd repos
git clone https://github.com/skippy404/.tmux
cd .tmux

Please note, there are dependencies, namely powerline, and powerline-fonts, currently these depenencies are only needed for config B, the rest of the configs can be used safely.

Alternatively, you can run the following, to install the tmux configs and my other dotfiles (aka my vim, bash and zsh configs, as well as other scripts, note this method requires sudo, as all dependencies are installed)

curl -O https://skiqqy.xyz/install.sh && bash install.sh


  • Arch/ Manjaro
yay -S powerline
  • Fedora
sudo dnf install powerline tmux-powerline
  • Ubuntu
sudo apt install powerline
# clone
git clone https://github.com/powerline/fonts.git --depth=1
# install
cd fonts
# clean-up a bit
cd ..
rm -rf fonts


To change to a different config, simply run ./newconf.sh path/to/conf

Example: ./newconf ~/repos/.tmux/tmux_conf/.tmux.conf_A


  • Config A: None
  • Config B: powerline, powerline-fonts


  • If you have spotify installed, your current song being played is displayed in the bottem left corner (When using config A).
  • Your battery is shown in the bottem left corner (When using config A)
  • For .tmux.conf_B, powerline must be installed



Config A

.tmux.comf_B Config_B