4 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 74 deletions(-)
M Makefile
D miscfiles/scripts/binary
D miscfiles/scripts/bip
D miscfiles/scripts/picbin
M Makefile => Makefile +1 -1
@@ 23,7 23,7 @@ submods:
[ ! -d ~/bin ] && git clone https://github.com/skippy404/bin $$HOME/bin || echo "bin already exists"
mkdir -p ~/bin/local
- cp $(DIR)/miscfiles/scripts/* ~/bin
+ cp $(DIR)/miscfiles/scripts/* ~/bin/local/
-rm -f ~/bin/local/upd # We need to custom build this
# Sets up custom updating script based on install location
D miscfiles/scripts/binary => miscfiles/scripts/binary +0 -7
@@ 1,7 0,0 @@
- local n bit
- for (( n=$1 ; n>0 ; n >>= 1 )); do bit="$(( n&1 ))$bit"; done
- printf "%s\n" "$bit"
-toBinary $1
D miscfiles/scripts/bip => miscfiles/scripts/bip +0 -12
@@ 1,12 0,0 @@
- local n bit
- for (( n=$1 ; n>0 ; n >>= 1 )); do bit="$(( n&1 ))$bit"; done
- printf "%s\n" "$bit"
-addr1=$(echo $1 | cut -d "." -f 1)
-addr2=$(echo $1 | cut -d "." -f 2)
-addr3=$(echo $1 | cut -d "." -f 3)
-addr4=$(echo $1 | cut -d "." -f 4)
-echo $(toBinary $addr1)"."$(toBinary $addr2)"."$(toBinary $addr3)"."$(toBinary $addr4)
D miscfiles/scripts/picbin => miscfiles/scripts/picbin +0 -54
@@ 1,54 0,0 @@
-# @Auther Stephen Cochrane
-# github: skippy404
-set -e
-usage () {
- echo "<usage> picbin [options]"
- echo "Args:"
- echo "h: Shows this message."
- echo "l: shows the link to the file in a dialog box"
- echo "p: path to the file"
- exit $1
-while getopts "hp:l" opt
- case $opt in
- h)
- usage 0
- ;;
- p)
- path="$OPTARG"
- ;;
- l)
- link=1
- ;;
- *)
- exit 2
- ;;
- esac
-if [ $path ]
- [ 0 -eq $# ] && usage 1
- [[ ! -f $path ]] && usage 1
- gnome-screenshot -f /tmp/picbin.png
- path="/tmp/picbin.png"
-abort() {
- echo "Aborting upload of $path"
- exit 0
-zenity --question --text="Confirm upload."
-[ ! $? ] && abort
-echo "Uploading -> $path"
-url=$(curl -F"file=@$path" https://0x0.st)
-echo $url
-[ $link ] && zenity --info --window-icon="info" --text="$url" || exit 0