M src/resolve.lisp => src/resolve.lisp +25 -0
@@ 40,4 40,29 @@
(name obj)
(spec obj)))
+(defclass package-info
+ ((name :initarg :name :reader name)
+ (version :initarg :version :reader version)
+ (location :initarg :location :reader location)
+ (requirements :initarg :requirements :reader requirements))
+ (:documentation "A class to represent package information."))
+(defun present (name &key spec)
+ (make-instance 'requirement :status :present :name name :spec spec))
+(defun absent (name &key spec)
+ (make-instance 'requirement :status :absent :name name :spec spec))
+(defun spec-holds (cmp spec package)
+ (declare (type (or null version-predicate) spec)
+ (type package-info package))
+ (if (null spec)
+ t
+ (let ((pkg-version (version package)))
+ (reduce (lambda (disj-acc disj-req)
+ (or disj-acc
+ (reduce
+ (lambda (conj-acc conj-req)
+ (make-comparison
A src/version.lisp => src/version.lisp +56 -0
@@ 0,0 1,56 @@
+;; A
+(defpackage #:skin.djha.zippm/version
+ (:use :cl)
+ (:import-from #:uiop)
+ (:import-from #:alexandria)
+ (:documentation
+ "A straight implementation in common lisp of the Debian Version Comparison Algorithm."))
+(in-package #:skin.djha.zippm/version)
+(defparameter *nullc* (code-char 0))
+ lexical-comparison (a b)
+ "Lexically compare two characters according to debian version rules."
+ (declare (type character a b))
+ (cond ((char= a b) 0)
+ ((char= a #\~) -1)
+ ((char= b #\~) 1)
+ ((and (alpha-char-p a)
+ (not (alpha-char-p b))
+ (not (char= b (code *nullc*))))
+ -1)
+ ((and (alpha-char-p b)
+ (not (alpha-char-p a))
+ (not (= a *nullc*)))
+ 1)
+ (:else
+ (- (char-code a) (char-code b)))))
+;; TODOt
+(defun justify-strings (a b)
+ "
+ Returns two seqs of equal length, composed either
+ of the characters from the strings, or the null character.
+ "
+ (declare (type string a b))
+ (let ((va (vec a))
+ (vb (vec b))
+ (ca (length a))
+ (cb (length b)))
+ (cond
+ (= ca
+ cb)
+ [va
+ vb]
+ (> cb ca)
+ [(into va
+ (repeat (- cb ca)
+ nullc))
+ vb]
+ :else
+ [va
+ (into vb
+ (repeat (- ca cb)
+ nullc))])))