
e678a8994d4deb3c66418cb5d019fe61ea4fdaff — Daniel Jay Haskin 7 months ago 389bfed
Still in rough draft mode
3 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 75 deletions(-)

M src/version.lisp
M tests/version.lisp
M zippm.asd
M src/version.lisp => src/version.lisp +51 -69
@@ 1,76 1,51 @@
;; A
(defpackage #:skin.djha.zippm/version
  (:use :cl)
  (:import-from #:uiop)
  (:import-from #:alexandria)
    "A straight implementation in common lisp of the Debian Version Comparison Algorithm."))
    "Version comparison for zippm"))

(in-package #:skin.djha.zippm/version)

(defun justify
    (seq len &key make-array-args)
    "Return a vector of the given length, with the given sequence justified to
     the left."
  (let ((justified (apply #'make-array
                          (concatenate 'list
                                       (list len)
    (replace justified seq :start1 0 :end1 (min len
                                                (length seq)))

(defun rectify
    (a b &rest make-array-args)
  "Return two sequences of the same length, with the shorter one justified to
  the left."
  (let ((la (length a))
        (lb (length b))
        (maxlength (max la lb))
        (ja (if (= maxlength la) a (justify a
        (jb (if (= maxlength lb) b (justify b maxlength
    (values maxlength ja jb)))

(defparameter *nullc* (code-char 0))
(defparameter *trumpc* #\-)
(defparameter *fillerc* #\Space)

(defun nonnumeric-part-compare
    (a b)
  (if (string= a b)
          (maxlength ja jb)
          (rectify a b
                   :element-type 'char
                   :initial-element *nullc*)
        (loop for i from 0 below maxlength
              for a = (elt ja i)
              for b = (elt jb i)
              (let ((diff
                      (cond ((char= a b) 0)
                            ((char= a #\~) -1)
                            ((char= b #\~) 1)
                            ((char= a *nullc*) -1)
                            ((char= b *nullc*) 1)
                            ((and (alpha-char-p a)
                                  (not (alpha-char-p b))) -1)
                            ((and (alpha-char-p b)
                                  (not (alpha-char-p a))) 1)
                             (- (char-code a) (char-code b))))))
                (when (not (zerop diff))
                  (return diff)))
              finally (return 0)))))
  Compare two version parts which both consist entirely of
  non-digits (or are empty).
  (declare (type string a b))
  (loop with maxlength = (max (length a) (length b))
        for i from 0 below maxlength
        for ca = (if (< i (length a))
                     (elt a i)
        for cb = (if (< i (length b))
                     (elt b i)
        (let ((diff
                (cond ((char= ca cb) 0)
                      ((char= ca *trumpc*) -1)
                      ((char= cb *trumpc*) 1)
                      ((and (alpha-char-p a)
                            (not (alpha-char-p b))) -1)
                      ((and (alpha-char-p b)
                            (not (alpha-char-p a))) 1)
                       (- (char-code a) (char-code b))))))
          (when (not (zerop diff))
            (return diff)))
        finally (return 0)))

(defun numeric-part-compare
  (a b)
  "Compares two version parts, which both consist
  entirely of digits."
    (a b)
  Compares two version parts, which both consist
  entirely of digits (or are empty).
  (declare (type string a b))
  (let ((trimmed-a (string-left-trim '(#\0) a))
        (trimmed-b (string-left-trim '(#\0) b))

@@ 102,6 77,11 @@
  (declare (type string version))
    with parts = (make-array 10
                             :element-type 'string
                             :initial-element ""
                             :adjustable t
                             :fill-pointer 0)
    for i = 0 then (1+ i)
    for check = (if (zerop (mod i 2))

@@ 111,7 91,9 @@
                         (position-if check scratch)
                         (length scratch))
    while (not (zerop (length scratch)))
    collect (subseq scratch 0 next-checked)))
    (vector-push-extend (subseq scratch 0 next-checked) parts)
    finally (return parts)))

(defun epochless-vercmp (a b)

@@ 122,14 104,14 @@
      (let ((split-a (version-parts-split a))
            (split-b (version-parts-split b)))
            (maxlength ja jb)
            (rectify split-a split-b
                     :element-type 'string
                     :initial-element "")
          (loop for i = 0 then (1+ i)
                for a across ja
                for b across jb
          (loop with maxlength = (max (length split-a) (length split-b))
                for i = 0 below maxlength
                for a = (if (< i (length split-a))
                            (elt split-a i)
                for b = (if (< i (length split-b))
                            (elt split-b i)
                for cmp = (version-part-compare i a b)
                while (zerop cmp)
                finally (return cmp))))))

M tests/version.lisp => tests/version.lisp +4 -4
@@ 1,8 1,8 @@
(defpackage #:zippm/tests/version
(defpackage #:skin.djha.zippm/tests/version
  (:use #:cl
(in-package #:zippm/tests/version)
  (:import-from #:skin.djha.zippm/version))
(in-package #:skin.djha.zippm/tests/version)

;; NOTE: To run this test file, execute `(asdf:test-system :zippm)' in your Lisp.

M zippm.asd => zippm.asd +4 -2
@@ 8,7 8,8 @@
  :components ((:module "src"
                ((:file "main"))))
                ((:file "main")
                 (:file "version"))))
  :description ""
  :in-order-to ((test-op (test-op "zippm/tests"))))

@@ 20,6 21,7 @@
  :components ((:module "tests"
                ((:file "main"))))
                ((:file "main")
                 (:file "version"))))
  :description "Test system for zippm"
  :perform (test-op (op c) (symbol-call :rove :run c)))