M src/main.lisp => src/main.lisp +70 -22
@@ 7,13 7,14 @@
(in-package #:cl-user)
- #:com.djhaskin.qp (:use #:cl)
+ #:com.djhaskin.qp (:use #:cl #:arrows)
Quoted Printable Content Character Encoding Tool.
(:import-from #:com.djhaskin.nrdl)
(:import-from #:com.djhaskin.cl-i)
+ (:import-from #:cl-ppcre)
(#:nrdl #:com.djhaskin.nrdl)
(#:cl-i #:com.djhaskin.cl-i)
@@ 22,14 23,63 @@
(in-package #:com.djhaskin.qp)
+;;; `CODE-CHAR` is not portable, so here we are.
+;;; List of an ascii table in the form of an alist,
+;;; Where the key is the ascii code and the value is the character.
+(defparameter *ascii-table*
+ '((32 . " ") (10 . "\n") (9 . "\t") (13 . "\r")
+ (33 . "!") (34 . "\"") (35 . "#") (36 . "$")
+ (37 . "%") (38 . "&") (39 . "'") (40 . "(")
+ (41 . ")") (42 . "*") (43 . "+") (44 . ",")
+ (45 . "-") (46 . ".") (47 . "/") (48 . "0")
+ (49 . "1") (50 . "2") (51 . "3") (52 . "4")
+ (53 . "5") (54 . "6") (55 . "7") (56 . "8")
+ (57 . "9") (58 . ":") (59 . ";") (60 . "<")
+ (61 . "=") (62 . ">") (63 . "?") (64 . "@")
+ (65 . "A") (66 . "B") (67 . "C") (68 . "D")
+ (69 . "E") (70 . "F") (71 . "G") (72 . "H")
+ (73 . "I") (74 . "J") (75 . "K") (76 . "L")
+ (77 . "M") (78 . "N") (79 . "O") (80 . "P")
+ (81 . "Q") (82 . "R") (83 . "S") (84 . "T")
+ (85 . "U") (86 . "V") (87 . "W") (88 . "X")
+ (89 . "Y") (90 . "Z") (91 . "[") (92 . "\\")
+ (93 . "]") (94 . "^") (95 . "_") (96 . "`")
+ (97 . "a") (98 . "b") (99 . "c") (100 . "d")
+ (101 . "e") (102 . "f") (103 . "g") (104 . "h")
+ (105 . "i") (106 . "j") (107 . "k") (108 . "l")
+ (109 . "m") (110 . "n") (111 . "o") (112 . "p")
+ (113 . "q") (114 . "r") (115 . "s") (116 . "t")
+ (117 . "u") (118 . "v") (119 . "w") (120 . "x")
+ (121 . "y") (122 . "z") (123 . "{") (124 . "|")
+ (125 . "}") (126 . "~")))
+(declaim (inline replace-hex))
+(defun replace-hex (target-string
+ start end
+ match-start match-end
+ reg-starts reg-ends)
+ (declare (ignore start end match-start match-end))
+ (let ((first-capture-group (subseq target-string
+ (elt reg-starts 0)
+ (elt reg-ends 0))))
+ (cdr (assoc (parse-integer first-capture-group :radix 16)
+ *ascii-table*))
+ ))
(defun from (options)
- (declare (ignore options))
- (unless (gethash :input options)
- (error 'cl-i:exit-error :status :cl-usage-error :'
- (error "No input file specified."))
- (let* ((
- (let ((result (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
- (setf (gethash :subcommand result) "from")
+ (let ((result (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
+ (encoded (cl-i:ensure-option-exists :encoded options)))
+ (cl-ppcre:regex-replace-all
+ "=\r?\n" encoded "")
+ (cl-ppcre:regex-replace-all
+ "=([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f])"
+ encoded
+ #'replace-hex)
+ (setf (gethash :decoded result)
+ encoded)
+ (setf (gethash :status result) :successful)
(defun none (options)
@@ 41,22 91,20 @@
(defun to (options)
(declare (ignore options))
(let ((result (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
- (setf (gethash :subcommand result) "to")
+ :cc
(defparameter argv uiop:*command-line-arguments*)
(defun main (argv)
- (multiple-value-bind (code results)
- (cl-i:execute-program
- "qp"
- (cl-i:system-environment-variables)
- `((() . ,#'none)
- (("from") . ,#'from)
- (("to") . ,#'to))
- :cli-arguments argv
- :helps
- '((() . "Prints this help message.")
- (("from") . "Convert from quoted printable")
- (("to") . "Convert to quoted printable")))
- code))>
\ No newline at end of file
+ (cl-i:execute-program
+ "qp"
+ (cl-i:system-environment-variables)
+ `((() . ,#'none)
+ (("from") . ,#'from)
+ (("to") . ,#'to))
+ :cli-arguments argv
+ :helps
+ '((() . "Prints this help message.")
+ (("from") . "Convert from quoted printable")
+ (("to") . "Convert to quoted printable"))))<
\ No newline at end of file
A systems.csv => systems.csv +3 -0
@@ 0,0 1,3 @@
+cl-reexport, ghcr.io/ocicl/cl-reexport@sha256:2e8c28b522f97e15eac5802e76855ea8812891cc48fe0d046ad3a0a33b9d8329, cl-reexport-20230808-03ad7a0/cl-reexport.asd
+cl-reexport-test, ghcr.io/ocicl/cl-reexport@sha256:2e8c28b522f97e15eac5802e76855ea8812891cc48fe0d046ad3a0a33b9d8329, cl-reexport-20230808-03ad7a0/cl-reexport-test.asd
+alexandria, ghcr.io/ocicl/alexandria@sha256:2204779a9711f65532863abc61e9644c2a5a6839c4544516f19d04b699af8a7a, alexandria-20240125-8514d8e/alexandria.asd