M readme.org => readme.org +5 -2
@@ 6,8 6,6 @@ Control your data, avoid hosting character sheets online, still share them with
** todo list
*** Backlog
-**** TODO how many xp until level up?
-this could pop up
**** TODO import/export json
**** TODO Improve use of profunctor-lenses
@@ 112,3 110,8 @@ These are derived solely from the Attributes, so can be read-only
***** Data
***** UI
**** Set Attributes Manually
+**** DONE how many xp until level up?
+- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2021-05-10 Mon 18:04]
+this could pop up, or be next to the xp count (X/Y)
M src/CharSheet/XP.purs => src/CharSheet/XP.purs +30 -13
@@ 1,4 1,4 @@
-module CharSheet.XP (XP, _xp, xp, toLevel, inc, dec, toJson) where
+module CharSheet.XP (XP, _xp, xp, level, xpRequired, untilNextLevel, inc, dec, toJson) where
import Prelude
import CharSheet.Level (Level(..))
@@ 33,15 33,32 @@ dec (XP i)
toJson :: XP -> A.Json
toJson (XP i) = A.fromNumber $ I.toNumber i
-toLevel :: XP -> Level
-toLevel (XP count)
- | count < 3 = Level 1
- | count < 6 = Level 2
- | count < 12 = Level 3
- | count < 18 = Level 4
- | count < 27 = Level 5
- | count < 39 = Level 6
- | count < 54 = Level 7
- | count < 72 = Level 8
- | count < 93 = Level 9
- | otherwise = Level (10 + (count - 93) / 24)
+xpRequired :: Level -> XP
+xpRequired (Level x)
+ | x == 1 = XP 3
+ | x == 2 = XP 6
+ | x == 3 = XP 12
+ | x == 4 = XP 18
+ | x == 5 = XP 27
+ | x == 6 = XP 39
+ | x == 7 = XP 54
+ | x == 8 = XP 72
+ | x == 9 = XP 93
+ | otherwise = XP $ 93 + ((x - 10) * 24)
+level :: XP -> Level
+level (XP count) = go count 1
+ where
+ go c lvl =
+ if c < L.view _xp (xpRequired (Level lvl)) then
+ (Level lvl)
+ else
+ (go c (lvl + 1))
+untilNextLevel :: XP -> XP
+untilNextLevel x =
+ let
+ lvl = level x
+ (XP req) = xpRequired lvl
+ in
+ L.over _xp (\curr -> req - curr) x
M src/UI/Attributes.purs => src/UI/Attributes.purs +2 -4
@@ 1,7 1,6 @@
module UI.Attributes where
import Prelude
import CharSheet.Attributes as CA
import Data.Lens as L
import Effect.Class (class MonadEffect, liftEffect)
@@ 28,8 27,8 @@ component :: forall q m. MonadEffect m => H.Component q Input Message m
component =
Hooks.component \tokens i -> Hooks.do
incAttribute attr = (UpdateAttributes (L.over attr (_ + 1) i))
decAttribute attr = (UpdateAttributes (L.over attr (_ - 1) i))
handleStr = case _ of
@@ 59,7 58,6 @@ component =
handleClick = do
new <- liftEffect $ CA.fresh
Hooks.raise tokens.outputToken (UpdateAttributes new)
Hooks.pure do
[ Util.classes [ "border-b-2", "border-black", "w-32", "mt-2" ] ]
@@ 69,7 67,7 @@ component =
, HH.slot _attribute 3 UAA.component { label: "int", attribute: L.view CA._int i } handleInt
, HH.slot _attribute 4 UAA.component { label: "wis", attribute: L.view CA._wis i } handleWis
, HH.slot _attribute 5 UAA.component { label: "cha", attribute: L.view CA._cha i } handleCha
- , if CA.isEmpty i then
+ , if CA.isEmpty i then
HH.button [ HE.onClick \_ -> handleClick ] [ HH.text "Roll" ]
HH.div_ []
M src/UI/Attributes/Attribute.purs => src/UI/Attributes/Attribute.purs +34 -30
@@ 1,7 1,6 @@
module UI.Attributes.Attribute where
import Prelude
import CharSheet.Attributes as CA
import Halogen as H
import Halogen.HTML as HH
@@ 9,41 8,46 @@ import Halogen.HTML.Events as HE
import Halogen.Hooks as Hooks
import UI.Util as Util
-type Input = { label :: String
- , attribute :: Int
- }
+type Input
+ = { label :: String
+ , attribute :: Int
+ }
data Message
= Increment
| Decrement
-type Slot s = forall q. H.Slot q Message s
+type Slot s
+ = forall q. H.Slot q Message s
component :: forall q m. H.Component q Input Message m
-component = Hooks.component \tokens { label, attribute } -> Hooks.do
- let
- handleInc = do
- Hooks.raise tokens.outputToken (Increment)
- handleDec = do
- Hooks.raise tokens.outputToken (Decrement)
+component =
+ Hooks.component \tokens { label, attribute } -> Hooks.do
+ let
+ handleInc = do
+ Hooks.raise tokens.outputToken (Increment)
- Hooks.pure do
- HH.div
- [ Util.classes [ "w-40", "h-10", "border-black", "border-2", "border-b-0", "grid", "grid-cols-4", "items-center" ] ]
- [ HH.div
- [ Util.classes [ "pr-2", "border-r-2", "border-black", "block", "text-right" ] ]
- [ HH.text label ]
- , HH.div [ Util.classes [ "block", "pr-2", "text-gray-400", "text-right" ] ] [ HH.text $ show attribute ]
- , HH.div [ Util.classes [ "pr-2", "border-l-2", "border-black", "text-right" ] ] [ HH.text $ show (CA.modifier attribute) ]
- , HH.div
- [ Util.classes [ "grid", "grid-rows-2" ] ]
- [ HH.button
- [ Util.classes [ "w-4", "h-4", "border-black", "border", "flex", "justify-center", "items-center" ]
- , HE.onClick \_ -> handleInc ]
- [ HH.text "+" ]
- , HH.button
- [ Util.classes [ "w-4", "h-4", "border-black", "border", "flex", "justify-center", "items-center" ]
- , HE.onClick \_ -> handleDec]
- [ HH.text "-" ]
+ handleDec = do
+ Hooks.raise tokens.outputToken (Decrement)
+ Hooks.pure do
+ HH.div
+ [ Util.classes [ "w-40", "h-10", "border-black", "border-2", "border-b-0", "grid", "grid-cols-4", "items-center" ] ]
+ [ HH.div
+ [ Util.classes [ "pr-2", "border-r-2", "border-black", "block", "text-right" ] ]
+ [ HH.text label ]
+ , HH.div [ Util.classes [ "block", "pr-2", "text-gray-400", "text-right" ] ] [ HH.text $ show attribute ]
+ , HH.div [ Util.classes [ "pr-2", "border-l-2", "border-black", "text-right" ] ] [ HH.text $ show (CA.modifier attribute) ]
+ , HH.div
+ [ Util.classes [ "grid", "grid-rows-2" ] ]
+ [ HH.button
+ [ Util.classes [ "w-4", "h-4", "border-black", "border", "flex", "justify-center", "items-center" ]
+ , HE.onClick \_ -> handleInc
+ ]
+ [ HH.text "+" ]
+ , HH.button
+ [ Util.classes [ "w-4", "h-4", "border-black", "border", "flex", "justify-center", "items-center" ]
+ , HE.onClick \_ -> handleDec
+ ]
+ [ HH.text "-" ]
+ ]
- ]
M src/UI/Level.purs => src/UI/Level.purs +1 -1
@@ 66,7 66,7 @@ render s =
, "justify-self-start"
- [ HH.text $ show $ CX.toLevel s ]
+ [ HH.text $ show $ CX.level s ]
handleAction :: forall o m. Action -> H.HalogenM State Action () o m Unit
M src/UI/XP.purs => src/UI/XP.purs +3 -1
@@ 1,12 1,14 @@
module UI.XP where
import Prelude
import CharSheet.XP as CX
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Effect.Class (class MonadEffect)
import Halogen as H
import Halogen.HTML as HH
import Halogen.HTML.Events as HE
+import Halogen.HTML.Properties as HP
import UI.Util as Util
type Input
@@ 83,7 85,7 @@ render { xp } =
[ HH.button [ HE.onClick \_ -> Inc ] [ HH.text "+" ]
- , HH.p_ [ HH.text $ show xp ]
+ , HH.p [ HP.title $ "xp until next level: " <> show (CX.untilNextLevel xp) ] [ HH.text $ (show xp) <> "/" <> show (CX.xpRequired (CX.level xp)) ]
, HH.button [ HE.onClick \_ -> Dec ] [ HH.text "-" ]