
de38ba591ac462de61d55063fdfcc8f9ddad17b0 — Sam Marshall 3 years ago f7a86ea
docs: update readme etc
4 files changed, 81 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

M package.json
M readme.org
M scripts.org
M yarn.lock
M package.json => package.json +1 -0
@@ 9,6 9,7 @@
    "postcss": "^8.2.14",
    "postcss-modules": "^4.0.0",
    "purescript": "^0.14.1",
    "purty": "^7.0.0",
    "spago": "^0.20.1",
    "tailwindcss": "^2.1.2"

M readme.org => readme.org +70 -16
@@ 5,18 5,77 @@ a Stars Without Number p2p Character Sheet.
Control your data, avoid hosting character sheets online, still share them with your friends.

** todo list
*** DONE save sheet on update
*** Backlog
**** TODO how many xp until level up?
this could pop up
**** TODO import/export json
**** TODO Improve use of profunctor-lenses

This one might require me to understand profunctor lenses a lot better...

***** TODO Read up on profunctor-lenses
**** Model hitpoints

these are derived from your class and your level and your constitution
**** Model Inventory
Equipment, split in two ways. One way shows weapons, armour, and other all separately. The other view shows Readied, Stowed. This should include encumbrance

**** Model Hit Bonus

This relies on weapons, attack bonus, skills
**** Dice Rolling

for shooting, skills, etc
**** Model saving throws

relies on attributes and level
**** tool-tips with rules
*** Ready
**** Model Attribute Modifiers
These are derived solely from the Attributes, so can be read-only
***** Data
***** UI
**** Model Backgrounds

I won't be automating the setting of skills based on these, so that should also be explained somewhere.

**** Model Skills

Only show psychic skills for psychics.

**** Model Foci
**** Model Attack bonus
**** Model Equipment

Think this will need to be extensible, and so will need to allow user-defined equipment. Weapons, Armour and Other will likely need to be treated separately but flexibly. Possibly with extensible records?

Weapons have damage dice and stuff, armour has armour class.

**** Model Name
**** Model Goal
*** Doing
**** Model Attributes
***** Data
****** Save/Load
****** Roll
****** Manual Set
***** UI
****** Display
****** Roll
****** Set Manually
*** Done
**** DONE save sheet on update
- State "DONE"       from "TODO"       [2021-05-08 Sat 15:40]
*** DONE some styles
**** DONE some styles
- State "DONE"       from "TODO"       [2021-05-09 Sun 11:18]

going to stick to something simple for now, but some structure in the UI would be nice. Ideally, it would look like the default char sheet in the SWN rule book.

**** DONE install tailwind
***** DONE install tailwind
- State "DONE"       from "TODO"       [2021-05-08 Sat 17:02]

@@ 27,28 86,23 @@ I'm gonna use tailwind CSS...
yarn add -D postcss-modules tailwindcss

**** DONE Hook styles into HTML
***** DONE Hook styles into HTML
- State "DONE"       from "TODO"       [2021-05-08 Sat 17:02]
**** DONE Style existing components
***** DONE Style existing components
- State "DONE"       from "TODO"       [2021-05-09 Sun 11:18]
***** DONE XP component
****** DONE XP component
- State "DONE"       from "TODO"       [2021-05-09 Sun 11:18]

*** DONE UI.XP slot should have configurable id
**** DONE UI.XP slot should have configurable id
- State "DONE"       from "TODO"       [2021-05-09 Sun 11:18]
*** TODO UI.Class drop-down for selecting class
*** TODO Improve use of profunctor-lenses

This one might require me to understand profunctor lenses a lot better...

**** TODO Read up on profunctor-lenses
*** TODO how many xp until level up?
*** TODO import/export json
**** DONE UI.Class drop-down for selecting class
- State "DONE"       from "TODO"       [2021-05-09 Sun 14:10]

M scripts.org => scripts.org +5 -5
@@ 38,15 38,15 @@ $ /home/sam/Documents/code/builds-character/node_modules/.bin/parcel build ./ind
Packaging & Optimizing...
✨ Built in 6.40s
✨ Built in 6.91s

dist/index.0ebdc5d7.css                         ⚠️  3.07 MB    131ms
dist/index.0ebdc5d7.css                         ⚠️  3.07 MB    184ms
├── app.css                                         3.07 MB    6.00s
├── <no source>                                       128 B      0ms
├── Code from unknown sourcefiles                      48 B      0ms
└── %3Cinput%20css%20B9PXjF%3E                          6 B      0ms

dist/index.f0591287.js                            652.34 KB    5.48s
dist/index.e475b57a.js                            652.43 KB    5.85s
├── output/Data.Map.Internal/index.js              35.27 KB    984ms
├── output/Data.List/index.js                       17.4 KB    993ms
├── output/Data.List.Lazy/index.js                 16.62 KB    337ms

@@ 59,9 59,9 @@ dist/index.f0591287.js                            652.34 KB    5.48s
└── output/Halogen.Query.HalogenM/index.js           8.8 KB    463ms
└── + 382 more assets

dist/index.html                                       218 B    131ms
dist/index.html                                       218 B    184ms
└── index.html                                        285 B     59ms
Done in 7.30s.
Done in 7.90s.

#+name: install

M yarn.lock => yarn.lock +5 -0
@@ 5674,6 5674,11 @@ purgecss@^3.1.3:
    postcss "^8.2.1"
    postcss-selector-parser "^6.0.2"

  version "7.0.0"
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  integrity sha512-gHHghPEjRY39GUJ8KnOMRfPArJILGCXwEhX6BmEdNiLgZuCjLLBLyawGiKFjYMfy8H5Dsk5NbgwIGslrPrernA==

  version "1.5.1"
  resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/q/-/q-1.5.1.tgz#7e32f75b41381291d04611f1bf14109ac00651d7"