M readme.org => readme.org +8 -6
@@ 28,13 28,8 @@ for shooting, skills, etc
relies on attributes and level
**** tool-tips with rules
+**** Oracles of some kind
*** Ready
-**** Model Backgrounds
-I won't be automating the setting of skills based on these, so that should also be explained somewhere.
-This is basically gonna be a big old list.
**** Model Skills
Only show psychic skills for psychics.
@@ 115,3 110,10 @@ These are derived solely from the Attributes, so can be read-only
- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2021-05-10 Mon 18:04]
this could pop up, or be next to the xp count (X/Y)
+**** Model Backgrounds
+I won't be automating the setting of skills based on these, so that should also be explained somewhere.
+This is basically gonna be a big old list.
+Is it best to make a thing called a Background, and then make them into a list? I think so - I'm not sure there's value in having Backgrounds as a sum type.
M src/CharSheet.purs => src/CharSheet.purs +23 -3
@@ 4,21 4,25 @@ module CharSheet
, fromJson
, write
, _attributes
+ , _background
, _class
, _xp
) where
import Prelude
import Beaker.HyperDrive as HD
import CharSheet.Attributes as CA
+import CharSheet.Background as CB
import CharSheet.Class as CC
import CharSheet.XP as CX
import Data.Argonaut as A
+import Data.Array as Array
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Int as I
import Data.Lens as L
import Data.Lens.Index (ix)
-import Data.Maybe (Maybe)
+import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe')
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Effect.Aff (Aff, Error, error)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
@@ 29,6 33,7 @@ type Character
= { xp :: CX.XP
, class :: CC.Class
, attributes :: CA.Attributes
+ , background :: Maybe CB.Background
fresh :: Character
@@ 36,6 41,7 @@ fresh =
{ xp: CX.xp 0
, class: CC.Undecided
, attributes: CA.empty
+ , background: Nothing
fromJson :: A.Json -> Maybe Character
@@ 48,15 54,26 @@ fromJson j = do
int <- I.ceil <$> (L.preview (A._Object <<< ix "attributes" <<< A._Object <<< ix "int" <<< A._Number) j)
wis <- I.ceil <$> (L.preview (A._Object <<< ix "attributes" <<< A._Object <<< ix "wis" <<< A._Number) j)
cha <- I.ceil <$> (L.preview (A._Object <<< ix "attributes" <<< A._Object <<< ix "cha" <<< A._Number) j)
- pure $ { xp: CX.xp x, class: cl, attributes: CA.manual str dex con int wis cha }
+ bg <- (L.preview ( A._Object <<< ix "background" <<< A._String ) j)
+ let background = Array.find
+ (\b -> (L.view CB._background b) == bg)
+ CB.backgrounds
+ pure $ { xp: CX.xp x
+ , class: cl
+ , attributes: CA.manual str dex con int wis cha
+ , background
+ }
toJson :: Character -> A.Json
-toJson { xp: x, class: c, attributes: a } =
+toJson { xp: x, class: c, attributes: a, background: b } =
( Object.fromFoldable
[ Tuple "xp" (CX.toJson x)
, Tuple "class" (CC.toJson c)
, Tuple "attributes" (CA.toJson a)
+ , Tuple "background" (maybe' (\_ -> A.fromString "undecided") CB.toJson b)
@@ 79,3 96,6 @@ _class = L.lens _.class $ _ { class = _ }
_xp :: L.Lens' Character CX.XP
_xp = L.lens _.xp $ _ { xp = _ }
+_background :: L.Lens' Character (Maybe CB.Background)
+_background = L.lens _.background $ _ { background = _ }
A src/CharSheet/Background.purs => src/CharSheet/Background.purs +53 -0
@@ 0,0 1,53 @@
+module CharSheet.Background where
+import Prelude
+import Data.Argonaut as A
+import Data.Lens as L
+import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
+newtype Background
+ = Background (Tuple String String)
+_b :: L.Lens' Background (Tuple String String)
+_b = L.lens getter setter
+ where
+ getter (Background t) = t
+ setter _ nt = Background nt
+_background :: L.Lens' Background String
+_background = _b <<< L._1
+_description :: L.Lens' Background String
+_description = _b <<< L._2
+toJson :: Background -> A.Json
+toJson b = A.fromString $ L.view _background b
+background :: String -> String -> Background
+background name description = Background $ Tuple name description
+backgrounds :: Array Background
+backgrounds =
+ [ background "Barbarian" "born of a primitive world"
+ , background "Clergy" "a consecrated man or woman"
+ , background "Courtesan" "trading on pleasurable company"
+ , background "Criminal" "thief, rogue, liar, or worse"
+ , background "Dilettante" "with money if not purpose"
+ , background "Entertainer" "artful and beguilling"
+ , background "Merchant" "whether peddler or far trader"
+ , background "Noble" "by blood or by social capital"
+ , background "Official" "a functionary of some greater state"
+ , background "Peasant" "whether primitive or high-tech"
+ , background "Physician" "a healer of the sick and maimed"
+ , background "Pilot" "or rider, or sailor, or vehicle driver"
+ , background "Politician" "aspiring to leadership and control"
+ , background "Scholar" "a scientist or academic"
+ , background "Soldier" "whether mercinary or conscript"
+ , background "Spacer" "dwelling in deep space habs"
+ , background "Technician" "artisan, engineer, or builder"
+ , background "Thug" "ruffian, or strong arm of the people"
+ , background "Vagabond" "roaming without a home"
+ , background "Worker" "a cube drone or day laborer"
+ ]
M src/CharSheet/XP.purs => src/CharSheet/XP.purs +2 -1
@@ 59,6 59,7 @@ untilNextLevel :: XP -> XP
untilNextLevel x =
lvl = level x
(XP req) = xpRequired lvl
- L.over _xp (\curr -> req - curr) x
+ L.over _xp (\curr -> req - curr) x
A src/UI/Background.purs => src/UI/Background.purs +56 -0
@@ 0,0 1,56 @@
+module UI.Background where
+import Prelude
+import CharSheet.Background as CB
+import Data.Array as Array
+import Data.Lens as L
+import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe')
+import Halogen as H
+import Halogen.HTML as HH
+import Halogen.HTML.Events as HE
+import Halogen.HTML.Properties as HP
+import Halogen.Hooks as Hooks
+import UI.Util as Util
+type Input
+ = Maybe CB.Background
+data Message
+ = SetBackground CB.Background
+type Slot s
+ = forall q. H.Slot q Message s
+bkg :: forall w i. CB.Background -> HH.HTML w i
+bkg b =
+ let
+ background = L.view CB._background b
+ in
+ HH.option
+ [ HP.value background ]
+ [ HH.text background ]
+component :: forall q m. H.Component q Input Message m
+component =
+ Hooks.component \t i -> Hooks.do
+ let
+ handleValueChange value = let
+ bg = Array.find (\b -> (L.view CB._background b) == value) CB.backgrounds
+ in
+ case bg of
+ Just x -> Hooks.raise t.outputToken $ SetBackground x
+ Nothing -> pure unit
+ Hooks.pure do
+ HH.div
+ [ Util.classes [ "mb-2", "p-2", "border-2", "border-black", "w-96" ] ]
+ [ HH.label [ Util.classes [ "mr-2" ] ] [ HH.text "Background:" ]
+ , HH.select
+ [ HP.value (maybe' (\_ -> "undecided") (L.view CB._background) i)
+ , HP.title (maybe' (\_ -> "choose a background") (L.view CB._description) i)
+ , HE.onValueChange \v -> handleValueChange v
+ ]
+ (bkg <$>
+ (CB.backgrounds <> [CB.background "undecided" "choose a background"]))
+ ]
M src/UI/Class.purs => src/UI/Class.purs +3 -2
@@ 48,8 48,9 @@ initialState = identity
render :: forall m. State -> H.ComponentHTML Action () m
render s =
- [ Util.classes [ "mb-2" ] ]
- [ HH.select
+ [ Util.classes [ "mb-2", "p-2", "border-2", "border-black", "w-96" ] ]
+ [ HH.label [ Util.classes [ "mr-2" ] ] [ HH.text "Class:" ]
+ , HH.select
[ HP.value $ CC.toString s
, HE.onValueChange
( \str -> case CC.fromString str of
M src/UI/Entry.purs => src/UI/Entry.purs +15 -0
@@ 1,6 1,7 @@
module UI.Entry where
import Prelude
import CharSheet as C
import CharSheet.XP as CXP
import Data.Lens as L
@@ 10,6 11,7 @@ import Halogen as H
import Halogen.HTML as HH
import Type.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import UI.Attributes as UA
+import UI.Background as UB
import UI.Class as UC
import UI.Level as UILevel
import UI.Util as Util
@@ 31,12 33,14 @@ data Action
= XPOutput UIXP.Output
| ChangeClass UC.Output
| ChangeAttributes UA.Message
+ | ChangeBackground UB.Message
type Slots
= ( xp :: (UIXP.Slot Unit)
, lvl :: (UILevel.Slot Unit)
, class :: (UC.Slot Unit)
, attributes :: (UA.Slot Unit)
+ , background :: (UB.Slot Unit)
_xp = Proxy :: Proxy "xp"
@@ 47,6 51,8 @@ _class = Proxy :: Proxy "class"
_attributes = Proxy :: Proxy "attributes"
+_background = Proxy :: Proxy "background"
component :: forall m. MonadEffect m => H.Component Query Input Output m
component =
@@ 71,6 77,8 @@ render state =
cl = L.view C._class state
attr = L.view C._attributes state
+ background = L.view C._background state
[ Util.classes
@@ 83,12 91,19 @@ render state =
[ HH.slot _class unit UC.component cl ChangeClass
+ , HH.div [ Util.classes [ ]] [ HH.slot _background unit UB.component background ChangeBackground ]
, HH.div [ Util.classes [ "grid", "grid-cols-2", "w-1/2" ] ] [ HH.slot _xp unit UIXP.component { xp } XPOutput, HH.slot_ _lvl unit UILevel.component xp ]
, HH.slot _attributes unit UA.component attr ChangeAttributes
handleAction :: forall m. MonadEffect m => Action -> H.HalogenM State Action Slots Output m Unit
handleAction = case _ of
+ ChangeBackground output -> do
+ case output of
+ UB.SetBackground bg -> do
+ H.modify_ $ L.set C._background (Just bg)
+ c <- H.get
+ H.raise $ Save c
ChangeAttributes output -> do
case output of
UA.UpdateAttributes as -> do
M src/UI/XP.purs => src/UI/XP.purs +0 -1
@@ 1,7 1,6 @@
module UI.XP where
import Prelude
import CharSheet.XP as CX
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Effect.Class (class MonadEffect)