A readme.org => readme.org +6 -0
@@ 0,0 1,6 @@
+* Builds Character
+a Stars Without Number p2p Character Sheet.
+** todo list
+*** TODO save sheet on update
M scripts.org => scripts.org +5 -5
@@ 11,9 11,9 @@ $ /home/sam/Documents/code/builds-character/node_modules/.bin/parcel build ./ind
Packaging & Optimizing...
-✨ Built in 9.08s
+✨ Built in 7.40s
-dist/index.17404c54.js 622.92 KB 5.98s
+dist/index.1b2e5459.js 644.66 KB 6.28s
├── output/Data.Map.Internal/index.js 35.27 KB 45ms
├── output/Data.List/index.js 17.4 KB 55ms
├── output/Data.List.Lazy/index.js 16.62 KB 57ms
@@ 24,11 24,11 @@ dist/index.17404c54.js 622.92 KB 5.98s
├── output/Data.Array/index.js 10.15 KB 47ms
├── output/Data.FoldableWithIndex/index.js 9.86 KB 44ms
└── output/Halogen.Query.HalogenM/index.js 8.8 KB 193ms
-└── + 360 more assets
+└── + 377 more assets
-dist/index.html 152 B 148ms
+dist/index.html 152 B 174ms
└── index.html 194 B 53ms
-Done in 10.07s.
+Done in 8.67s.
#+name: launch-project
M src/CharSheet.purs => src/CharSheet.purs +7 -1
@@ 1,4 1,4 @@
-module CharSheet (Character(..), fresh, fromJson, write, xp) where
+module CharSheet (Character(..), fresh, fromJson, write, xp, setXP, modifyXP) where
import Prelude
@@ 22,6 22,12 @@ fresh = Character { xp : XP.xp 0 }
xp :: Character -> XP.XP
xp (Character { xp: x }) = x
+modifyXP :: (XP.XP -> XP.XP) -> Character -> Character
+modifyXP f (Character c) = Character $ c { xp = ( f c.xp ) }
+setXP :: Character -> XP.XP -> Character
+setXP (Character c) x = Character $ c { xp = x }
fromJson :: A.Json -> Maybe Character
fromJson j = do
x <- I.ceil <$> (L.preview (A._Object <<< ix "xp" <<< A._Number) j)
A src/CharSheet/Level.purs => src/CharSheet/Level.purs +8 -0
@@ 0,0 1,8 @@
+module CharSheet.Level where
+import Prelude
+newtype Level = Level Int
+instance showLevel :: Show Level where
+ show (Level int) = "Level: " <> show int
M src/CharSheet/XP.purs => src/CharSheet/XP.purs +14 -8
@@ 1,15 1,13 @@
-module CharSheet.XP (XP, Level, _xp, xp, level) where
+module CharSheet.XP (XP, _xp, xp, toLevel, inc, dec) where
import Prelude
+import CharSheet.Level (Level(..))
newtype XP = XP Int
-newtype Level = Level Int
instance showXP :: Show XP where
- show (XP int) = show int
-instance showLevel :: Show Level where
- show (Level int) = show int
+ show (XP int) = "XP: " <> show int
_xp :: XP -> Int
_xp (XP i) = i
@@ 17,8 15,16 @@ _xp (XP i) = i
xp :: Int -> XP
xp = XP
-level :: XP -> Level
-level (XP count)
+inc :: XP -> XP
+inc (XP i) = XP (i + 1)
+dec :: XP -> XP
+dec (XP i)
+ | i > 0 = XP (i - 1)
+ | otherwise = XP i
+toLevel :: XP -> Level
+toLevel (XP count)
| count < 3 = Level 1
| count < 6 = Level 2
| count < 12 = Level 3
M src/Main.purs => src/Main.purs +6 -1
@@ 4,6 4,7 @@ import Prelude
import Beaker.HyperDrive as BHD
import CharSheet as C
+import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, launchAff_)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
@@ 13,7 14,7 @@ import Halogen.Aff as HA
import Halogen.VDom.Driver (runUI)
import UI.Entry as Entry
-entry :: forall q o. Aff (H.HalogenIO q o Aff)
+entry :: forall o. Aff (H.HalogenIO Entry.Query o Aff)
entry = do
body <- HA.awaitBody
@@ 25,4 26,8 @@ main = launchAff_ do
ui <- entry
json <- C.fromJson <$> BHD.readFileJSON "/data.json"
+ _ <- case json of
+ Just c -> ui.query $ H.mkTell $ Entry.Load c
+ Nothing -> pure Nothing
liftEffect $ Console.logShow "Done"
M src/UI/Entry.purs => src/UI/Entry.purs +36 -7
@@ 3,26 3,55 @@ module UI.Entry where
import Prelude
import CharSheet as C
+import CharSheet.XP as CXP
+import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
+import Effect.Class (class MonadEffect)
import Halogen as H
import Halogen.HTML as HH
+import Type.Proxy (Proxy(..))
+import UI.Level as UILevel
import UI.XP as UIXP
type State = C.Character
type Input = C.Character
-data Action = Update Input
+data Query a = Load Input a
-component :: forall q o m. H.Component q Input o m
+data Action =
+ XPOutput UIXP.Output
+type Slots = ( xp :: UIXP.Slot
+ , lvl :: (UILevel.Slot Unit)
+ )
+_xp = Proxy :: Proxy "xp"
+_lvl = Proxy :: Proxy "lvl"
+component :: forall m o. MonadEffect m => H.Component Query Input o m
component = H.mkComponent { initialState
, render
- , eval : H.mkEval $ H.defaultEval { handleAction = handleAction }}
+ , eval : H.mkEval $ H.defaultEval { handleQuery = handleQuery
+ , handleAction = handleAction }}
initialState :: Input -> State
initialState = identity
-render :: forall w i. State -> HH.HTML w i
-render state = HH.div_ [ UIXP.component $ C.xp state ]
+render :: forall m. MonadEffect m => State -> H.ComponentHTML Action Slots m
+render state = let
+ xp = C.xp state
+ in
+ HH.div_ [ HH.slot _xp 0 UIXP.component { xp } XPOutput
+ , HH.slot_ _lvl unit UILevel.component xp ]
-handleAction :: forall o m. Action -> H.HalogenM State Action () o m Unit
+handleAction :: forall o m. MonadEffect m => Action -> H.HalogenM State Action Slots o m Unit
handleAction = case _ of
- Update c -> H.modify_ \_ -> c
+ XPOutput output -> case output of
+ UIXP.IncXP -> do
+ H.modify_ $ C.modifyXP CXP.inc
+ UIXP.DecXP -> H.modify_ $ C.modifyXP CXP.dec
+handleQuery :: forall a m o. Query a -> H.HalogenM State Action Slots o m (Maybe a)
+handleQuery = case _ of
+ Load c a -> do
+ H.modify_ \_ -> c
+ pure (Just a)
A src/UI/Level.purs => src/UI/Level.purs +34 -0
@@ 0,0 1,34 @@
+module UI.Level where
+import Prelude
+import CharSheet.XP as CX
+import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
+import Halogen as H
+import Halogen.HTML as HH
+type Input = CX.XP
+type State = CX.XP
+data Action = Update Input
+type Slot s = forall q o. H.Slot q o s
+component :: forall q o m. H.Component q Input o m
+component = H.mkComponent { initialState
+ , render
+ , eval : H.mkEval $ H.defaultEval { handleAction = handleAction
+ , receive = Just <<< Update
+ }
+ }
+initialState :: Input -> State
+initialState = identity
+render :: forall a m. State -> H.ComponentHTML a () m
+render s = HH.div_ [ HH.text $ show $ CX.toLevel s ]
+handleAction :: forall o m. Action -> H.HalogenM State Action () o m Unit
+handleAction = case _ of
+ Update xp -> do
+ H.modify_ $ const xp
M src/UI/XP.purs => src/UI/XP.purs +38 -3
@@ 3,8 3,43 @@ module UI.XP where
import Prelude
import CharSheet.XP as CX
+import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
+import Effect.Class (class MonadEffect)
+import Effect.Console as Console
+import Halogen as H
import Halogen.HTML as HH
+import Halogen.HTML.Events as HE
--- component to display XP
-component :: forall w i. CX.XP -> HH.HTML w i
-component xp = HH.p_ [ HH.text $ "XP: " <> show xp ]
+type Input = { xp :: CX.XP }
+type State = { xp :: CX.XP }
+data Output = IncXP
+ | DecXP
+data Action = Inc | Dec | Update Input
+type Slot = forall query. H.Slot query Output Int
+component :: forall q m. MonadEffect m => H.Component q Input Output m
+component = H.mkComponent { initialState
+ , render
+ , eval : H.mkEval $ H.defaultEval { handleAction = handleAction
+ , receive = Just <<< Update
+ }
+ }
+initialState :: Input -> State
+initialState = identity
+render :: forall m. State -> H.ComponentHTML Action () m
+render { xp } = HH.div_ [ HH.button [ HE.onClick \_ -> Inc ] [ HH.text "+" ]
+ , HH.p_ [ HH.text $ show xp ]
+ , HH.button [ HE.onClick \_ -> Dec ] [ HH.text "-" ]
+ ]
+handleAction :: forall m. MonadEffect m => Action -> H.HalogenM State Action () Output m Unit
+handleAction = case _ of
+ Inc -> H.raise IncXP
+ Dec -> H.raise DecXP
+ Update xp -> do
+ H.modify_ $ const xp