@@ 1,25 1,52 @@
#+name: build-project
#+begin_src shell :results output verbatim
+rm ./dist/*.js ./dist/*.js.map
spago build
yarn parcel build ./index.html
+#+begin_src shell :results output verbatim
+ls -1 ./dist
+: data.json
+: index.0ebdc5d7.css
+: index.0ebdc5d7.css.map
+: index.ec156435.js
+: index.ec156435.js.map
+: index.html
#+RESULTS: build-project
+Warning found:
+in module UI.Entry
+at src/UI/Entry.purs:11:1 - 11:37 (line 11, column 1 - line 11, column 37)
+ The qualified import of Halogen.HTML.Properties as HP is redundant
+See https://github.com/purescript/documentation/blob/master/errors/UnusedImport.md for more information,
+or to contribute content related to this warning.
yarn run v1.22.10
$ /home/sam/Documents/code/builds-character/node_modules/.bin/parcel build ./index.html
Packaging & Optimizing...
-✨ Built in 6.27s
+✨ Built in 6.40s
-dist/index.0ebdc5d7.css ⚠️ 3.07 MB 105ms
+dist/index.0ebdc5d7.css ⚠️ 3.07 MB 131ms
├── app.css 3.07 MB 6.00s
├── <no source> 128 B 0ms
├── Code from unknown sourcefiles 48 B 0ms
└── %3Cinput%20css%20B9PXjF%3E 6 B 0ms
-dist/index.115142ed.js 649.14 KB 5.30s
+dist/index.f0591287.js 652.34 KB 5.48s
├── output/Data.Map.Internal/index.js 35.27 KB 984ms
├── output/Data.List/index.js 17.4 KB 993ms
├── output/Data.List.Lazy/index.js 16.62 KB 337ms
@@ 30,11 57,11 @@ dist/index.115142ed.js 649.14 KB 5.30s
├── output/Data.Array/index.js 10.15 KB 455ms
├── output/Data.FoldableWithIndex/index.js 9.86 KB 808ms
└── output/Halogen.Query.HalogenM/index.js 8.8 KB 463ms
-└── + 380 more assets
+└── + 382 more assets
-dist/index.html 218 B 105ms
+dist/index.html 218 B 131ms
└── index.html 285 B 59ms
-Done in 7.15s.
+Done in 7.30s.
#+name: install