# mataroa Naked blogging platform. ## Community We have a mailing list at [~sirodoht/mataroa-community@lists.sr.ht](mailto:~sirodoht/mataroa-community@lists.sr.ht) for the mataroa community to introduce themselves, their blogs, and discuss anything that’s on their mind! Archives at [lists.sr.ht/~sirodoht/mataroa-community](https://lists.sr.ht/~sirodoht/mataroa-community) ### Tools [Victor Freire](https://freire.dev.br/) has created [mata](https://git.sr.ht/~glorifiedgluer/mata/), a CLI tool for Mataroa. ## Contributing Feel free to open a PR on [GitHub](https://github.com/mataroa-blog/mataroa) or send an email patch to [~sirodoht/public-inbox@lists.sr.ht](mailto:~sirodoht/public-inbox@lists.sr.ht). On how to contribute using email patches see [git-send-email.io](https://git-send-email.io/). Also checkout our docs on: * [Git Commit Message Guidelines](docs/commit-messages.md) * [File Structure Walkthrough](docs/file-structure-walkthrough.md) * [Dependencies](docs/dependencies.md) * [Server Playbook](docs/server-playbook.md) * [Admin and Moderation](docs/admin-moderation.md) ## Development This is a [Django](https://www.djangoproject.com/) codebase. Check out the [Django docs](https://docs.djangoproject.com/) for general technical documentation. ### Structure The Django project is [`mataroa`](mataroa). There is one Django app, [`main`](main), with all business logic. Application CLI commands are generally divided into two categories, those under `python manage.py` and those under `make`. ### Dependencies ``` python3 -m venv .venv source .venv/bin/activate pip install -r requirements_dev.txt pip install -r requirements.txt ``` ### Environment variables A file named `.envrc` is used to define the environment variables required for this project to function. One can either export it directly or use [direnv](https://github.com/direnv/direnv). There is an example environment file one can copy as base: ```sh cp .envrc.example .envrc ``` `.envrc` should contain the following variables: ```sh export DEBUG=1 export SECRET_KEY=some-secret-key export DATABASE_URL=postgres://mataroa:db-password@db:5432/mataroa export EMAIL_HOST_USER=smtp-user export EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD=smtp-password ``` When on production, also include/update the following variables (see [Deployment](#Deployment) and [Backup](#Backup)): ```sh export DEBUG=0 export PGPASSWORD=db-password ``` ### Database This project is using one PostreSQL database for persistence. One can use the `make pginit` command to initialise a database in the `postgres-data/` directory. After setting the `DATABASE_URL` ([see above](#environment-variables)), create the database schema with: ```sh python manage.py migrate ``` Initialising the database with some sample development data is possible with: ```sh python manage.py loaddata dev-data ``` * `dev-data` is defined in [`main/fixtures/dev-data.json`](main/fixtures/dev-data.json) * Credentials of the fixtured user are `admin` / `admin`. ### Subdomains To develop locally with subdomains, one needs something like this in their `/etc/hosts`: ``` mataroalocal.blog random.mataroalocal.blog test.mataroalocal.blog mylocalusername.mataroalocal.blog ``` `/etc/hosts` does not support wildcard entries, thus there needs to be one entry per mataroa user/blog. ### Serve To run the Django development server: ```sh python manage.py runserver ``` ### Docker If Docker and docker-compose are preferred, then: 1. Set `DATABASE_URL` in `.envrc` to `postgres://postgres:postgres@db:5432/postgres` 1. Run `docker-compose up -d`. The database data will be saved in the git-ignored directory / Docker volume `docker-postgres-data`, located in the root of the project. ## Testing Using the Django test runner: ```sh python manage.py test ``` For coverage, run: ```sh make cov ``` ## Code linting & formatting The following tools are used for code linting and formatting: * [black](https://github.com/psf/black) for code formatting * [isort](https://github.com/pycqa/isort) for imports order consistency * [flake8](https://gitlab.com/pycqa/flake8) for code linting * [shellcheck](https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck) for shell scripts To use: ```sh make format make lint ``` ## Deployment Deployment is configured using [uWSGI](https://uwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) and [Caddy](https://caddyserver.com/). A [server playbook](/docs/server-playbook.md) document is also available, based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Environment variables for production are defined both in `uwsgi.ini` (for uWSGI) and in `.envrc` (for manage.py commands such as migrations and cron management commands). ```sh cp uwsgi.example.ini uwsgi.ini # edit environment variables in uwsgi.ini uwsgi uwsgi.ini # start djago app caddy start --config /home/roa/mataroa/Caddyfile # start caddy server ``` To reload or stop the uWSGI process: ```sh uwsgi --reload mataroa.pid uwsgi --stop mataroa.pid # or find the PID and kill that directly ps aux|grep uwsgi kill -9 ``` To reload or store the Caddy webserver: ```sh caddy reload --config /home/roa/mataroa/Caddyfile caddy stop ``` Also, two cronjobs (used by the email newsletter feature) need to be installed. The schedule is subject to the administrator’s preference. Indicatively: ```sh */5 * * * * bash -c 'cd /home/roa/mataroa && source ./venv/bin/activate && source .envrc && python manage.py enqueue_notifications' */10 * * * * bash -c 'cd /home/roa/mataroa && source ./venv/bin/activate && source .envrc && python manage.py process_notifications' 0 0 1 * * bash -c 'cd /home/roa/mataroa && source ./venv/bin/activate && source .envrc && python manage.py mail_exports' ``` Documentation about these commands can be found in section [Management](#Management). Finally, certain [setting variables](mataroa/settings.py) may need to be redefined: * `ADMINS` * `CANONICAL_HOST` * `EMAIL_HOST` and `EMAIL_HOST_BROADCAST` ## Backup To automate backup, one can run [`backup-database.sh`](backup-database.sh) which dumps the database and uploads it into any S3-compatible object storage cloud using the [MinIO client](https://min.io/). This script needs the database password as an environment variable. The key must be `PGPASSWORD`. The variable can live in `.envrc` as such: ```sh export PGPASSWORD=db-password ``` To restore a database dump: ```sh pg_restore -v -h localhost -cO --if-exists -d mataroa -U mataroa -W mataroa.dump ``` To add on cron: ```sh 0 */6 * * * /home/roa/mataroa/backup-database.sh ``` ## Management In addition to the standard Django management commands, there are also: * `enqueue_notifications`: create records for notification emails to be sent. * `process_notifications`: sends notification emails for new blog posts of existing records. * `mail_exports`: emails users of their blog exports. They are triggered using the standard `manage.py` Django way; eg: ```sh python manage.py enqueue_notifications ``` ## Billing One can deploy mataroa without setting up billing functionalities. This is the default case. To handle payments and subscriptions this project uses [Stripe](https://stripe.com/). To enable Stripe and payments, one needs to have a Stripe account with a single [Product](https://stripe.com/docs/billing/prices-guide) (eg. "Mataroa Premium Plan"). To configure, add the following variables from your Stripe account to your `.envrc`: ```sh export STRIPE_API_KEY="sk_test_XXX" export STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY="pk_test_XXX" export STRIPE_PRICE_ID="price_XXX" ``` ## License This software is licensed under the MIT license. For more information, read the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file.