
958bed0fb399a104ca263bc1458ba6ff89a73698 — Drew DeVault 7 months ago 41f7841
Announce Discourse instance
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@@ 4,6 4,11 @@
  url = "learn/"

  name = "Community"
  weight = 5
  url = "https://discourse.writefreesoftware.org"

  name = "Blog"
  weight = 5
  url = "blog/"

A content/blog/community-discourse.md => content/blog/community-discourse.md +63 -0
@@ 0,0 1,63 @@
author = "Drew DeVault"
title = "A new community space for discussing free software"
date = "2024-03-20"
description = "Introducing our Discourse community"
tags = ["meta"]
image = "discourse.jpg"

The purpose of this website is to enrich the free software community by making
it easier to participate and understand the principles and practices underlying
the free software movement. We provide [in-depth and accessible information](/)
regarding these topics to introduce new members to our movement, explaining what
free software is and how free software works in accessible terms. This content
has done a great job at on-boarding people into free software and even in
helping existing members of the community find a deeper understanding of the

However, free software is *participatory*. We cannot promote its interests with
a static presentation of text or a one-way dialogue from us to you. We want
"*we*" to include *you*. To this end, we've set up a forum for the purpose of
discussing free software at [discourse.writefreesoftware.org][0], where all
people, regardless of background, are welcomed and encouraged to be a part of a
supportive, inclusive community of peers.

[0]: https://discourse.writefreesoftware.org

If you read the main articles on free software here and came away with questions
or feedback, the Discourse is the right place to go (check the Site Feedback
section). But, moreover, if you read these articles and came away wanting a
deeper connection to a *community*, this is the place for you. Questions about
how licenses work and which one is right for your project, discussions about the
tools we use to build free software, information about funding opportunities for
your project and help writing your grant applications -- it's all here, and more
importantly it's a social place where we can build solidarity and friendships,
which are the bedrock of a strong political movement.

Please sign up to join us, [introduce yourself][1], and find a few discussions
to participate in. The success of this community will depend on its early
members taking an **active role** in building it -- so don't be shy! We're
depending on you.

[1]: https://discourse.writefreesoftware.org/t/introduce-yourself/14

Finally, a note on community safety. This is a moderated community and is
an inclusive, safe space for all people regardless of background, race, sex or
sexual identity, gender or gender expression, visible or invisible disability,
nationality, level of experience, and so on. We have established a [code of
conduct](/conduct) and we expect people to participate compassionately and

We are aware that the free software community as a whole is no exception to
problems of representation and empowerment. Part of the purpose of our community
is to establish powerful spaces where these problems are not present, and
through this build strength and solidarity as the foundation of a stronger
political movement for free software. To this end we are taking pains to
establish a diverse and intersectional, but also compassionate and patient, team
of moderators to oversee our community, with a political awareness that extends
further than a simple understanding of free software liberation and includes
solidarity against all struggles for liberation, particularly those which our
movement has often left behind.

We're looking forward to seeing you there!

A static/images/discourse.jpg => static/images/discourse.jpg +0 -0