
0ac76ef5a0ae9acf522eb3fe5c441f1e013ae4cb — Conrad Hoffmann 2 months ago 2860173
ops: remove mention of aggregation gateway

It's not been a thing for a while now, and we likely won't need it in
the future.
1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

M ops/monitoring.md
M ops/monitoring.md => ops/monitoring.md +0 -6
@@ 21,12 21,6 @@ Our Prometheus instance is publically available at
A pushgateway is running at push.metrics.srht.network. It's firewalled to only
accept connections from [our subnet](/ops/topology.md).

# Aggregation gateway

is running at aggr.metrics.sr.ht. It's firewalled to only accept connections
from [our subnet](/ops/topology.md).

# Alertmanager

We use alertmanager to forward [alerts](https://metrics.srht.networks/alerts)