
019fec4468d712dab205847b79bdd169cc9f0a0b — Max Zettlmeißl 20 days ago 93f98ec
meta.sr.ht: Remove a dead link and suggest maintained programs
1 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

M meta.sr.ht/index.md
M meta.sr.ht/index.md => meta.sr.ht/index.md +6 -4
@@ 25,10 25,12 @@ authentication and view the audit log.
## Two-factor authentication

Presently, only
[TOTP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time-based_One-time_Password_Algorithm) is
supported for two-factor authentication. Our recommended token software is
[andOTP](https://f-droid.org/packages/org.shadowice.flocke.andotp/), but others
like Google Authenticator will also work.
is supported for two-factor authentication. Any TOTP software should work
(e. g. [Aegis Authenticator](https://f-droid.org/packages/com.beemdevelopment.aegis/),
or Google Authenticator) because sr.ht currently uses the first iteration of
the TOTP parameters.

To enable TOTP, click "Enable TOTP" and scan the QR code with your TOTP app.
Enter a valid code to enable TOTP. Note that once enabled, you will not be able