
A webring for static site generators
Improve error messaging
796f27cf — Ebrahim Nejati 1 year, 6 months ago
Add BIDI support
Improve licensing details



You can also use your local clone with git send-email.


This is a tool for generating a webring from RSS feeds, so you can link to other blogs you like on your own blog. It's designed to be fairly simple and integrate with any static site generator. The basic usage is:

openring \
  -s https://drewdevault.com/feed.xml \
  -s https://emersion.fr/blog/rss.xml \
  -s https://danluu.com/atom.xml \
  < in.html \
  > out.html

This will read the template at in.html (an example is provided, but feel free to adjust it to suit your needs), fetch the latest 3 articles from among your sources, and pass them to the template and write the output to out.html. Then you can include this file with your static site generator's normal file include mechanism.


Want to help? Send patches to the mailing list: ~sircmpwn/public-inbox@lists.sr.ht. Thanks!

Screenshot of a generated web ring

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