
0.8 6 months ago .tar.gz browse log

himitsu 0.8

Notable changes:

* himitsud now supports remembering consent for clients with persistent
  connections upon client request.
* Readiness notification support for himitsud (-R)
* the secret store can be (soft) locked using hiq

Armin Preiml (36):
      secstore: reset store entries on lock
      himitsu-store: fix os::create usage
      Makefile: install himitsu/README
      himitsu::client::next: return done when done
      secstore: err instead abort on add empty value
      secstore: remove obsolete assert
      prompter: parse version as u32
      himitsud: refactor prompter into separate struct
      himitsu::query: add is_sub, is_equal
      document remember options and the persist command
      add remember options as module
      add remember support to prompter
      secstore: export entry_match and add entry_to_query
      himitsud: implement remember support for query
      himitsud: implement persist
      himtsud: error instead of abort on invalid command
      himtsud: add lock command
      prompt: set stderr to nullfd
      himitsud: message on lock
      document the lock ipc
      himitsu-ipc docs: remove trailing spaces
      hiq: add soft/hard-lock
      add status ipc command
      himitsu::remember: parse and encode options
      himitsu::query: add unparsestr
      himitsud: properly remember refuse on persist.
      fix strings::split leaks
      replace some bufio::read_line calls with scanners
      document client::options
      docs: add -R to himitsud synopsis

Drew DeVault (2):
      all: add some light hardening
      docs/security.txt: document security model

Hugo Osvaldo Barrera (4):
      Properly handle duplicate keys in hiq queries
      Return number of bytes written in secstore::write
      Use new for-each loops where it makes sense
      Implement readiness notification

Lennart Jablonka (2):
      hipromt-tty: don't hardcode the value of TIOCSPGRP
      himitsu-store: write newline at end of config.ini

kurth4cker (3):
      Makefile: simplify by using multiple targets
      Makefile: fix hiprompt-tty cleaning and uninstallation

0.7 8 months ago .tar.gz browse log

himitsu 0.7

This release fixes a bug, where the himitsu store is cleared when trying
to delete an empty key.

Armin Preiml (3):
      secstore: strict query support for delete
      docs: add -s to hiq synopsis
      secstore: do not allow adding empty entries

Lennart Jablonka (3):
      don't depend on keystore::key's underlying type
      Makefile: don't use $< in non-suffix-rules
      himitsud: use self-pipe instead of signalfd

0.6 1 year, 11 days ago .tar.gz browse log

himitsu 0.6

This release fixes a bug that causes himitsud to crash,
if it still had duplicate keys that where created before
the 0.5 release.

Armin Preiml (1):
      secstore: introduce compatibility query mode

0.5 1 year, 2 months ago .tar.gz browse log

himitsu 0.5

Starting with this release duplicate keys aren't allowed in queries
anymore. Also secstore does not allow duplicate entries. An entry is a
duplicate if there exists another one withe the same set of keys and all
the public key/value pairs have the same values.

A strict query mode has been introduces. If applied, only entries with
the same set of keys as the query are matched. It can be enabled with -s
in hiq.

API changes:
      * himitsu::client::next will return the parsed query instead of a string
      * add and delete support now the strict query option -s

Alexey Yerin (3):
      himitsu::query: Use sort::cmp::strs
      himitsu::query: Add parse_str convenience function
      himitsu::client: Return a parsed query instead of a string from next

Armin Preiml (5):
      query_parse: finish query on error
      clear private query data on finish
      query: do not allow duplicate keys
      implement the strict query option (-s)
      enforce unique entries

Pinghao Wu (1):
      himitsu-store: correctly restore termios

0.4 1 year, 3 months ago .tar.gz browse log

himitsu 0.4

This release introduces a new master key format. A now fixed bug in the argon2
implementation makes the old master key format obsolete. All users are
asked to re-generate the master key by using `himitsu-store -r`.

Breaking changes:
 * The himitsu-init command has been renamed to himitsu-store

Alexey Yerin (4):
      Fix compilation with new stdlib
      Fix compilation with new stdlib
      crypto::argon2bug: correctly erase h0
      himitsud: Fix some minor memory leaks

Armin Preiml (18):
      move encryption into separate fn
      secstore: encrypted master key
      secstore: vendor buggy argon2 implementation
      add re-encryption support
      himitsu-init: check if secstore exists on init
      docs: describe -r flag of himitsu-init
      config: fail if no prompter defined
      Revert "hiq: use himitsu::client to connect to daemon"
      clean docs on make clean
      rename himitsu-init to himitsu-store
      use himitsu-store -i to initialize a new keystore
      himitsud: make sure prompter is closed on delete
      update latest stdlib changes
      fix failed memio migration of hiprompt-tty
      fix non exhaustive switches
      update bufio changes in stdlib
      himitsu-store: guide user through re-encryption
      himitsu-store: allow passsword change during re-encrypt

Drew DeVault (2):
      hiprompt-tty: new command
      hiprompt-tty: s/@noreturn/never/

Pinghao Wu (1):
      himitsud: query: improve prompter closing

Sam Nystrom (6):
      himitsud: recover from crashes
      all: improve error messages
      hiq: use himitsu::client to connect to daemon
      secstore: add function to remove the store
      himitsu-init: prompt before overwriting secstore
      hiq: use himitsu::client to run queries

0.3 1 year, 11 months ago .tar.gz browse log

himitsu 0.3

Alexey Yerin (1):
      himitsud: correctly handle query::invalid in exec()

Drew DeVault (2):
      hiq: update os::stderr_file
      himitsu::query: add unparse

0.2 2 years ago .tar.gz browse log

himitsu 0.2

Hugo Osvaldo Barrera (2):
      himitsu::client: Add `quit` operation
      cmd/hiq: Reuse `operation` for himitsu::client

Julian Hurst (1):
      docs: fix example in hiq manpage

Lennart Jablonka (1):
      docs: let name lines conform to conventions

Sebastian (1):
      docs: fix typos

Vlad-Stefan Harbuz (3):
      all: update strings::fromutf8 usage
      hiq: add missing use statement
      README: add mailing list

0.1 2 years ago .tar.gz browse log

himitsu 0.1

Initial release
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