assert on nomem
content: also try [autocomplete] to find inputs
client::next: handle done
This is a Firefox add-on that provides integration with Himitsu.
The Himitsu Hare libraries must be installed in your HAREPATH, ideally via a
package called himitsu-dev
or similar from your downstream software
Run make
to build the native component and add-on.
To install the native messaging component, run make install-native
as root.
To install the add-on for Firefox ESR, run make install-xpi
. Be advised that
this will probably not work. The recommended installation procedure for the
native extension is to install it from instead.
You can temporarily load this add-on for debugging purposes by navigating to about:addons and loading the manifest.json file at the root of this repository.
Certain Firefox releases (notably Firefox Developer Edition) allow you to load unsigned add-ons permanently. Set "xpinstall.signatures.required" to false in about:config and then load the XPI file via about:addons.
So long as himitsu-firefox has been active in the past 90 days, you may obtain the latest unsigned XPI build from the most recent job: