aarch64: the TLB isn't /that/ important, right
1 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) M arch/mem/+aarch64/virt.ha
M arch/mem/+aarch64/virt.ha => arch/mem/+aarch64/virt.ha +7 -6
@@ 175,12 175,13 @@ export fn invalidate( vaddr: uintptr, last: bool, ) void = { const x1 = vaddr | (asid: uintptr << 48); if (last) { arch::tlbi_vale1(x1); } else { arch::tlbi_vae1(x1); }; arch::invlall(); // TODO: fix me //const x1 = vaddr | (asid: uintptr << 48); //if (last) { // arch::tlbi_vale1(x1); //} else { // arch::tlbi_vae1(x1); //}; }; // Returns the [[pte]] for a given virtual address in the L0 table.