
d94f355481a320fb2aec13ef62cb3bfe2416f5e4 — Sebastian 1 year, 12 days ago 141cf68
math::complex: clarify isnan behavior

Signed-off-by: Sebastian <sebastian@sebsite.pw>
1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

M math/complex/complex.ha
M math/complex/complex.ha => math/complex/complex.ha +2 -1
@@ 164,7 164,8 @@ export fn expc128(z: c128) c128 = {
// Returns true if the given complex number is infinite.
export fn isinf(z: c128) bool = math::isinf(z.0) || math::isinf(z.1);

// Returns true if the given complex number is NaN.
// Returns true if the given complex number is NaN -- that is -- either
// component is NaN and neither component is an infinity.
export fn isnan(z: c128) bool =
	!isinf(z) && (math::isnan(z.0) || math::isnan(z.1));