
1989e4a86d25e85aa548d84f68dbfa6c67315e84 — Haelwenn (lanodan) Monnier 2 years ago 0495f2e
os::exec: Add unsetenv function
1 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

M os/exec/cmd.ha
M os/exec/cmd.ha => os/exec/cmd.ha +12 -3
@@ 90,11 90,11 @@ export fn clearenv(cmd: *command) void = {
	cmd.env = [];

// Adds or sets a variable in the command environment. This does not affect the
// Removes a variable in the command environment. This does not affect the
// current process environment. The 'key' must be a valid environment variable
// name per POSIX definition 3.235. This includes underscores and alphanumeric
// ASCII characters, and cannot begin with a number.
export fn setenv(cmd: *command, key: str, value: str) (void | errors::invalid) = {
export fn unsetenv(cmd: *command, key: str) (void | errors::invalid) = {
	let iter = strings::iter(key);
	for (let i = 0z; true; i += 1) match (strings::next(&iter)) {
	case void =>

@@ 120,7 120,16 @@ export fn setenv(cmd: *command, key: str, value: str) (void | errors::invalid) =
	append(cmd.env, strings::concat(fullkey, value));

// Adds or sets a variable in the command environment. This does not affect the
// current process environment. The 'key' must be a valid environment variable
// name per POSIX definition 3.235. This includes underscores and alphanumeric
// ASCII characters, and cannot begin with a number.
export fn setenv(cmd: *command, key: str, value: str) (void | errors::invalid) = {
	unsetenv(cmd, key)?;
	append(cmd.env, strings::join("=", key, value));

// Configures a file in the child process's file table, such that the file