
SSH library for Hare
strings: nomem update
build: fix packages
build.yml: clone upstream hare



You can also use your local clone with git send-email.


This package provides an implementation of the SSH client & server protocol for Hare programs.

Status: Incomplete.

#Provided modules

  • net::ssh: SSH client & server
  • net::ssh::agent: SSH agent protocol implementation
  • format::ssh: SSH public & private key parsers

Examples are provided in the "cmd" directory.


#From your distribution

The recommended name for this package is "hare-ssh". Look for this, or something similar, in your local package manager. This is the preferred way to install this package.

#System-wide installation

make install


git subtree -P vendor/hare-ssh/ add https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/hare-ssh master
Do not follow this link