Move available chats into the scroll area
Do not notify about calls as messages
We have some call info come in via messages for displaying logs, but we
don't want to notify based on that we already have a ring notification system.
Get notification setup before we do audio
So that if audio fails at least notification works.
Allow editing alias for any chat
Option to add as trusted contact any untrusted chat that is open
Click row for open untrusted, add for add trusted
Allow hangup for any call state
Fix ringing sound end condition in chrome
Edit should use the rich content if present
And should run it via handleChange to filter it to what the editor expects.
Do not show reactions without an active conversation
Wait 2s before window reload
Since that may stop in-flight delete and log out operations that are happening.
Use new reaction API from SDK
Nest to make more specific
Don't pre-populate messages that aren't newly delivered
Otherwise we end up with messages out of order in a confusing way.
Close notifications when marking read
Close notifications when switching to a chat
Add vector icon for PWA
Seems to make chrome app to offer the install button