Handle invalid customer id An invalid customer id is an error from braintree, so handle the error and return an empty list of payment methods.
1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) M lib/customer.rb
M lib/customer.rb => lib/customer.rb +2 -2
@@ 60,8 60,7 @@ class Customer ) @plan = CustomerPlan.new( customer_id, plan: plan_name && Plan.for(plan_name), expires_at: expires_at plan: plan_name && Plan.for(plan_name), expires_at: expires_at ) @usage = CustomerUsage.new(customer_id) @@ @customer_id = customer_id 82,6 81,7 @@ class Customer BRAINTREE .customer .find(@customer_id) .catch { OpenStruct.new(payment_methods: []) } .then(PaymentMethods.method(:for_braintree_customer)) end