Allow web-register in two-stage as well Command execution is normally two stage, execute, response, then submit. We had a hack here that allowed submitting the form directly, but this allows a blind two-stage client to also at least work.
1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) M sgx_jmp.rb
M sgx_jmp.rb => sgx_jmp.rb +1 -1
@@ 536,7 536,7 @@ end }.register(self).then(&CommandList.method(:register)) command :execute?, node: "web-register", sessionid: nil do |iq| command :execute?, node: "web-register" do |iq| StatsD.increment("command", tags: ["node:#{iq.node}"]) sentry_hub = new_sentry_hub(iq, name: iq.node)