M lib/registration.rb => lib/registration.rb +2 -2
@@ 261,7 261,7 @@ class Registration
reply.to.stripped.to_s.gsub("\\", "%5C"),
- oob.desc = "Add credit card, then return here and choose next"
+ oob.desc = "Add credit card, then return here to continue"
@@ 309,7 309,7 @@ class Registration
"If you were trying a prepaid card, you may wish to use "\
"Privacy.com instead, as they do support international " \
"transactions.\n\n " \
- "You may add another card and then choose next"
+ "You may add another card and then return here"
def decline_oob(reply)
oob = OOB.find_or_create(reply.command)
M test/test_registration.rb => test/test_registration.rb +1 -1
@@ 249,7 249,7 @@ class RegistrationTest < Minitest::Test
def test_reply
assert_equal [:execute, :next], @credit_card.reply.allowed_actions
- "Add credit card, then return here and choose next: " \
+ "Add credit card, then return here to continue: " \