M .rubocop.yml => .rubocop.yml +3 -0
@@ 15,6 15,9 @@ Metrics/MethodLength:
- test/*
+ ExcludedMethods:
+ - route
+ - "on"
- test/*
M Gemfile => Gemfile +1 -0
@@ 3,6 3,7 @@
source "https://rubygems.org"
gem "amazing_print"
+gem "bandwidth-sdk"
gem "blather", git: "https://github.com/singpolyma/blather.git", branch: "ergonomics"
gem "braintree"
gem "dhall"
M config-schema.dhall => config-schema.dhall +1 -0
@@ 43,6 43,7 @@
, sgx : Text
, sip_host : Text
, upstream_domain : Text
+, web : < Inet : { interface : Text, port : Natural } | Unix : Text >
, web_register : { from : Text, to : Text }
, xep0157 : List { label : Text, value : Text, var : Text }
M config.dhall.sample => config.dhall.sample +3 -0
@@ 1,3 1,5 @@
+let ListenOn = < Inet: { interface: Text, port: Natural } | Unix: Text >
component = {
jid = "component.localhost",
@@ 8,6 10,7 @@
port = 5347
sgx = "component2.localhost",
+ web = ListenOn.Inet { interface = "::1", port = env:PORT ? 8080 },
creds = {
account = "00000",
username = "dashboard user",
A lib/roda_capture.rb => lib/roda_capture.rb +37 -0
@@ 0,0 1,37 @@
+# frozen-string-literal: true
+# Build from official params_capturing plugin
+class RodaCapture
+ module RequestMethods
+ def captures_hash
+ @captures_hash ||= {}
+ end
+ private
+ # Add the symbol to the list of capture names if capturing
+ def _match_symbol(sym)
+ @_sym_captures << sym if @_sym_captures
+ super
+ end
+ # If all arguments are strings or symbols, turn on param capturing during
+ # the matching, but turn it back off before yielding to the block. Add
+ # any captures to the params based on the param capture names added by
+ # the matchers.
+ def if_match(args)
+ @_sym_captures = [] if args.all? { |x| x.is_a?(Symbol) }
+ super do |*a|
+ if @_sym_captures
+ @_sym_captures.zip(a).each do |k, v|
+ captures_hash[k] = v
+ end
+ @_sym_captures = nil
+ end
+ yield(*a)
+ end
+ end
+ end
A public/beep.mp3 => public/beep.mp3 +0 -0
M sgx_jmp.rb => sgx_jmp.rb +7 -1
@@ 52,6 52,12 @@ CONFIG =
"(#{ARGV[0]}) : #{__dir__}/config-schema.dhall",
transform_keys: ->(k) { k&.to_sym }
+ if CONFIG[:web].is_a?(Hash)
+ [CONFIG[:web][:interface], CONFIG[:web][:port]]
+ else
+ [CONFIG[:web]]
+ end
singleton_class.class_eval do
include Blather::DSL
@@ 191,7 197,7 @@ when_ready do
self << ping
- Web.run(LOG.child, CustomerRepo.new)
+ Web.run(LOG.child, CustomerRepo.new, *WEB_LISTEN)
# workqueue_count MUST be 0 or else Blather uses threads!
A views/bridge.slim => views/bridge.slim +3 -0
@@ 0,0 1,3 @@
+doctype xml
+ Bridge= call_id
A views/pause.slim => views/pause.slim +3 -0
@@ 0,0 1,3 @@
+doctype xml
+ Pause duration=duration
A views/redirect.slim => views/redirect.slim +3 -0
@@ 0,0 1,3 @@
+doctype xml
+ Redirect redirectUrl=to /
A views/voicemail.slim => views/voicemail.slim +10 -0
@@ 0,0 1,10 @@
+doctype xml
+ Pause duration=2
+ == render(*ogm.to_render)
+ PlayAudio= "/beep.mp3"
+ Record{
+ transcribe="true"
+ recordingAvailableUrl="/inbound/calls/#{pseudo_call_id}/voicemail/audio"
+ transcriptionAvailableUrl="/inbound/calls/#{pseudo_call_id}/voicemail/transcription"
+ fileFormat="mp3"} /
A views/voicemail_ogm_media.slim => views/voicemail_ogm_media.slim +1 -0
@@ 0,0 1,1 @@
+PlayAudio= url
A views/voicemail_ogm_tts.slim => views/voicemail_ogm_tts.slim +4 -0
@@ 0,0 1,4 @@
+ ' You have reached the voicemail of
+ = fn
+ | . Please send a text message, or leave a message after the tone.
M web.rb => web.rb +308 -22
@@ 1,61 1,344 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "digest"
+require "forwardable"
require "roda"
require "thin"
require "sentry-ruby"
+require "bandwidth"
+Faraday.default_adapter = :em_synchrony
require_relative "lib/cdr"
+require_relative "lib/roda_capture"
require_relative "lib/roda_em_promise"
require_relative "lib/rack_fiber"
+BANDWIDTH_VOICE = Bandwidth::Client.new(
+ voice_basic_auth_user_name: CONFIG[:creds][:username],
+ voice_basic_auth_password: CONFIG[:creds][:password]
+module CustomerFwd
+ def self.from_redis(redis, customer, tel)
+ EMPromise.all([
+ redis.get("catapult_fwd-#{tel}"),
+ customer.fwd_timeout
+ ]).then do |(fwd, stimeout)|
+ timeout = Timeout.new(stimeout)
+ next if !fwd || timeout.zero?
+ self.for(fwd, timeout)
+ end
+ end
+ def self.for(uri, timeout)
+ case uri
+ when /^tel:/
+ Tel.new(uri, timeout)
+ when /^sip:/
+ SIP.new(uri, timeout)
+ when /^xmpp:/
+ XMPP.new(uri, timeout)
+ else
+ raise "Unknown forward URI: #{uri}"
+ end
+ end
+ class Timeout
+ def initialize(s)
+ @timeout = s.nil? || s.to_i.negative? ? 300 : s.to_i
+ end
+ def zero?
+ @timeout.zero?
+ end
+ def to_i
+ @timeout
+ end
+ end
+ class Tel
+ attr_reader :timeout
+ def initialize(uri, timeout)
+ @tel = uri.sub(/^tel:/, "")
+ @timeout = timeout
+ end
+ def to
+ @tel
+ end
+ end
+ class SIP
+ attr_reader :timeout
+ def initialize(uri, timeout)
+ @uri = uri
+ @timeout = timeout
+ end
+ def to
+ @uri
+ end
+ end
+ class XMPP
+ attr_reader :timeout
+ def initialize(uri, timeout)
+ @jid = uri.sub(/^xmpp:/, "")
+ @timeout = timeout
+ end
+ def to
+ "sip:#{ERB::Util.url_encode(@jid)}@sip.cheogram.com"
+ end
+ end
+# rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength
class Web < Roda
use Rack::Fiber # Must go first!
use Sentry::Rack::CaptureExceptions
plugin :json_parser
+ plugin :public
plugin :render, engine: "slim"
+ plugin RodaCapture
plugin RodaEMPromise # Must go last!
class << self
attr_reader :customer_repo, :log
- end
+ attr_reader :true_inbound_call, :outbound_transfers
- def customer_repo
- Web.customer_repo
+ def run(log, customer_repo, *listen_on)
+ plugin :common_logger, log, method: :info
+ @customer_repo = customer_repo
+ @true_inbound_call = {}
+ @outbound_transfers = {}
+ Thin::Logging.logger = log
+ Thin::Server.start(
+ *listen_on,
+ freeze.app,
+ signals: false
+ )
+ end
+ extend Forwardable
+ def_delegators :'self.class', :customer_repo, :true_inbound_call,
+ :outbound_transfers
+ def_delegators :request, :params
def log
- Web.log
+ opts[:common_logger]
+ end
+ def log_error(e)
+ log.error(
+ "Error raised during #{request.full_path}: #{e.class}",
+ e,
+ loggable_params
+ )
+ if e.is_a?(::Exception)
+ Sentry.capture_exception(e)
+ else
+ Sentry.capture_message(e.to_s)
+ end
+ end
+ def loggable_params
+ params.dup.tap do |p|
+ p.delete("to")
+ p.delete("from")
+ end
+ end
+ def pseudo_call_id
+ request.captures_hash[:pseudo_call_id] ||
+ Digest::SHA256.hexdigest("#{params['from']},#{params['to']}")
- def params
- request.params
+ "Restricted" => "14",
+ "anonymous" => "15",
+ "Anonymous" => "16",
+ "unavailable" => "17",
+ "Unavailable" => "18"
+ }.freeze
+ def sanitize_tel_candidate(candidate)
+ if candidate.length < 3
+ "13;phone-context=anonymous.phone-context.soprani.ca"
+ elsif candidate[0] == "+" && /\A\d+\z/.match(candidate[1..-1])
+ candidate
+ elsif candidate == "Restricted"
+ TEL_CANDIDATES.fetch(candidate, "19") +
+ ";phone-context=anonymous.phone-context.soprani.ca"
+ end
+ end
+ def from_jid
+ Blather::JID.new(
+ sanitize_tel_candidate(params["from"]),
+ CONFIG[:component][:jid]
+ )
+ end
+ def inbound_calls_path(suffix)
+ ["/inbound/calls/#{pseudo_call_id}", suffix].compact.join("/")
+ end
+ def url(path)
+ "#{request.base_url}#{path}"
- def self.run(log, customer_repo)
- plugin :common_logger, log, method: :info
- @log = log
- @customer_repo = customer_repo
- Thin::Logging.logger = log
- Thin::Server.start(
- "::1",
- ENV.fetch("PORT", 8080),
- freeze.app,
- signals: false
+ def modify_call(call_id)
+ body = Bandwidth::ApiModifyCallRequest.new
+ yield body
+ BANDWIDTH_VOICE.modify_call(
+ CONFIG[:creds][:account],
+ call_id,
+ body: body
route do |r|
- r.on "outbound" do
+ r.on "inbound" do
r.on "calls" do
r.post "status" do
- loggable = params.dup.tap { |p| p.delete("to") }
- log.info "#{params['eventType']} #{params['callId']}", loggable
if params["eventType"] == "disconnect"
- CDR.for_disconnect(params).save.catch do |e|
- log.error("Error raised during /outbound/calls/status", e, loggable)
- Sentry.capture_exception(e)
+ p_call_id = pseudo_call_id
+ call_id = params["callId"]
+ EM.promise_timer(2).then {
+ next unless true_inbound_call[p_call_id] == call_id
+ true_inbound_call.delete(p_call_id)
+ if (outbound_leg = outbound_transfers.delete(p_call_id))
+ modify_call(outbound_leg) do |call|
+ call.state = "completed"
+ end
+ end
+ customer_repo.find_by_tel(params["to"]).then do |customer|
+ CDR.for_inbound(customer.customer_id, params).save
+ end
+ }.catch(&method(:log_error))
+ end
+ "OK"
+ end
+ r.on :pseudo_call_id do |pseudo_call_id|
+ r.post "transfer_complete" do
+ outbound_leg = outbound_transfers.delete(pseudo_call_id)
+ if params["cause"] == "hangup"
+ log.debug "Normal hangup", loggable_params
+ elsif !outbound_leg
+ log.debug "Inbound disconnected", loggable_params
+ else
+ log.debug "Go to voicemail", loggable_params
+ true_call_id = true_inbound_call[pseudo_call_id]
+ modify_call(true_call_id) do |call|
+ call.redirect_url = url inbound_calls_path(:voicemail)
+ end
+ end
+ ""
+ end
+ r.on "voicemail" do
+ r.post "audio" do
+ duration = Time.parse(params["endTime"]) -
+ Time.parse(params["startTime"])
+ next "OK<5" unless duration > 5
+ jmp_media_url = params["mediaUrl"].sub(
+ /\Ahttps:\/\/voice.bandwidth.com\/api\/v2\/accounts\/\d+/,
+ "https://jmp.chat"
+ )
+ customer_repo.find_by_tel(params["to"]).then do |customer|
+ m = Blather::Stanza::Message.new
+ m.chat_state = nil
+ m.from = from_jid
+ m.subject = "New Voicemail"
+ m.body = jmp_media_url
+ m << OOB.new(jmp_media_url, desc: "Voicemail Recording")
+ customer.stanza_to(m)
+ "OK"
+ end
+ end
+ r.post "transcription" do
+ customer_repo.find_by_tel(params["to"]).then do |customer|
+ m = Blather::Stanza::Message.new
+ m.chat_state = nil
+ m.from = from_jid
+ m.subject = "Voicemail Transcription"
+ m.body = BANDWIDTH_VOICE.get_recording_transcription(
+ params["accountId"], params["callId"], params["recordingId"]
+ ).data.transcripts[0].text
+ customer.stanza_to(m)
+ "OK"
+ end
+ end
+ r.post do
+ customer_repo
+ .find_by_tel(params["to"])
+ .then { |customer| customer.ogm(params["from"]) }
+ .then do |ogm|
+ render :voicemail, locals: { ogm: ogm }
+ end
+ r.post do
+ true_call_id = true_inbound_call[pseudo_call_id]
+ render :bridge, locals: { call_id: true_call_id }
+ end
+ end
+ r.post do
+ if true_inbound_call[pseudo_call_id]
+ true_inbound_call[pseudo_call_id] = params["callId"]
+ return render :pause, locals: { duration: 300 }
+ end
+ customer_repo.find_by_tel(params["to"]).then do |customer|
+ CustomerFwd.from_redis(::REDIS, customer, params["to"]).then do |fwd|
+ if fwd
+ body = Bandwidth::ApiCreateCallRequest.new.tap do |cc|
+ cc.to = fwd.to
+ cc.from = params["from"]
+ cc.application_id = params["applicationId"]
+ cc.call_timeout = fwd.timeout.to_i
+ cc.answer_url = url inbound_calls_path(nil)
+ cc.disconnect_url = url inbound_calls_path(:transfer_complete)
+ end
+ true_inbound_call[pseudo_call_id] = params["callId"]
+ outbound_transfers[pseudo_call_id] = BANDWIDTH_VOICE.create_call(
+ CONFIG[:creds][:account], body: body
+ ).data.call_id
+ render :pause, locals: { duration: 300 }
+ else
+ render :redirect, locals: { to: inbound_calls_path(:voicemail) }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ r.on "outbound" do
+ r.on "calls" do
+ r.post "status" do
+ log.info "#{params['eventType']} #{params['callId']}", loggable_params
+ if params["eventType"] == "disconnect"
+ CDR.for_outbound(params).save.catch(&method(:log_error))
+ end
@@ 70,5 353,8 @@ class Web < Roda
+ r.public
+# rubocop:enable Metrics/ClassLength