
74d81c6c2e85f31ca154a25472b201e827e58e3e — Stephen Paul Weber 2 years ago a20669a
Billing starts now
1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

M forms/plan_settings.rb
M forms/plan_settings.rb => forms/plan_settings.rb +1 -2
@@ 6,8 6,7 @@ instructions(
	"Your plan includes #{@customer.message_limit} and " \
	"#{@customer.minute_limit}.  JMP will always prompt for your explicit " \
	"consent before allowing any action which would incur more overage in a " \
	"calendar month than your configured limit below.\n\n" \
	"JMP is not yet billing for overages, but will be soon."
	"calendar month than your configured limit below."
