
93a795122e5128201753d443243d2e6571c31a01 — John Millikin 15 years ago 7209e1c
Added stanza functions for converting XML trees into generic stanzas, messages, and presence notifications.
1 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

M Network/Protocol/XMPP/Stanzas.hs
M Network/Protocol/XMPP/Stanzas.hs => Network/Protocol/XMPP/Stanzas.hs +59 -2
@@ 19,11 19,17 @@ module Network.Protocol.XMPP.Stanzas (
	) where

import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.Interface (XmlTree)
import Network.Protocol.XMPP.JID (JID, jidFormat)
import Network.Protocol.XMPP.Util (mkElement)
import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow ((>>>), (&&&))
import qualified Text.XML.HXT.Arrow as A

import Network.Protocol.XMPP.JID (JID, jidFormat, jidParse)
import Network.Protocol.XMPP.Util (mkElement, mkQName)
import qualified Text.XML.HXT.DOM.XmlNode as XN

class Stanza a where

@@ 128,6 134,57 @@ instance Stanza Presence where


toStanza :: XmlTree -> [GenericStanza]
toStanza t = let
	getFrom = A.getAttrValue "from" >>> A.arrL (\x -> [jidParse x])
	getTo = A.getAttrValue "to" >>> A.arrL (\x -> [jidParse x])
	getID = A.getAttrValue "id"
	getType = A.getAttrValue "type"
	getLang = A.getAttrValue "lang"
	attrArrow = (getTo &&& getFrom &&& getID &&& getType &&& getLang)
	in do
		(to, (from, (id', (type', lang)))) <- A.runLA attrArrow t
		return $ GenericStanza to from id' type' lang t

toMessage :: (Stanza a) => a -> [Message]
toMessage s = let
	getBody = (
		A.arr stanzaXML
		>>> A.hasQName (mkQName "jabber:client" "message")
		>>> A.getChildren
		>>> A.hasQName (mkQName "jabber:client" "body")
		>>> A.getChildren
		>>> A.getText
	bodyText = concat (A.runLA getBody s)
	in case (bodyText, stanzaTo s) of
		("", _) -> []
		(_, Nothing) -> []
		(_, Just to) -> [Message to (stanzaFrom s)
		                         (stanzaID s) (stanzaType s)
		                         (stanzaLang s) bodyText]

toPresence :: (Stanza a) => a -> [Presence]
toPresence s = let
	getChildText qname = (A.getChildren >>> A.hasQName qname >>>
	                      A.getChildren >>> A.getText)
	getShow = getChildText $ mkQName "jabber:client" "show"
	getStatus = getChildText $ mkQName "jabber:client" "status"
	getShowStatus = (
		A.arr stanzaXML
		>>> A.hasQName (mkQName "jabber:client" "presence")
		>>> A.withDefault getShow []
		&&& A.withDefault getStatus []
	in case A.runLA getShowStatus s of
		[(show', status)] -> [Presence (stanzaTo s) (stanzaFrom s)
		                               (stanzaID s) (stanzaType s)
		                               (stanzaLang s) show' status]
		_ -> []


unmap :: a -> [(a -> b)] -> [b]
unmap _ [] = []
unmap x (f:fs) = (f x):(unmap x fs)