@@ 35,6 35,7 @@ module Network.Protocol.XMPP.Monad
, putStanza
) where
import qualified Control.Applicative as A
+import qualified Control.Concurrent.MVar as M
import Control.Monad (ap)
import Control.Monad.Fix (MonadFix, mfix)
import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO, liftIO)
@@ 73,7 74,13 @@ data Error
| NoComponentStreamID
deriving (Show)
-data Session = Session H.Handle Text SAX.Parser
+data Session = Session
+ { sessionHandle :: H.Handle
+ , sessionNamespace :: Text
+ , sessionParser :: SAX.Parser
+ , sessionReadLock :: M.MVar ()
+ , sessionWriteLock :: M.MVar ()
+ }
newtype XMPP a = XMPP { unXMPP :: ErrorT Error (R.ReaderT Session IO) a }
@@ 105,22 112,31 @@ runXMPP s xmpp = R.runReaderT (runErrorT (unXMPP xmpp)) s
startXMPP :: H.Handle -> Text -> XMPP a -> IO (Either Error a)
startXMPP h ns xmpp = do
sax <- SAX.newParser
- runXMPP (Session h ns sax) xmpp
+ readLock <- M.newMVar ()
+ writeLock <- M.newMVar ()
+ runXMPP (Session h ns sax readLock writeLock) xmpp
restartXMPP :: Maybe H.Handle -> XMPP a -> XMPP a
restartXMPP newH xmpp = do
- Session oldH ns _ <- getSession
+ Session oldH ns _ readLock writeLock <- getSession
sax <- liftIO SAX.newParser
- let s = Session (maybe oldH id newH) ns sax
+ let s = Session (maybe oldH id newH) ns sax readLock writeLock
XMPP $ R.local (const s) (unXMPP xmpp)
+withLock :: (Session -> M.MVar ()) -> XMPP a -> XMPP a
+withLock getLock xmpp = do
+ s <- getSession
+ let mvar = getLock s
+ res <- liftIO $ M.withMVar mvar $ \_ -> runXMPP s xmpp
+ case res of
+ Left err -> E.throwError err
+ Right x -> return x
getSession :: XMPP Session
getSession = XMPP R.ask
getHandle :: XMPP H.Handle
-getHandle = do
- Session h _ _ <- getSession
- return h
+getHandle = fmap sessionHandle getSession
liftTLS :: ErrorT Text IO a -> XMPP a
liftTLS io = do
@@ 138,12 154,12 @@ putElement :: X.Element -> XMPP ()
putElement = putBytes . encodeUtf8 . X.serialiseElement
putStanza :: S.Stanza a => a -> XMPP ()
-putStanza = putElement . S.stanzaToElement
+putStanza = withLock sessionWriteLock . putElement . S.stanzaToElement
readEvents :: (Integer -> SAX.Event -> Bool) -> XMPP [SAX.Event]
readEvents done = xmpp where
xmpp = do
- Session h _ p <- getSession
+ Session h _ p _ _ <- getSession
let nextEvents = do
-- TODO: read in larger increments
bytes <- liftTLS $ H.hGetBytes h 1
@@ 170,9 186,9 @@ getElement = xmpp where
endOfTree _ _ = False
getStanza :: XMPP S.ReceivedStanza
-getStanza = do
+getStanza = withLock sessionReadLock $ do
elemt <- getElement
- Session _ ns _ <- getSession
+ Session _ ns _ _ _ <- getSession
case S.elementToStanza ns elemt of
Just x -> return x
Nothing -> E.throwError $ InvalidStanza elemt
@@ 1,5 1,5 @@
name: network-protocol-xmpp
-version: 0.3
+version: 0.3.1
synopsis: Client <-> Server communication over XMPP
license: GPL-3
license-file: License.txt