
65638f445ba532fb3b6a5cb3718f89272dcf0010 — John Millikin 14 years ago 761236b
Add documentation for 'bindJID'.
1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

M Network/Protocol/XMPP/Client.hs
M Network/Protocol/XMPP/Client.hs => Network/Protocol/XMPP/Client.hs +5 -0
@@ 81,6 81,11 @@ authenticationMechanisms = step where
		(F.FeatureSASL ms) -> ms
		_ -> step fs

-- | Send a @\<bind\>@ message for the given 'J.JID', returning the server's reply. In
-- most cases the reply will be the same as the input. However, if the input has no
-- 'J.Resource', the returned 'J.JID' will contain a generated 'J.Resource'.
-- Clients must bind a 'J.JID' before sending any 'Stanza's.
bindJID :: J.JID -> M.XMPP J.JID
bindJID jid = do
	-- Bind