
43693c9c033cf14a26060128b763d565fc93c6b8 — John Millikin 14 years ago c36f401
Update for latest version of 'xml-types'.
M Network/Protocol/XMPP/Client.hs => Network/Protocol/XMPP/Client.hs +9 -6
@@ 18,6 18,7 @@ module Network.Protocol.XMPP.Client
	( runClient
	, bindJID
	) where
import Control.Monad ((>=>))
import Control.Monad.Error (throwError)
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)

@@ 91,11 92,12 @@ bindJID jid = do
	-- Bind
	M.putStanza . bindStanza . J.jidResource $ jid
	bindResult <- M.getStanza
	let getJID e =
		X.elementChildren e
		>>= X.isNamed (X.Name "jid" (Just "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind") Nothing)
		>>= X.elementNodes
		>>= X.isText
	let getJID =
		>=> X.isNamed (X.Name "jid" (Just "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind") Nothing)
		>=> X.elementNodes
		>=> X.isContent
		>=> return . X.contentText
	let maybeJID = do
		iq <- case bindResult of

@@ 125,7 127,8 @@ bindStanza resource = (emptyIQ IQSet) { iqPayload = Just payload } where
	payload = X.nselement "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind" "bind" [] requested
	requested = case fmap J.strResource resource of
		Nothing -> []
		Just x -> [X.NodeElement $ X.element "resource" [] [X.NodeText x]]
		Just x -> [X.NodeElement $ X.element "resource" []
			[X.NodeContent $ X.ContentText x]]

sessionStanza :: IQ
sessionStanza = (emptyIQ IQSet) { iqPayload = Just payload } where

M Network/Protocol/XMPP/Client/Authentication.hs => Network/Protocol/XMPP/Client/Authentication.hs +8 -3
@@ 79,7 79,7 @@ authenticate xmppMechanisms userJID serverJID username password = xmpp where
			(b64text, rc) <- SASL.step64 $ B.pack ""
			putElement ctx $ X.nselement "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl" "auth"
				[("mechanism", TL.pack $ B.unpack mechBytes)]
				[X.NodeText $ TL.pack $ B.unpack b64text]
				[X.NodeContent $ X.ContentText $ TL.pack $ B.unpack b64text]
			case rc of
				SASL.Complete -> saslFinish ctx

@@ 93,12 93,17 @@ saslLoop :: M.Session -> SASL.Session Result
saslLoop ctx = do
	elemt <- getElement ctx
	let name = X.Name "challenge" (Just "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl") Nothing
	let challengeText = X.isNamed name >=> X.elementNodes >=> X.isText $ elemt
	let getChallengeText =
		X.isNamed name
		>=> X.elementNodes
		>=> X.isContent
		>=> return . X.contentText
	let challengeText = getChallengeText elemt
	when (null challengeText) $ saslError "Received empty challenge"
	(b64text, rc) <- SASL.step64 . B.pack . concatMap TL.unpack $ challengeText
	putElement ctx $ X.nselement "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl" "response"
		[] [X.NodeText $ TL.pack $ B.unpack b64text]
		[] [X.NodeContent $ X.ContentText $ TL.pack $ B.unpack b64text]
	case rc of
		SASL.Complete -> saslFinish ctx
		SASL.NeedsMore -> saslLoop ctx

M Network/Protocol/XMPP/Client/Features.hs => Network/Protocol/XMPP/Client/Features.hs +2 -2
@@ 58,8 58,8 @@ parseFeatureSASL e = FeatureSASL $
	X.elementChildren e
	>>= X.isNamed nameMechanism
	>>= X.elementNodes
	>>= X.isText
	>>= return . B.pack . TL.unpack
	>>= X.isContent
	>>= return . B.pack . TL.unpack . X.contentText

nameMechanism :: X.Name
nameMechanism = X.Name "mechanism" (Just "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl") Nothing

M Network/Protocol/XMPP/Component.hs => Network/Protocol/XMPP/Component.hs +2 -2
@@ 62,7 62,7 @@ beginStream jid = do
parseStreamID :: SAX.Event -> Maybe T.Text
parseStreamID (SAX.BeginElement _ attrs) = sid where
	sid = case idAttrs of
		(x:_) -> Just . X.attributeValue $ x
		(x:_) -> Just . X.attributeText $ x
		_ -> Nothing
	idAttrs = filter (matchingName . X.attributeName) attrs
	matchingName = (== X.Name "jid" (Just "jabber:component:accept") Nothing)

@@ 72,7 72,7 @@ authenticate :: T.Text -> T.Text -> M.XMPP ()
authenticate streamID password = do
	let bytes = buildSecret streamID password
	let digest = showDigest $ sha1 bytes
	M.putElement $ X.element "handshake" [] [X.NodeText digest]
	M.putElement $ X.element "handshake" [] [X.NodeContent $ X.ContentText digest]
	result <- M.getElement
	let nameHandshake = X.Name "handshake" (Just "jabber:component:accept") Nothing
	when (null (X.isNamed nameHandshake result)) $

M Network/Protocol/XMPP/XML.hs => Network/Protocol/XMPP/XML.hs +22 -6
@@ 25,6 25,8 @@ module Network.Protocol.XMPP.XML
	-- * Misc
	, getattr
	, contentText
	, attributeText
	, escape
	, serialiseElement
	, readEvents

@@ 37,7 39,14 @@ import qualified Text.XML.LibXML.SAX as SAX
getattr :: Name -> Element -> Maybe T.Text
getattr n e = case elementAttributes e >>= isNamed n of
	[] -> Nothing
	attr:_ -> Just $ attributeValue attr
	attr:_ -> Just $ attributeText attr

contentText :: Content -> T.Text
contentText (ContentText t) = t
contentText (ContentEntity e) = T.concat ["&", e, ";"]

attributeText :: Attribute -> T.Text
attributeText = T.concat . map contentText . attributeContent

name :: T.Text -> Name
name t = Name t Nothing Nothing

@@ 55,13 64,20 @@ escape = T.concatMap escapeChar where
		'\'' -> "&apos;"
		_ -> T.singleton c

escapeContent :: Content -> T.Text
escapeContent (ContentText t) = escape t
escapeContent (ContentEntity e) = T.concat ["&", escape e, ";"]

element :: T.Text -> [(T.Text, T.Text)] -> [Node] -> Element
element elemName attrs children = Element (name elemName) attrs' children where
	attrs' = [Attribute (name n) value | (n, value) <- attrs]
	attrs' = map (uncurry mkattr) attrs

nselement :: T.Text -> T.Text -> [(T.Text, T.Text)] -> [Node] -> Element
nselement ns ln attrs children = Element (nsname ns ln) attrs' children where
	attrs' = [Attribute (name n) value | (n, value) <- attrs]
	attrs' = map (uncurry mkattr) attrs

mkattr :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Attribute
mkattr n val = Attribute (name n) [ContentText val]

-- A somewhat primitive serialisation function

@@ 72,14 88,14 @@ serialiseElement e = text where
	eName = formatName $ elementName e
	formatName = escape . nameLocalName
	attrs = T.intercalate " " $ map attr $ elementAttributes e ++ nsattr
	attr (Attribute n v) = T.concat [formatName n, "=\"", escape v, "\""]
	attr (Attribute n c) = T.concat $ [formatName n, "=\""] ++ map escapeContent c ++ ["\""]
	nsattr = case nameNamespace $ elementName e of
		Nothing -> []
		Just ns -> [Attribute (name "xmlns") ns]
		Just ns -> [mkattr "xmlns" ns]
	contents = T.concat $ map serialiseNode $ elementNodes e
	serialiseNode (NodeElement e') = serialiseElement e'
	serialiseNode (NodeText t) = escape t
	serialiseNode (NodeContent c) = escape (contentText c)
	serialiseNode (NodeComment _) = ""
	serialiseNode (NodeInstruction _) = ""