@@ 56,6 56,9 @@ webPost sendIQ toJid req = (>>=) $ do
xmppURI :: Text -> URI.URI
xmppURI jid = (URI.URI "xmpp:" Nothing (textToString jid) "" "")
+css :: Text
+css = s"<style>body { font-family: sans-serif; }</style>"
webGetPrompt :: (XMPP.IQ -> IO (Maybe XMPP.IQ)) -> XMPP.JID -> IO Wai.Response
webGetPrompt sendIQ toJid = do
result <- sendIQ $ (XMPP.emptyIQ XMPP.IQGet) {
@@ 75,10 78,11 @@ webGetPrompt sendIQ toJid = do
Wai.text HTTP.status200 (Wai.stringHeaders' [
"text/html; charset=utf-8")
- ]) $ s"<form method=\"post\" action=\"\">\
+ ]) $ css ++ s"<form method=\"post\" action=\"\">\
\<p>" ++ escapeXML desc ++ s"</p>\
\<input type=\"text\" name=\"prompt\" \
\placeholder=\"" ++ escapeXML prompt ++ s"\" />\
+ \ <button type=\"submit\">Add Contact</button>\
_ -> Wai.string HTTP.status400 []
"No jabber:iq:gateway available."
@@ 90,14 94,15 @@ web sendIQ req
| method == HTTP.methodGet, Just toJid <- to =
(>>=) $ webGetPrompt sendIQ toJid
| otherwise = (>>=) $
- Wai.string HTTP.status200
+ Wai.text HTTP.status200
(Wai.stringHeaders' [
("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
- "<form method=\"get\" action=\"\">\
+ (css ++ s"<form method=\"get\" action=\"\">\
\<input type=\"text\" name=\"to\"\
\placeholder=\"JabberID to query\" />\
- \</form>"
+ \ <button type=\"submit\">Begin</button>\
+ \</form>")
method = Wai.requestMethod req