Include stdlib.h
Required for build with newer gcc
Run test suite from main cabal
Remove maximum dependency version on text.
Bump version to 0.7.5.
Update source repository locations.
Free parser input streams in parseComplete.
These buffers can be quite large, so if they are retained until the
Haskell garbage collector runs hslibxml_free_parser, then memory
use might become very large when parsing many documents in a loop.
Fixes a memory growth issue reported by Bram Schuur.
Fix source repository locations.
Convert tests from test-framework to Chell.
Move sources into lib/ and cbits/ directories. Remove old scripts/ dir.
Clean up cabal file, update homepage and repository links.
Remove maximum version limit on "bytestring".
Bump version to 0.7.3.
Support building in GHC 6.10
Handle magic entity references like ``&`` in attribute values when
reference preservation is enabled.
Use ``unsafeUseAsCString`` in ``withUTF8``
Add a test that entity references in attribute content is expanded properly.