6 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 85 deletions(-)
R hslibxml-shim.c => cbits/hslibxml-shim.c
R hslibxml-shim.h => cbits/hslibxml-shim.h
R Text/XML/LibXML/SAX.hs => lib/Text/XML/LibXML/SAX.hs
M libxml-sax.cabal
D scripts/common.bash
D scripts/run-tests
R hslibxml-shim.c => cbits/hslibxml-shim.c +0 -0
R hslibxml-shim.h => cbits/hslibxml-shim.h +0 -0
R Text/XML/LibXML/SAX.hs => lib/Text/XML/LibXML/SAX.hs +0 -0
M libxml-sax.cabal => libxml-sax.cabal +5 -2
@@ 14,7 14,9 @@ bug-reports: mailto:jmillikin@gmail.com
synopsis: Bindings for the libXML2 SAX interface
-extra-source-files: hslibxml-shim.h
+ cbits/hslibxml-shim.c
+ cbits/hslibxml-shim.h
source-repository head
type: bazaar
@@ 26,6 28,7 @@ source-repository this
tag: haskell-libxml_0.7.3
+ hs-source-dirs: lib
ghc-options: -Wall -O2
cc-options: -Wall
@@ 38,7 41,7 @@ library
- c-sources: hslibxml-shim.c
+ c-sources: cbits/hslibxml-shim.c
extra-libraries: xml2
pkgconfig-depends: libxml-2.0
D scripts/common.bash => scripts/common.bash +0 -63
@@ 1,63 0,0 @@
-VERSION=$(awk '/^version:/{print $2}' libxml-sax.cabal)
-CABAL_DEV=$(which cabal-dev)
-ANANSI=$(which anansi)
-XELATEX=$(which xelatex)
-XZ=$(which xz)
- if [ -z "$CABAL_DEV" ]; then
- echo "Can't find 'cabal-dev' executable; make sure it exists on your "'$PATH'
- echo "Cowardly refusing to fuck with the global package database"
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ -z "$ANANSI" ]; then
- echo "Can't find 'anansi' executable; running '$CABAL_DEV install anansi'"
- require_cabal_dev
- $CABAL_DEV install anansi &> /dev/null
- if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
- echo "Installation failed; please install Anansi manually somehow"
- exit 1
- fi
- ANANSI=$(which anansi)
- echo "Success; anansi = $ANANSI"
- fi
- if [ -z "$XELATEX" ]; then
- echo "Can't find 'xelatex' executable; make sure it exists on your "'$PATH'
- exit 1
- fi
- require_anansi
- require_xelatex
- rm -f *.{aux,tex,idx,log,out,toc,pdf}
- $ANANSI -w -l latex-noweb -o libxml-sax.tex libxml-sax.anansi || exit 1
- $XELATEX libxml-sax.tex > /dev/null || exit 1
- $XELATEX libxml-sax.tex > /dev/null || exit 1
- rm -f *.{aux,tex,idx,log,out,toc}
- mv libxml-sax.pdf "libxml-sax_$VERSION.pdf"
- # require_anansi
- require_cabal_dev
- rm -rf hs dist
- # $ANANSI -o hs libxml-sax.anansi || exit 1
- $CABAL_DEV install || exit 1
D scripts/run-tests => scripts/run-tests +0 -20
@@ 1,20 0,0 @@
-if [ ! -f 'libxml-sax.cabal' ]; then
- echo -n "Can't find libxml-sax.cabal; please run this script as"
- echo -n " ./scripts/run-tests from within the libxml-sax source"
- echo " directory"
- exit 1
-. scripts/common.bash
-pushd tests
-rm -rf dist
-$CABAL_DEV -s ../cabal-dev install || exit 1