@@ 154,6 154,9 @@ componentMessage db toVitelity (m@Message { messageType = MessageError }) _ _ _
componentMessage db toVitelity m existingRoom _ _ tel _
| Just invite <- getMediatedInvitation m <|> getDirectInvitation m = do
+ forM_ (invitePassword invite) $ \password -> do
+ True <- TC.runTCM $ TC.put db (tcKey tel (T.unpack (formatJID $ inviteMUC invite) <> "\0muc_roomsecret")) (T.unpack password)
+ return ()
existingInvite <- tcGetJID db tel "invited"
nick <- nickFor db (inviteFrom invite) existingRoom
let txt = mconcat [
@@ 237,7 240,7 @@ componentStanza db toVitelity toComponent _ (ReceivedPresence p@(Presence { pres
tcPutJID db tel "joined" from
creating <- tcGetJID db tel "creating"
- True <- TC.runTCM $ TC.out db $ tcKey tel "creating"
+ void $ TC.runTCM $ TC.out db $ tcKey tel "creating"
let code201 = if fmap bareTxt creating == Just bareMUC then
-- Hack for servers that don't support reserved rooms
-- If we planned to create it, assume we did
@@ 491,12 494,17 @@ leaveRoom db toComponent componentHost tel reason = do
return ()
joinRoom db toComponent componentHost tel room = do
+ password <- TC.runTCM $ TC.get db (tcKey tel (T.unpack (bareTxt room) <> "\0muc_roomsecret"))
+ let pwEl = maybe [] (\pw -> [
+ NodeElement $ Element (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc}password") [] [NodeContent $ ContentText $ fromString pw]
+ ]) password
writeStanzaChan toComponent $ (emptyPresence PresenceAvailable) {
presenceTo = Just room,
presenceFrom = telToJid tel (fromString componentHost),
- presencePayloads = [Element (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc}x") [] [
+ presencePayloads = [Element (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc}x") [] ([
NodeElement $ Element (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc}history") [(fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc}maxchars", [ContentText $ fromString "0"])] []
- ]]
+ ] <> pwEl)]
createRoom :: TChan StanzaRec -> String -> [String] -> String -> String -> IO Bool