@@ 942,7 942,7 @@ component db backendHost toRoomPresences toRejoinManager toJoinPartDebouncer toC
T.length txt == 145 && (s"CHEOGRAM") `T.isPrefixOf` txt -> do -- the length of our token messages
log "POSSIBLE TOKEN" (from, to, txt)
maybeRoute <- TC.runTCM $ TC.get db (T.unpack (unescapeJid localpart) ++ "\0direct-message-route")
- when (Just (formatJID from) == fmap fromString maybeRoute || bareTxt from == unescapeJid localpart) $ do
+ when (Just (strDomain $ jidDomain from) == fmap fromString maybeRoute || bareTxt from == unescapeJid localpart) $ do
maybeToken <- TC.runTCM $ TC.get db (T.unpack (unescapeJid localpart) ++ "\0addtoken")
case (fmap (first parseJID) (readZ =<< maybeToken), parseJID $ unescapeJid localpart) of
(Just (Just cheoJid, token), Just owner) | (s"CHEOGRAM"++token) == txt -> do