
bebbcb16ef789b65790cd4fb53301a2a12d0b8ca — Stephen Paul Weber 7 years ago 4ba434b
Proxy through the registration form and record the route
4 files changed, 363 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)

A ConfigureDirectMessageRoute.hs
M Main.hs
A Util.hs
M cheogram.cabal
A ConfigureDirectMessageRoute.hs => ConfigureDirectMessageRoute.hs +253 -0
@@ 0,0 1,253 @@
module ConfigureDirectMessageRoute (main, nodeName) where

import Prelude ()
import BasicPrelude hiding (log)
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Data.Time (UTCTime, diffUTCTime, getCurrentTime)
import Data.XML.Types (Element(..), Node(NodeContent, NodeElement), Name(..), Content(ContentText), isNamed, hasAttributeText, elementText, elementChildren, attributeText)
import Control.Monad.Loops (iterateM_)

import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.UUID (UUID)
import qualified Data.UUID as UUID (toString, fromString)
import qualified Data.UUID.V1 as UUID (nextUUID)
import qualified Network.Protocol.XMPP as XMPP

import Util

newtype SessionID = SessionID UUID deriving (Ord, Eq, Show)

main :: (XMPP.JID -> XMPP.JID -> IO ()) -> IO (XMPP.IQ -> IO XMPP.IQ)
main setRouteJid = do
	stanzas <- newTQueueIO
	void $ forkIO $ iterateM_ (\sessions -> do
			(iq, reply) <- atomically (readTQueue stanzas)
			(sessions', response) <- processOneIQ setRouteJid sessions iq
			atomically $ reply response
			now <- getCurrentTime
			return $! Map.filter (\(_, time) -> now `diffUTCTime` time < 600) sessions'
		) Map.empty
	return (\iq -> do
			result <- atomically newEmptyTMVar
			atomically $ writeTQueue stanzas (iq, putTMVar result)
			atomically $ readTMVar result

processOneIQ :: (XMPP.JID -> XMPP.JID -> IO ()) -> Map SessionID (Session, UTCTime) -> XMPP.IQ -> IO (Map SessionID (Session, UTCTime), XMPP.IQ)
processOneIQ setRouteJid sessions iq@(XMPP.IQ { XMPP.iqID = Just iqID, XMPP.iqFrom = Just from, XMPP.iqPayload = realPayload })
	| Just sid <- sessionIDFromText . snd =<< T.uncons =<< T.stripPrefix (s"ConfigureDirectMessageRoute") iqID,
          XMPP.iqType iq == XMPP.IQResult =
		lookupAndStepSession setRouteJid sessions sid iqID from payload
	| elementName payload /= s"{http://jabber.org/protocol/commands}command" ||
	  attributeText (s"node") payload /= Just nodeName = do
		log "ConfigureDirectMessageRoute.processOneIQ BAD INPUT" (elementName payload, attributeText (s"node") payload)
		return (sessions, iqError (Just iqID) (Just from) "cancel" "feature-not-implemented" Nothing)
	| Just sid <- sessionIDFromText =<< attributeText (s"sessionid") payload =
		lookupAndStepSession setRouteJid sessions sid iqID from payload
	| otherwise = do
		(sid, session) <- newSession
		now <- getCurrentTime
		return (Map.insert sid (session, now) sessions, stage1 from iqID sid)
	payload = fromMaybe (Element (s"no-payload") [] []) realPayload
processOneIQ _ sessions iq@(XMPP.IQ { XMPP.iqID = iqID, XMPP.iqFrom = from }) = do
	log "ConfigureDirectMessageRoute.processOneIQ BAD INPUT" iq
	return (sessions, iqError iqID from "cancel" "feature-not-implemented" Nothing)

lookupAndStepSession :: (XMPP.JID -> XMPP.JID -> IO ()) -> Map SessionID (Session, UTCTime) -> Session' (IO (Map SessionID (Session, UTCTime), XMPP.IQ))
lookupAndStepSession setRouteJid sessions sid iqID from payload
	| Just (stepSession, _) <- Map.lookup sid sessions =
		if attributeText (s"{http://jabber.org/protocol/commands}action") payload == Just (s"cancel") then
			return (Map.delete sid sessions, (XMPP.emptyIQ XMPP.IQResult) {
				XMPP.iqID = Just iqID,
				XMPP.iqTo = Just from,
				XMPP.iqPayload = Just $ Element (s"{http://jabber.org/protocol/commands}command")
						(s"{http://jabber.org/protocol/commands}node", [ContentText nodeName]),
						(s"{http://jabber.org/protocol/commands}sessionid", [ContentText $ sessionIDToText sid]),
						(s"{http://jabber.org/protocol/commands}status", [ContentText $ s"cancelled"])
					] []
			let (session', iq) = stepSession sid iqID from payload in
			fmap (flip (,) iq) $ case session' of
				SessionNext s -> do
					now <- getCurrentTime
					return $! Map.insert sid (s, now) sessions
				SessionCancel -> return $! Map.delete sid sessions
				SessionComplete userJid gatewayJid -> do
					userJid `setRouteJid` gatewayJid
					return $! Map.delete sid sessions
	| otherwise = do
		log "ConfigureDirectMessageRoute.processOneIQ NO SESSION FOUND" (sid, iqID, from, payload)
		return (sessions, iqError (Just iqID) (Just from) "modify" "bad-request" (Just "bad-sessionid"))

data SessionResult = SessionNext Session | SessionCancel | SessionComplete XMPP.JID XMPP.JID
type Session' a = SessionID -> Text -> XMPP.JID -> Element -> a
type Session = Session' (SessionResult, XMPP.IQ)

data RegisterFormType = DataForm | LegacyRegistration

stage5 :: Text -> XMPP.JID -> Session
stage5 stage4iqID stage4from sid iqID from error =
	(SessionComplete stage4from from, (XMPP.emptyIQ XMPP.IQResult) {
		XMPP.iqID = Just stage4iqID,
		XMPP.iqTo = Just stage4from,
		XMPP.iqPayload = Just $ Element (s"{http://jabber.org/protocol/commands}command")
				(s"{http://jabber.org/protocol/commands}node", [ContentText nodeName]),
				(s"{http://jabber.org/protocol/commands}sessionid", [ContentText $ sessionIDToText sid]),
				(s"{http://jabber.org/protocol/commands}status", [ContentText $ s"completed"])
				NodeElement $ Element (s"{http://jabber.org/protocol/commands}note") [
					(s"{http://jabber.org/protocol/commands}type", [ContentText $ s"info"])
				] [
					NodeContent $ ContentText $ s"Registration complete."

stage4 :: RegisterFormType -> XMPP.JID -> Session
stage4 formType gatewayJid sid iqID from command
	| [form] <- isNamed (fromString "{jabber:x:data}x") =<< elementChildren command,
	  Just sendFrom <- XMPP.parseJID $ (escapeJid $ bareTxt from) ++ s"@cheogram" =
		(SessionNext $ stage5 iqID from, (XMPP.emptyIQ XMPP.IQSet) {
			XMPP.iqID = Just (s"ConfigureDirectMessageRoute4" ++ sessionIDToText sid),
			XMPP.iqTo = Just gatewayJid,
			XMPP.iqFrom = Just sendFrom, -- domain gets rewritten by main cheogram program
			XMPP.iqPayload = Just $
				case formType of
					DataForm -> Element (s"{jabber:iq:register}query") [] [NodeElement form]
					LegacyRegistration -> convertFormToLegacyRegistration form
	| otherwise = (SessionCancel, iqError (Just iqID) (Just from) "modify" "bad-request" (Just "bad-payload"))

stage3 :: Text -> XMPP.JID -> Session
stage3 stage2iqID stage2from sid iqID from query
	| [form] <- isNamed (fromString "{jabber:x:data}x") =<< elementChildren query = processForm DataForm form
	| otherwise = processForm LegacyRegistration (convertQueryToForm query)
	processForm typ form =
		(SessionNext $ stage4 typ from, (XMPP.emptyIQ XMPP.IQResult) {
			XMPP.iqID = Just stage2iqID,
			XMPP.iqTo = Just stage2from,
			XMPP.iqPayload = Just $ commandStage sid form

stage2 :: Session
stage2 sid iqID from command
	| [form] <- isNamed (fromString "{jabber:x:data}x") =<< elementChildren command,
	  Just gatewayJid <- XMPP.parseJID =<< getFormField form (s"gateway-jid") =
		(SessionNext $ stage3 iqID from, (XMPP.emptyIQ XMPP.IQGet) {
			XMPP.iqID = Just (s"ConfigureDirectMessageRoute2" ++ sessionIDToText sid),
			XMPP.iqTo = Just gatewayJid,
			XMPP.iqPayload = Just $ Element (s"{jabber:iq:register}query") [] []
	| otherwise = (SessionCancel, iqError (Just iqID) (Just from) "modify" "bad-request" (Just "bad-payload"))

stage1 :: XMPP.JID -> Text -> SessionID -> XMPP.IQ
stage1 iqTo iqID sid = (XMPP.emptyIQ XMPP.IQResult) {
	XMPP.iqTo = Just iqTo,
	XMPP.iqID = Just iqID,
	XMPP.iqPayload = Just $ commandStage sid $
		Element (fromString "{jabber:x:data}x") [
			(fromString "{jabber:x:data}type", [ContentText $ s"form"])
		] [
			NodeElement $ Element (fromString "{jabber:x:data}title") [] [NodeContent $ ContentText $ s"Configure Direct Message Route"],
			NodeElement $ Element (fromString "{jabber:x:data}instructions") [] [
				NodeContent $ ContentText $ s"Enter the JID of a gateway to use for routing your direct messages over SMS."
			NodeElement $ Element (fromString "{jabber:x:data}field") [
				(fromString "{jabber:x:data}type", [ContentText $ s"jid-single"]),
				(fromString "{jabber:x:data}var", [ContentText $ s"gateway-jid"]),
				(fromString "{jabber:x:data}label", [ContentText $ s"Gateway JID"])
			] []

commandStage :: SessionID -> Element -> Element
commandStage sid el = Element (s"{http://jabber.org/protocol/commands}command")
		(s"{http://jabber.org/protocol/commands}node", [ContentText nodeName]),
		(s"{http://jabber.org/protocol/commands}sessionid", [ContentText $ sessionIDToText sid]),
		(s"{http://jabber.org/protocol/commands}status", [ContentText $ s"executing"])
		NodeElement $ Element (s"{http://jabber.org/protocol/commands}actions") [
			(s"{http://jabber.org/protocol/commands}execute", [ContentText $ s"next"])
		] [
			NodeElement $ Element (s"{http://jabber.org/protocol/commands}next") [] []
		NodeElement el

newSession :: IO (SessionID, Session)
newSession = UUID.nextUUID >>= go
	go (Just uuid) = return (SessionID uuid, stage2)
	go Nothing = do
		log "ConfigureDirectMessageRoute.newSession" "UUID generation failed"
		UUID.nextUUID >>= go

sessionIDFromText :: Text -> Maybe SessionID
sessionIDFromText txt = SessionID <$> UUID.fromString (textToString txt)

sessionIDToText :: SessionID -> Text
sessionIDToText (SessionID uuid) = fromString $ UUID.toString uuid

nodeName :: Text
nodeName = s"configure-direct-message-route"

iqError :: Maybe Text -> Maybe XMPP.JID -> String -> String -> Maybe String -> XMPP.IQ
iqError iqID to typ xmpp command = (XMPP.emptyIQ XMPP.IQError) {
	XMPP.iqID = iqID,
	XMPP.iqTo = to,
	XMPP.iqPayload = Just $
		Element (s"{jabber:component:accept}error")
			[(s"{jabber:component:accept}type", [ContentText $ fromString typ])]
				(NodeElement $ Element (fromString $ "{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas}" ++ xmpp) [] []) :
				map (\name ->
					NodeElement $ Element (fromString $ "{http://jabber.org/protocol/commands}" ++ name) [] []
				) (toList command)

convertFormToLegacyRegistration :: Element -> Element
convertFormToLegacyRegistration form =
	Element (s"{jabber:iq:register}query") [] $
	map (NodeElement . uncurry legacyEl . varAndValue) fields
	legacyEl var value = Element (fromString $ "{jabber:iq:register}" ++ T.unpack var) [] [NodeContent $ ContentText value]
	varAndValue field = (
			fromMaybe mempty $ attributeText (s"var") field,
			mconcat $ elementText =<< isNamed (s"{jabber:x:data}value") =<< elementChildren field
	fields = isNamed (s"{jabber:x:data}field") =<< elementChildren form

convertQueryToForm :: Element -> Element
convertQueryToForm query =
	Element (s"{jabber:x:data}x") [
			(s"{jabber:x:data}type", [ContentText $ s"form"])
		] ([
			NodeElement $ Element (fromString "{jabber:x:data}title") [] [NodeContent $ ContentText $ s"Register"],
			NodeElement $ Element (fromString "{jabber:x:data}instructions") [] [NodeContent $ ContentText instructions]
		] ++ map (NodeElement . field) vars)
	field var =
		Element (fromString "{jabber:x:data}field") [
			(s"{jabber:x:data}type", [ContentText $ if var == s"password" then s"text-private" else s"text-single"]),
			(s"{jabber:x:data}var", [ContentText var]),
			(s"{jabber:x:data}label", [ContentText var])
		] []
	instructions = mconcat $ elementText =<< isNamed (s"{jabber:iq:register}instructions") =<< elementChildren query
	vars =
		map snd $
		filter (\(ns, var) -> ns == s"jabber:iq:register" && var `notElem` [s"registered", s"instructions"]) $
		mapMaybe (\el -> let name = elementName el in (,) <$> nameNamespace name <*> pure (nameLocalName name)) $
		elementChildren query

M Main.hs => Main.hs +61 -45
@@ 24,14 24,12 @@ import qualified Data.UUID.V1 as UUID ( nextUUID )
import qualified Database.TokyoCabinet as TC
import Network.Protocol.XMPP -- should import qualified

import Util
import qualified ConfigureDirectMessageRoute

instance Ord JID where
	compare x y = compare (show x) (show y)

log :: (Show a, MonadIO m) => String -> a -> m ()
log tag x = liftIO $ do
	time <- getCurrentTime
	putStr (fromString $ show time <> " " <> tag <> " :: ") >> print x >> putStrLn mempty

data StanzaRec = StanzaRec (Maybe JID) (Maybe JID) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) [Element] Element deriving (Show)
mkStanzaRec x = StanzaRec (stanzaTo x) (stanzaFrom x) (stanzaID x) (stanzaLang x) (stanzaPayloads x) (stanzaToElement x)
instance Stanza StanzaRec where

@@ 84,18 82,6 @@ fillFormField var value form = form {
		) (elementNodes form)

getFormField form var =
		listToMaybe $ mapMaybe (\node ->
			case node of
				NodeElement el
					| elementName el == fromString "{jabber:x:data}field" &&
					  (attributeText (fromString "{jabber:x:data}var") el == Just var ||
					  attributeText (fromString "var") el == Just var) ->
						Just $ mconcat $
						elementText =<< isNamed (fromString "{jabber:x:data}value") =<< elementChildren el
				_ -> Nothing
		) (elementNodes form)

data Invite = Invite {
	inviteMUC :: JID,
	inviteFrom :: JID,

@@ 138,9 124,6 @@ forkXMPP kid = do
	session <- getSession
	liftIO $ forkIO $ void $ runXMPP session kid

bareTxt (JID (Just node) domain _) = mconcat [strNode node, fromString "@", strDomain domain]
bareTxt (JID Nothing domain _) = strDomain domain

nickFor db jid existingRoom
	| fmap bareTxt existingRoom == Just bareFrom = return $ fromMaybe (fromString "nonick") resourceFrom
	| Just tel <- normalizeTel =<< strNode <$> jidNode jid = do

@@ 476,12 459,12 @@ handleRegister _ _ iq _ = do
	return []

componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ (ReceivedMessage (m@Message { messageTo = Just to, messageFrom = Just from}))
componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (ReceivedMessage (m@Message { messageTo = Just to, messageFrom = Just from}))
	| [x] <- isNamed (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}x") =<< messagePayloads m,
	  not $ null $ code "104" =<< isNamed (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}status") =<< elementChildren x = do
		log "CODE104" (to, from)
		queryDisco from to
componentStanza db mapToBackend _ _ _ componentJid (ReceivedMessage (m@Message { messageTo = Just to, messageFrom = Just from}))
componentStanza db mapToBackend _ _ _ _ componentJid (ReceivedMessage (m@Message { messageTo = Just to, messageFrom = Just from}))
	| Just smsJid <- mapToBackend to = do
		existingRoom <- tcGetJID db to "joined"

@@ 519,7 502,7 @@ componentStanza db mapToBackend _ _ _ componentJid (ReceivedMessage (m@Message {
	resourceFrom = strResource <$> jidResource from
componentStanza _ mapToBackend _ toRejoinManager _ componentJid (ReceivedPresence p@(Presence { presenceType = PresenceError, presenceFrom = Just from, presenceTo = Just to, presenceID = Just id }))
componentStanza _ mapToBackend _ toRejoinManager _ _ componentJid (ReceivedPresence p@(Presence { presenceType = PresenceError, presenceFrom = Just from, presenceTo = Just to, presenceID = Just id }))
	| fromString "CHEOGRAMREJOIN%" `T.isPrefixOf` id = do
		log "FAILED TO REJOIN, try again in 10s" p
		void $ forkIO $ threadDelay 10000000 >> atomically (writeTChan toRejoinManager $ ForceRejoin from to)

@@ 530,7 513,7 @@ componentStanza _ mapToBackend _ toRejoinManager _ componentJid (ReceivedPresenc
			isNamed (fromString "{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas}text") =<<
			elementChildren =<< isNamed (fromString "{jabber:component:accept}error") =<< presencePayloads p
		return [mkStanzaRec $ mkSMS componentJid smsJid (fromString "* Failed to join " <> bareTxt from <> errorText)]
componentStanza db mapToBackend toRoomPresences toRejoinManager toJoinPartDebouncer componentJid (ReceivedPresence (Presence {
componentStanza db mapToBackend toRoomPresences toRejoinManager toJoinPartDebouncer _ componentJid (ReceivedPresence (Presence {
		presenceType = typ,
		presenceFrom = Just from,
		presenceTo = Just to,

@@ 540,7 523,7 @@ componentStanza db mapToBackend toRoomPresences toRejoinManager toJoinPartDeboun
		existingRoom <- tcGetJID db to "joined"
		log "JOIN PART ROOM" (from, to, typ, existingRoom, payloads)
		handleJoinPartRoom db toRoomPresences toRejoinManager toJoinPartDebouncer componentJid existingRoom from to smsJid payloads (typ == PresenceAvailable)
componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ (ReceivedPresence (Presence { presenceType = PresenceSubscribe, presenceFrom = Just from, presenceTo = Just to@JID { jidNode = Nothing } })) = do
componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (ReceivedPresence (Presence { presenceType = PresenceSubscribe, presenceFrom = Just from, presenceTo = Just to@JID { jidNode = Nothing } })) = do
	log "APPROVE SUBSCRIPTION" (from, to)
	log "SUBSCRIBE" (from, to)
	return [

@@ 553,7 536,7 @@ componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ (ReceivedPresence (Presence { presenceType = Presenc
				presenceFrom = Just to
componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ (ReceivedPresence (Presence { presenceType = PresenceProbe, presenceFrom = Just from, presenceTo = Just to@JID { jidNode = Nothing } })) = do
componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (ReceivedPresence (Presence { presenceType = PresenceProbe, presenceFrom = Just from, presenceTo = Just to@JID { jidNode = Nothing } })) = do
	log "RESPOND TO PROBES" (from, to)
	return [mkStanzaRec $ (emptyPresence PresenceAvailable) {
		presenceTo = Just from,

@@ 567,12 550,21 @@ componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ (ReceivedPresence (Presence { presenceType = Presenc
			] []
componentStanza db _ _ _ _ componentJid (ReceivedIQ iq@(IQ { iqFrom = Just _, iqTo = Just (JID { jidNode = Nothing }), iqPayload = Just p }))
componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ processDirectMessageRouteConfig componentJid (ReceivedIQ iq@(IQ { iqTo = Just to, iqPayload = payload }))
	| (jidNode to == Nothing && fmap elementName payload == Just (s"{http://jabber.org/protocol/commands}command")) ||
	  fmap strResource (jidResource to) == Just ConfigureDirectMessageRoute.nodeName = do
		log "PART OF COMMAND" iq
		replyIQ <- processDirectMessageRouteConfig iq
		let fromLocalpart = maybe mempty (\localpart -> localpart++s"@") (fmap strNode . jidNode =<< iqFrom replyIQ)
		return [mkStanzaRec $ replyIQ {
			iqFrom = parseJID (fromLocalpart ++ formatJID componentJid ++ s"/" ++ ConfigureDirectMessageRoute.nodeName)
componentStanza db _ _ _ _ _ componentJid (ReceivedIQ iq@(IQ { iqFrom = Just _, iqTo = Just (JID { jidNode = Nothing }), iqPayload = Just p }))
	| iqType iq `elem` [IQGet, IQSet],
	  [query] <- isNamed (fromString "{jabber:iq:register}query") p = do
		handleRegister db componentJid iq query
componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ (ReceivedIQ (IQ { iqType = IQGet, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just to, iqID = id, iqPayload = Just p }))
componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ componentJid (ReceivedIQ (IQ { iqType = IQGet, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just to, iqID = id, iqPayload = Just p }))
	| Nothing <- jidNode to,
	  [_] <- isNamed (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info}query") p = do
		log "DISCO ON US" (from, to, p)

@@ 598,7 590,25 @@ componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ (ReceivedIQ (IQ { iqType = IQGet, iqFrom = Just from
					] []
componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ (ReceivedIQ (IQ { iqType = IQGet, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just to, iqID = id, iqPayload = Just p }))
	| Nothing <- jidNode to,
	  [s"http://jabber.org/protocol/commands"] ==
	    mapMaybe (attributeText (s"node")) (isNamed (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items}query") p) = do
		log "componentStanza QUERY FOR COMMAND LIST" to
		return [mkStanzaRec $ (emptyIQ IQResult) {
			iqTo = Just from,
			iqFrom = Just to,
			iqID = id,
			iqPayload = Just $ Element (s"{http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items}query")
				[(s"{http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items}node", [ContentText $ s"http://jabber.org/protocol/commands"])]
					NodeElement $ Element (s"{http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items}item") [
							(s"{http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items}jid", [ContentText $ formatJID componentJid ++ s"/" ++ ConfigureDirectMessageRoute.nodeName]),
							(s"{http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items}node", [ContentText $ ConfigureDirectMessageRoute.nodeName]),
							(s"{http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items}name", [ContentText $ s"Configure direct message route"])
					] []
componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (ReceivedIQ (IQ { iqType = IQGet, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just to, iqID = id, iqPayload = Just p }))
	| Just _ <- jidNode to,
	  [_] <- isNamed (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info}query") p = do
		log "DISCO ON USER" (from, to, p)

@@ 619,7 629,7 @@ componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ (ReceivedIQ (IQ { iqType = IQGet, iqFrom = Just from
					] []
componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ componentJid (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = IQSet, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just (to@JID {jidNode = Nothing}), iqID = id, iqPayload = Just p }))
componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ componentJid (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = IQSet, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just (to@JID {jidNode = Nothing}), iqID = id, iqPayload = Just p }))
	| [query] <- isNamed (fromString "{jabber:iq:gateway}query") p,
	  [prompt] <- isNamed (fromString "{jabber:iq:gateway}prompt") =<< elementChildren query = do
		log "jabber:iq:gateway submit" (from, to, p)

@@ 646,7 656,7 @@ componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ componentJid (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = IQSet, iqFr
								[NodeContent $ ContentText $ fromString "Only US/Canada telephone numbers accepted"]
componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ (ReceivedIQ (IQ { iqType = IQGet, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just (to@JID {jidNode = Nothing}), iqID = id, iqPayload = Just p }))
componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (ReceivedIQ (IQ { iqType = IQGet, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just (to@JID {jidNode = Nothing}), iqID = id, iqPayload = Just p }))
	| [_] <- isNamed (fromString "{jabber:iq:gateway}query") p = do
		log "jabber:iq:gateway query" (from, to, p)
		return [mkStanzaRec $ (emptyIQ IQResult) {

@@ 659,7 669,7 @@ componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ (ReceivedIQ (IQ { iqType = IQGet, iqFrom = Just from
					NodeElement $ Element (fromString "{jabber:iq:gateway}prompt") [ ] [NodeContent $ ContentText $ fromString "Phone Number"]
componentStanza db _ _ _ _ componentJid (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = IQError, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just to }))
componentStanza db _ _ _ _ _ componentJid (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = IQError, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just to }))
	| (strNode <$> jidNode to) == Just (fromString "create"),
	  Just resource <- strResource <$> jidResource to = do
		log "create@ ERROR" (from, to, iq)

@@ 672,7 682,7 @@ componentStanza db _ _ _ _ componentJid (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = IQError, i
					leaveRoom db cheoJid "Joined a different room." <*>
					joinRoom db cheoJid room
			_ -> return [] -- Invalid packet, ignore
componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ componentJid (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = IQResult, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just to }))
componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ componentJid (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = IQResult, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just to }))
	| (strNode <$> jidNode to) == Just (fromString "create"),
	  Just resource <- strResource <$> jidResource to = do
		log "create@ RESULT" (from, to, iq)

@@ 682,21 692,21 @@ componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ componentJid (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = IQResult, i
			(cheoJidT:name:servers) | Just cheoJid <- parseJID cheoJidT ->
				createRoom componentJid servers cheoJid name
			_ -> return [] -- Invalid packet, ignore
componentStanza _ _ _ toRejoinManager _ _ (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = IQResult, iqID = Just id, iqFrom = Just from }))
componentStanza _ _ _ toRejoinManager _ _ _ (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = IQResult, iqID = Just id, iqFrom = Just from }))
	| fromString "CHEOGRAMPING%" `T.isPrefixOf` id = do
		log "PING RESULT" from
		atomically $ writeTChan toRejoinManager (PingReply from)
		return []
componentStanza _ _ _ toRejoinManager _ _ (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = IQError, iqID = Just id, iqFrom = Just from }))
componentStanza _ _ _ toRejoinManager _ _ _ (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = IQError, iqID = Just id, iqFrom = Just from }))
	| fromString "CHEOGRAMPING%" `T.isPrefixOf` id = do
		log "PING ERROR RESULT" from
		atomically $ writeTChan toRejoinManager (PingError from)
		return []
componentStanza _ mapToBackend _ _ _ componentJid (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = IQError, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just to }))
componentStanza _ mapToBackend _ _ _ _ componentJid (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = IQError, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just to }))
	| Just smsJid <- mapToBackend to = do
		log "IQ ERROR" iq
		return [mkStanzaRec $ mkSMS componentJid smsJid (fromString "Error while querying or configuring " <> formatJID from)]
componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ (ReceivedIQ (IQ { iqType = IQResult, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just to, iqID = Just id, iqPayload = Just p }))
componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (ReceivedIQ (IQ { iqType = IQResult, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just to, iqID = Just id, iqPayload = Just p }))
	| [query] <- isNamed (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#owner}query") p,
	  [form] <- isNamed (fromString "{jabber:x:data}x") =<< elementChildren query = do
		log "DISCO RESULT" (from, to, p)

@@ 715,14 725,14 @@ componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ (ReceivedIQ (IQ { iqType = IQResult, iqFrom = Just f
				form { elementAttributes = [(fromString "{jabber:x:data}type", [ContentText $ fromString "submit"])] }
componentStanza _ mapToBackend _ _ _ componentJid (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = IQResult, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just to, iqID = Just id }))
componentStanza _ mapToBackend _ _ _ _ componentJid (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = IQResult, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just to, iqID = Just id }))
	| Just smsJid <- mapToBackend to,
	  fromString "CHEOGRAMCREATE%" `T.isPrefixOf` id = do
		fmap (((mkStanzaRec $ mkSMS componentJid smsJid (mconcat [fromString "* You have created ", bareTxt from])):) . concat . toList) $
			forM (parseJID $ bareTxt to <> fromString "/create") $
				queryDisco from
componentStanza db _ _ _ _ componentJid (ReceivedIQ (IQ { iqType = IQResult, iqTo = Just to, iqFrom = Just from, iqPayload = Just p }))
componentStanza db _ _ _ _ _ componentJid (ReceivedIQ (IQ { iqType = IQResult, iqTo = Just to, iqFrom = Just from, iqPayload = Just p }))
	| Just _ <- strNode <$> jidNode to,
	  [query] <- isNamed (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info}query") p = do
		log "DISCO RESULT" (from, to, p)

@@ 736,7 746,7 @@ componentStanza db _ _ _ _ componentJid (ReceivedIQ (IQ { iqType = IQResult, iqT
				sendInvite db jid (Invite from to Nothing Nothing)
			return []
componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = IQGet, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just to, iqPayload = Just p }))
componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = IQGet, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just to, iqPayload = Just p }))
	| not $ null $ isNamed (fromString "{urn:xmpp:ping}ping") p = do
		log "urn:xmpp:ping" (from, to)
		return [mkStanzaRec $ iq {

@@ 745,7 755,7 @@ componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = IQGet, iqFrom = Just f
			iqType = IQResult,
			iqPayload = Nothing
componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = typ }))
componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = typ }))
	| typ `elem` [IQGet, IQSet] = do
		return [mkStanzaRec $ iq {

@@ 756,7 766,7 @@ componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = typ }))
				[(fromString "{jabber:component:accept}type", [ContentText $ fromString "cancel"])]
				[NodeElement $ Element (fromString "{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas}feature-not-implemented") [] []]
componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ s = do
componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s = do
	return []

@@ 766,7 776,7 @@ participantJid payloads =
	elementChildren =<<
	isNamed (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}x") =<< payloads

component db backendHost toRoomPresences toRejoinManager toJoinPartDebouncer toComponent componentJid conferenceServers = do
component db backendHost toRoomPresences toRejoinManager toJoinPartDebouncer toComponent processDirectMessageRouteConfig componentJid conferenceServers = do
	thread <- forkXMPP $ forever $ flip catchError (log "component EXCEPTION") $ do
		stanza <- liftIO $ atomically $ readTChan toComponent
		log "COMPONENT OUT" stanza

@@ 796,7 806,7 @@ component db backendHost toRoomPresences toRejoinManager toJoinPartDebouncer toC
						(_, Just txt, Just cheoJid) ->
							mapM_ sendToComponent =<< processSMS db componentJid conferenceServers from cheoJid txt
			_ ->
				mapM_ sendToComponent =<< componentStanza db (mapToBackend backendHost) toRoomPresences toRejoinManager toJoinPartDebouncer componentJid s
				mapM_ sendToComponent =<< componentStanza db (mapToBackend backendHost) toRoomPresences toRejoinManager toJoinPartDebouncer processDirectMessageRouteConfig componentJid s
	mapToComponent = mapToBackend (formatJID componentJid)
	sendToComponent = atomically . writeTChan toComponent

@@ 1289,10 1299,16 @@ main = do
			void $ forkIO $ forever $ atomically (writeTChan toRejoinManager CheckPings) >> threadDelay 120000000
			void $ forkIO $ rejoinManager db (atomically . writeTChan sendToComponent) name toRoomPresences toRejoinManager

			processDirectMessageRouteConfig <- ConfigureDirectMessageRoute.main (\userJid gatewayJid -> do
					log "SETTING DIRECT MESSAGE ROUTE" (userJid, gatewayJid)
					True <- TC.runTCM $ TC.put db (T.unpack (bareTxt userJid) ++ "\0direct-message-route") (T.unpack $ formatJID gatewayJid)
					return ()

			forever $ do
				log "" "runComponent STARTING"

				(log "runComponent ENDED" <=< (runEitherT . syncIO)) $
					runComponent (Server componentJid host (PortNumber $ fromIntegral (read port :: Int))) (fromString secret)
						(component db (fromString backendHost) toRoomPresences toRejoinManager toJoinPartDebouncer sendToComponent componentJid (map fromString conferences))
						(component db (fromString backendHost) toRoomPresences toRejoinManager toJoinPartDebouncer sendToComponent processDirectMessageRouteConfig componentJid (map fromString conferences))
		_ -> log "ERROR" "Bad arguments"

A Util.hs => Util.hs +48 -0
@@ 0,0 1,48 @@
module Util where

import Prelude ()
import BasicPrelude

import Data.Time (getCurrentTime)
import Data.XML.Types (Element(..), Node(NodeElement), isNamed, elementText, elementChildren, attributeText)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Network.Protocol.XMPP as XMPP

log :: (Show a, MonadIO m) => String -> a -> m ()
log tag x = liftIO $ do
	time <- getCurrentTime
	putStr (show time ++ s" " ++ fromString tag ++ s" :: ") >> print x >> putStrLn mempty

s :: (IsString a) => String -> a
s = fromString

escapeJid :: Text -> Text
escapeJid txt = T.concatMap (\char ->
		case char of
			' ' -> s"\\20"
			'"' -> s"\\22"
			'&' -> s"\\26"
			'\'' -> s"\\27"
			'/' -> s"\\2f"
			':' -> s"\\3a"
			'<' -> s"\\3c"
			'>' -> s"\\3e"
			'@' -> s"\\40"
			'\\' -> s"\\5c"
			c -> T.singleton c
	) txt

bareTxt (XMPP.JID (Just node) domain _) = mconcat [XMPP.strNode node, s"@", XMPP.strDomain domain]
bareTxt (XMPP.JID Nothing domain _) = XMPP.strDomain domain

getFormField form var =
		listToMaybe $ mapMaybe (\node ->
			case node of
				NodeElement el
					| elementName el == s"{jabber:x:data}field" &&
					  (attributeText (s"{jabber:x:data}var") el == Just var ||
					  attributeText (s"var") el == Just var) ->
						Just $ mconcat $
						elementText =<< isNamed (s"{jabber:x:data}value") =<< elementChildren el
				_ -> Nothing
		) (elementNodes form)

M cheogram.cabal => cheogram.cabal +1 -0
@@ 29,6 29,7 @@ executable cheogram
                errors < 2.0.0,
                network-protocol-xmpp == 0.4.8,