@@ 1891,31 1891,45 @@ main = do
void $ forkIO $ forever $ atomically (writeTChan toRejoinManager CheckPings) >> threadDelay 120000000
void $ forkIO $ rejoinManager db (atomically . writeTChan sendToComponent) (textToString $ formatJID componentJid) toRoomPresences toRejoinManager
+ -- When we're talking to the adhoc bot we'll get a command from stuff\40example.com@cheogram.com
+ -- When they're talking to us directly, we'll get the command from stuff@example.com
+ -- In either case, we want to use the same key and understand it as coming from the same user
+ let maybeUnescape userJid
+ | jidDomain userJid == jidDomain componentJid,
+ Just node <- jidNode userJid =
+ let resource = maybe mempty strResource $ jidResource userJid
+ in
+ -- If we can't parse the thing we unescaped, just return the original
+ fromMaybe userJid $ parseJID (unescapeJid (strNode node) ++ if T.null resource then mempty else s"/" ++ resource)
+ | otherwise = userJid
processDirectMessageRouteConfig <- ConfigureDirectMessageRoute.main
(\userJid ->
- (parseJID . fromString =<<) <$> TC.runTCM (TC.get db (T.unpack (bareTxt userJid) ++ "\0direct-message-route"))
+ let userJid' = maybeUnescape userJid in
+ (parseJID . fromString =<<) <$> TC.runTCM (TC.get db (T.unpack (bareTxt userJid') ++ "\0direct-message-route"))
(\userJid mgatewayJid -> do
+ let userJid' = maybeUnescape userJid
case mgatewayJid of
Just gatewayJid -> do
- maybeExistingRoute <- (parseJID . fromString =<<) <$> TC.runTCM (TC.get db (T.unpack (bareTxt userJid) ++ "\0direct-message-route"))
+ maybeExistingRoute <- (parseJID . fromString =<<) <$> TC.runTCM (TC.get db (T.unpack (bareTxt userJid') ++ "\0direct-message-route"))
forM_ maybeExistingRoute $ \existingRoute ->
when (existingRoute /= gatewayJid)
- (atomically . writeTChan sendToComponent . mkStanzaRec =<< unregisterDirectMessageRoute db componentJid userJid existingRoute)
+ (atomically . writeTChan sendToComponent . mkStanzaRec =<< unregisterDirectMessageRoute db componentJid userJid' existingRoute)
- True <- TC.runTCM $ TC.put db (T.unpack (bareTxt userJid) ++ "\0direct-message-route") (T.unpack $ formatJID gatewayJid)
+ True <- TC.runTCM $ TC.put db (T.unpack (bareTxt userJid') ++ "\0direct-message-route") (T.unpack $ formatJID gatewayJid)
- forM_ (parseJID $ escapeJid (bareTxt userJid) ++ s"@" ++ formatJID componentJid) $ \from ->
+ forM_ (parseJID $ escapeJid (bareTxt userJid') ++ s"@" ++ formatJID componentJid) $ \from ->
forM_ (parseJID $ did ++ s"@" ++ formatJID gatewayJid) $ \to ->
atomically $ writeTChan sendToComponent $ mkStanzaRec $
- mkSMS from to (s"/addjid " ++ bareTxt userJid)
+ mkSMS from to (s"/addjid " ++ bareTxt userJid')
return ()
Nothing -> do
- maybeExistingRoute <- (parseJID . fromString =<<) <$> TC.runTCM (TC.get db (T.unpack (bareTxt userJid) ++ "\0direct-message-route"))
- TC.runTCM $ TC.out db (T.unpack (bareTxt userJid) ++ "\0direct-message-route")
+ maybeExistingRoute <- (parseJID . fromString =<<) <$> TC.runTCM (TC.get db (T.unpack (bareTxt userJid') ++ "\0direct-message-route"))
+ TC.runTCM $ TC.out db (T.unpack (bareTxt userJid') ++ "\0direct-message-route")
forM_ maybeExistingRoute $ \existingRoute ->
- atomically . writeTChan sendToComponent . mkStanzaRec =<< unregisterDirectMessageRoute db componentJid userJid existingRoute
+ atomically . writeTChan sendToComponent . mkStanzaRec =<< unregisterDirectMessageRoute db componentJid userJid' existingRoute
jingleHandler <- UIO.runEitherIO $ Jingle.setupJingleHandlers jingleStore s5bListenOn (fromString s5bhost, s5bport)