
a2871b75c9b6462142c03663b5095af9d2a26193 — Christopher Vollick 3 years ago e1dacfb
Translate Adhoc JID to Real JID in configure-direct-message-route

The adhoc commands that exist in the backend are wrapped and proxied
through cheogram, so it's not that different when the adhoc command is
talking to them vs when the client is talking to them. In both cases the
user is escaped and proxied (test\40example.com@cheogram.com)

But the internal command is different, because when a client is talking
to it directly, it really is direct. Whereas commands from the adhoc bot
appear to come from test\40example.com@cheogram.com, so it sees it as a
different user, which is bad.

So now I look at the JID and if it looks like one of our escaped ones,
then I unescape it when deciding which key to use.
1 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

M Main.hs
M Main.hs => Main.hs +23 -9
@@ 1891,31 1891,45 @@ main = do
			void $ forkIO $ forever $ atomically (writeTChan toRejoinManager CheckPings) >> threadDelay 120000000
			void $ forkIO $ rejoinManager db (atomically . writeTChan sendToComponent) (textToString $ formatJID componentJid) toRoomPresences toRejoinManager

			-- When we're talking to the adhoc bot we'll get a command from stuff\40example.com@cheogram.com
			-- When they're talking to us directly, we'll get the command from stuff@example.com
			-- In either case, we want to use the same key and understand it as coming from the same user
			let maybeUnescape userJid
				| jidDomain userJid == jidDomain componentJid,
				  Just node <- jidNode userJid =
					let resource = maybe mempty strResource $ jidResource userJid
					-- If we can't parse the thing we unescaped, just return the original
					fromMaybe userJid $ parseJID (unescapeJid (strNode node) ++ if T.null resource then mempty else s"/" ++ resource)
				| otherwise = userJid

			processDirectMessageRouteConfig <- ConfigureDirectMessageRoute.main
				(\userJid ->
					(parseJID . fromString =<<) <$> TC.runTCM (TC.get db (T.unpack (bareTxt userJid) ++ "\0direct-message-route"))
					let userJid' = maybeUnescape userJid in
					(parseJID . fromString =<<) <$> TC.runTCM (TC.get db (T.unpack (bareTxt userJid') ++ "\0direct-message-route"))
				(\userJid mgatewayJid -> do
					let userJid' = maybeUnescape userJid
					case mgatewayJid of
						Just gatewayJid -> do
							maybeExistingRoute <- (parseJID . fromString =<<) <$> TC.runTCM (TC.get db (T.unpack (bareTxt userJid) ++ "\0direct-message-route"))
							maybeExistingRoute <- (parseJID . fromString =<<) <$> TC.runTCM (TC.get db (T.unpack (bareTxt userJid') ++ "\0direct-message-route"))
							forM_ maybeExistingRoute $ \existingRoute ->
								when (existingRoute /= gatewayJid)
									(atomically . writeTChan sendToComponent . mkStanzaRec =<< unregisterDirectMessageRoute db componentJid userJid existingRoute)
									(atomically . writeTChan sendToComponent . mkStanzaRec =<< unregisterDirectMessageRoute db componentJid userJid' existingRoute)

							True <- TC.runTCM $ TC.put db (T.unpack (bareTxt userJid) ++ "\0direct-message-route") (T.unpack $ formatJID gatewayJid)
							True <- TC.runTCM $ TC.put db (T.unpack (bareTxt userJid') ++ "\0direct-message-route") (T.unpack $ formatJID gatewayJid)

							forM_ (parseJID $ escapeJid (bareTxt userJid) ++ s"@" ++ formatJID componentJid) $ \from ->
							forM_ (parseJID $ escapeJid (bareTxt userJid') ++ s"@" ++ formatJID componentJid) $ \from ->
								forM_ (parseJID $ did ++ s"@" ++ formatJID gatewayJid) $ \to ->
									atomically $ writeTChan sendToComponent $ mkStanzaRec $
										mkSMS from to (s"/addjid " ++ bareTxt userJid)
										mkSMS from to (s"/addjid " ++ bareTxt userJid')

							return ()
						Nothing -> do
							maybeExistingRoute <- (parseJID . fromString =<<) <$> TC.runTCM (TC.get db (T.unpack (bareTxt userJid) ++ "\0direct-message-route"))
							TC.runTCM $ TC.out db (T.unpack (bareTxt userJid) ++ "\0direct-message-route")
							maybeExistingRoute <- (parseJID . fromString =<<) <$> TC.runTCM (TC.get db (T.unpack (bareTxt userJid') ++ "\0direct-message-route"))
							TC.runTCM $ TC.out db (T.unpack (bareTxt userJid') ++ "\0direct-message-route")
							forM_ maybeExistingRoute $ \existingRoute ->
								atomically . writeTChan sendToComponent . mkStanzaRec =<< unregisterDirectMessageRoute db componentJid userJid existingRoute
								atomically . writeTChan sendToComponent . mkStanzaRec =<< unregisterDirectMessageRoute db componentJid userJid' existingRoute

			jingleHandler <- UIO.runEitherIO $ Jingle.setupJingleHandlers jingleStore s5bListenOn (fromString s5bhost, s5bport)