@@ 1,20 1,20 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
import Prelude (show, read)
-import BasicPrelude hiding (show, read, forM_, mapM_, getArgs, log)
+import BasicPrelude hiding (show, read, forM, mapM, forM_, mapM_, getArgs, log)
import System.IO (stdout, stderr, hSetBuffering, BufferMode(LineBuffering))
import Data.Char
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Data.Foldable (forM_, mapM_, toList)
+import Data.Traversable (forM, mapM)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
-import Control.Error (readZ, syncIO, runEitherT)
+import Control.Error (readZ, syncIO, runEitherT, readMay, MaybeT(..), hoistMaybe)
import Data.Time (UTCTime, addUTCTime, diffUTCTime, getCurrentTime)
import Network (PortID(PortNumber))
import System.Random (Random(randomR), getStdRandom)
import System.Random.Shuffle (shuffleM)
import "monads-tf" Control.Monad.Error (catchError) -- ick
-import Data.Attoparsec.Text (takeText, string, parseOnly, decimal)
import Data.XML.Types (Element(..), Node(NodeContent, NodeElement), Name(Name), Content(ContentText), isNamed, hasAttributeText, elementText, elementChildren, attributeText)
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import qualified Data.Text as T
@@ 42,29 42,32 @@ instance Stanza StanzaRec where
stanzaPayloads (StanzaRec _ _ _ _ payloads _) = payloads
stanzaToElement (StanzaRec _ _ _ _ _ element) = element
-writeStanzaChan chan = atomically . writeTChan chan . mkStanzaRec
-mkSMS tel txt = (emptyMessage MessageChat) {
- messageTo = telToVitelity tel,
- messagePayloads = [Element (fromString "{jabber:client}body") [] [NodeContent $ ContentText txt]]
+mkSMS from to txt = (emptyMessage MessageChat) {
+ messageTo = Just to,
+ messageFrom = Just from,
+ messagePayloads = [Element (fromString "{jabber:component:accept}body") [] [NodeContent $ ContentText txt]]
-tcKey tel key = maybe "BADTEL" T.unpack (normalizeTel tel) <> "\0" <> key
-tcGetJID db tel key = (parseJID . fromString =<<) <$> TC.runTCM (TC.get db $ tcKey tel key)
-tcPutJID db tel key jid = do
- True <- TC.runTCM (TC.put db (tcKey tel key) (T.unpack $ formatJID jid))
+tcKey jid key = fmap (\node -> (T.unpack $ strNode node) <> "\0" <> key) (jidNode jid)
+tcGetJID db jid key = liftIO $ case tcKey jid key of
+ Just tck -> (parseJID . fromString =<<) <$> TC.runTCM (TC.get db tck)
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+tcPutJID db cheoJid key jid = tcPut db cheoJid key $ T.unpack $ formatJID jid
+tcPut db cheoJid key val = liftIO $ do
+ let Just tck = tcKey cheoJid key
+ True <- TC.runTCM (TC.put db tck val)
return ()
getBody ns = listToMaybe . fmap (mconcat . elementText) . (isNamed (Name (fromString "body") (Just $ fromString ns) Nothing) <=< messagePayloads)
-queryDisco toComponent to from = do
+queryDisco to from = do
uuid <- (fmap.fmap) (fromString . UUID.toString) UUID.nextUUID
- writeStanzaChan toComponent $ (emptyIQ IQGet) {
+ return $ [mkStanzaRec $ (emptyIQ IQGet) {
iqTo = Just to,
iqFrom = Just from,
iqID = uuid,
iqPayload = Just $ Element (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info}query") [] []
- }
+ }]
fillFormField var value form = form {
elementNodes = map (\node ->
@@ 141,7 144,7 @@ bareTxt (JID Nothing domain _) = strDomain domain
nickFor db jid existingRoom
| fmap bareTxt existingRoom == Just bareFrom = return $ fromMaybe (fromString "nonick") resourceFrom
| Just tel <- normalizeTel =<< strNode <$> jidNode jid = do
- mnick <- TC.runTCM (TC.get db $ tcKey tel "nick")
+ mnick <- maybe (return Nothing) (TC.runTCM .TC.get db) (tcKey jid "nick")
case mnick of
Just nick -> return (tel <> fromString " \"" <> fromString nick <> fromString "\"")
Nothing -> return tel
@@ 155,26 158,15 @@ code str status =
hasAttributeText (fromString "code") (== fromString str) status
-componentMessage _ toVitelity _ (m@Message { messageType = MessageError }) _ _ _ tel body = do
+componentMessage _ componentJid (m@Message { messageType = MessageError }) _ _ _ smsJid body = do
- let errorTxt = fmap (mconcat . elementText) $ listToMaybe $
- isNamed (fromString "{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas}text") =<<
- elementChildren =<< isNamed (fromString "{jabber:component:accept}error") =<< messagePayloads m
- writeStanzaChan toVitelity $ mkSMS tel $
- mconcat [
- fromString "(ERROR from ",
- maybe (fromString "unspecified") formatJID (messageFrom m),
- fromString ")",
- maybe mempty (fromString "\n"<>) errorTxt,
- maybe mempty (fromString "\n"<>) body
- ]
-componentMessage db toVitelity toComponent m@(Message { messageTo = Just to }) existingRoom _ _ tel _
+ return [mkStanzaRec $ m { messageTo = Just smsJid, messageFrom = Just componentJid }]
+componentMessage db componentJid m@(Message { messageTo = Just to }) existingRoom _ _ smsJid _
| Just invite <- getMediatedInvitation m <|> getDirectInvitation m = do
log "GOT INVITE" (invite, m)
- forM_ (invitePassword invite) $ \password -> do
- True <- TC.runTCM $ TC.put db (tcKey tel (T.unpack (formatJID $ inviteMUC invite) <> "\0muc_roomsecret")) (T.unpack password)
- return ()
- existingInvite <- tcGetJID db tel "invited"
+ forM_ (invitePassword invite) $ \password ->
+ tcPut db to (T.unpack (formatJID $ inviteMUC invite) <> "\0muc_roomsecret") (T.unpack password)
+ existingInvite <- tcGetJID db to "invited"
nick <- nickFor db (inviteFrom invite) existingRoom
let txt = mconcat [
fromString "* ",
@@ 183,103 175,119 @@ componentMessage db toVitelity toComponent m@(Message { messageTo = Just to }) e
maybe mempty (\t -> fromString ", saying \"" <> t <> fromString "\"") (inviteText invite),
fromString "\nYou can switch to this group by replying with /join"
- when (existingRoom /= Just (inviteMUC invite) && existingInvite /= Just (inviteMUC invite)) $ do
- tcPutJID db tel "invited" (inviteMUC invite)
- writeStanzaChan toVitelity $ mkSMS tel txt
- regJid <- tcGetJID db tel "registered"
- forM_ regJid $ \jid -> sendInvite db toComponent jid (invite { inviteFrom = to })
-componentMessage _ toVitelity _ (m@Message { messageType = MessageGroupChat }) existingRoom bareFrom resourceFrom tel (Just body) = do
+ if (existingRoom /= Just (inviteMUC invite) && existingInvite /= Just (inviteMUC invite)) then do
+ tcPutJID db to "invited" (inviteMUC invite)
+ regJid <- tcGetJID db to "registered"
+ fmap (((mkStanzaRec $ mkSMS componentJid smsJid txt):) . concat . toList)
+ (forM regJid $ \jid -> sendInvite db jid (invite { inviteFrom = to }))
+ else
+ return []
+componentMessage _ componentJid (m@Message { messageType = MessageGroupChat }) existingRoom bareFrom resourceFrom smsJid (Just body) = do
log "MESSAGE FROM GROUP" (existingRoom, body)
if fmap bareTxt existingRoom == Just bareFrom && (
existingRoom /= parseJID (bareFrom <> fromString "/" <> fromMaybe mempty resourceFrom) ||
not (fromString "CHEOGRAM%" `T.isPrefixOf` fromMaybe mempty (messageID m))) then
- writeStanzaChan toVitelity $ mkSMS tel txt
- else
+ return [mkStanzaRec $ mkSMS componentJid smsJid txt]
+ else do
log "MESSAGE FROM WRONG GROUP" (fmap bareTxt existingRoom, bareFrom, m)
+ return []
txt = mconcat [fromString "(", fromMaybe (fromString "nonick") resourceFrom, fromString ") ", body]
-componentMessage db toVitelity _ (Message { messageFrom = Just from }) existingRoom _ _ tel (Just body) = do
- log "WHISPER" (from, tel, body)
+componentMessage db componentJid (Message { messageFrom = Just from }) existingRoom _ _ smsJid (Just body) = do
+ log "WHISPER" (from, smsJid, body)
nick <- nickFor db from existingRoom
let txt = mconcat [fromString "(", nick, fromString " whispers) ", body]
- writeStanzaChan toVitelity $ mkSMS tel txt
-componentMessage _ _ _ m _ _ _ _ _ = log "UNKNOWN MESSAGE" m
+ return [mkStanzaRec $ mkSMS componentJid smsJid txt]
+componentMessage _ _ m _ _ _ _ _ = do
+ return []
-handleJoinPartRoom db toVitelity toRoomPresences toRejoinManager toJoinPartDebouncer toComponent existingRoom from to tel payloads join
+handleJoinPartRoom db toRoomPresences toRejoinManager toJoinPartDebouncer componentJid existingRoom from to smsJid payloads join
| join,
[x] <- isNamed (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}x") =<< payloads,
not $ null $ code "110" =<< isNamed (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}status") =<< elementChildren x = do
- log "JOINED" (tel, from)
- existingInvite <- tcGetJID db tel "invited"
+ log "JOINED" (to, from)
+ existingInvite <- tcGetJID db to "invited"
when (existingInvite == parseJID bareMUC) $ do
- True <- TC.runTCM $ TC.out db $ tcKey tel "invited"
- log "JOINED" (tel, from, "INVITE CLEARED")
+ let Just invitedKey = tcKey to "invited"
+ True <- TC.runTCM $ TC.out db invitedKey
+ log "JOINED" (to, from, "INVITE CLEARED")
return ()
- tcPutJID db tel "joined" from
- bookmarks <- fmap (fromMaybe [] . (readZ =<<)) (TC.runTCM $ TC.get db (tcKey tel "bookmarks"))
- True <- TC.runTCM (TC.put db (tcKey tel "bookmarks") (show $ sort $ nub $ T.unpack bareMUC : bookmarks))
+ tcPutJID db to "joined" from
+ let Just bookmarksKey = tcKey to "bookmarks"
+ bookmarks <- fmap (fromMaybe [] . (readZ =<<)) (TC.runTCM $ TC.get db bookmarksKey)
+ tcPut db to "bookmarks" (show $ sort $ nub $ T.unpack bareMUC : bookmarks)
- presences <- syncCall toRoomPresences $ GetRoomPresences tel from
- atomically $ writeTChan toRoomPresences $ RecordSelfJoin tel from (Just to)
+ presences <- syncCall toRoomPresences $ GetRoomPresences to from
+ atomically $ writeTChan toRoomPresences $ RecordSelfJoin to from (Just to)
atomically $ writeTChan toRejoinManager $ Joined from
case presences of
[] -> do -- No one in the room, so we "created"
- log "JOINED" (tel, from, "CREATED")
+ log "JOINED" (to, from, "CREATED")
uuid <- fromMaybe "UUIDFAIL" <$> (fmap.fmap) (fromString . UUID.toString) UUID.nextUUID
let fullid = if (T.unpack resourceFrom `elem` map fst presences) then uuid else "CHEOGRAMCREATE%" <> uuid
- writeStanzaChan toComponent $ (emptyIQ IQGet) {
+ return [mkStanzaRec $ (emptyIQ IQGet) {
iqTo = Just room,
iqFrom = Just to,
iqID = Just $ fromString fullid,
iqPayload = Just $ Element (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#owner}query") [] []
- }
+ }]
(_:_) | isNothing (lookup (T.unpack resourceFrom) presences) -> do
- log "JOINED" (tel, from, resourceFrom, presences, "YOU HAVE JOINED")
- writeStanzaChan toVitelity $ mkSMS tel $ mconcat [
+ log "JOINED" (to, from, resourceFrom, presences, "YOU HAVE JOINED")
+ fmap ((mkStanzaRec $ mkSMS componentJid smsJid $ mconcat [
fromString "* You have joined ", bareMUC,
fromString " as ", resourceFrom,
fromString " along with\n",
fromString $ intercalate ", " (filter (/= T.unpack resourceFrom) $ map fst presences)
- ]
- queryDisco toComponent room to
+ ]):)
+ (queryDisco room to)
_ -> do
- log "JOINED" (tel, from, "FALSE PRESENCE")
- queryDisco toComponent room to
+ log "JOINED" (to, from, "FALSE PRESENCE")
+ queryDisco room to
| not join,
[x] <- isNamed (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}x") =<< payloads,
(_:_) <- code "303" =<< isNamed (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}status") =<< elementChildren x = do
- log "CHANGED NICK" (tel, x)
- mapM_ (\nick -> do
- atomically $ writeTChan toRoomPresences $ RecordNickChanged tel from nick
- writeStanzaChan toVitelity $ mkSMS tel $ mconcat [
+ log "CHANGED NICK" (to, x)
+ let mnick = attributeText (fromString "nick") =<<
+ listToMaybe (isNamed (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}item") =<< elementChildren x)
+ toList <$> forM mnick (\nick -> do
+ atomically $ writeTChan toRoomPresences $ RecordNickChanged to from nick
+ return $ mkStanzaRec $ mkSMS componentJid smsJid $ mconcat [
fromString "* ",
fromString " has changed their nick to ",
- ) $ attributeText (fromString "nick")
- =<< listToMaybe (isNamed (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}item") =<< elementChildren x)
+ )
| not join,
[x] <- isNamed (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}x") =<< payloads,
(_:_) <- code "332" =<< isNamed (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}status") =<< elementChildren x = do
- log "SERVER RESTART, rejoin in 5s" (tel, from)
- void $ forkIO $ threadDelay 5000000 >> atomically (writeTChan toRejoinManager $ ForceRejoin from tel)
+ log "SERVER RESTART, rejoin in 5s" (to, from)
+ void $ forkIO $ threadDelay 5000000 >> atomically (writeTChan toRejoinManager $ ForceRejoin from to)
+ return []
| not join && existingRoom == Just from = do
- log "YOU HAVE LEFT" (tel, existingRoom)
- True <- TC.runTCM $ TC.out db $ tcKey tel "joined"
- atomically $ writeTChan toRoomPresences $ RecordPart tel from
- atomically $ writeTChan toRoomPresences $ Clear tel from
- writeStanzaChan toVitelity $ mkSMS tel (fromString "* You have left " <> bareMUC)
- | fmap bareTxt existingRoom == Just bareMUC && join = atomically $ writeTChan toJoinPartDebouncer $ DebounceJoin tel from (participantJid payloads)
- | fmap bareTxt existingRoom == Just bareMUC && not join = atomically $ writeTChan toJoinPartDebouncer $ DebouncePart tel from
+ log "YOU HAVE LEFT" (to, existingRoom)
+ let Just joinedKey = tcKey to "joined"
+ True <- TC.runTCM $ TC.out db joinedKey
+ atomically $ writeTChan toRoomPresences $ RecordPart to from
+ atomically $ writeTChan toRoomPresences $ Clear to from
+ return [mkStanzaRec $ mkSMS componentJid smsJid (fromString "* You have left " <> bareMUC)]
+ | fmap bareTxt existingRoom == Just bareMUC && join = do
+ atomically $ writeTChan toJoinPartDebouncer $ DebounceJoin to from (participantJid payloads)
+ return []
+ | fmap bareTxt existingRoom == Just bareMUC && not join = do
+ atomically $ writeTChan toJoinPartDebouncer $ DebouncePart to from
+ return []
| join = do
- log "UNKNOWN JOIN" (existingRoom, from, to, tel, payloads, join)
- atomically $ writeTChan toRoomPresences $ RecordJoin tel from (participantJid payloads)
+ log "UNKNOWN JOIN" (existingRoom, from, to, payloads, join)
+ atomically $ writeTChan toRoomPresences $ RecordJoin to from (participantJid payloads)
+ return []
| otherwise = do
- log "UNKNOWN NOT JOIN" (existingRoom, from, to, tel, payloads, join)
- atomically $ writeTChan toRoomPresences $ RecordPart tel from
+ log "UNKNOWN NOT JOIN" (existingRoom, from, to, payloads, join)
+ atomically $ writeTChan toRoomPresences $ RecordPart to from
+ return []
resourceFrom = fromMaybe mempty (strResource <$> jidResource from)
Just room = parseJID bareMUC
@@ 313,82 321,84 @@ verificationResponse =
-data RegistrationCode = RegistrationCode { regCode :: Int, tel :: Text, expires :: UTCTime } deriving (Show, Read)
+data RegistrationCode = RegistrationCode { regCode :: Int, cheoJid :: Text, expires :: UTCTime } deriving (Show, Read)
-sendRegisterVerification db toVitelity toComponent tel iq = do
+registerVerification db componentJid to iq = do
code <- getStdRandom (randomR (123457::Int,987653))
time <- getCurrentTime
- True <- TC.runTCM $ TC.put db ((maybe mempty T.unpack $ bareTxt <$> iqFrom iq) <> "\0registration_code") $ show $ RegistrationCode code tel time
- writeStanzaChan toVitelity $ mkSMS tel $ fromString ("Enter this verification code to complete registration: " <> show code)
- writeStanzaChan toComponent $ iq {
- iqTo = iqFrom iq,
- iqFrom = iqTo iq,
- iqType = IQResult,
- iqPayload = Just verificationResponse
- }
+ True <- TC.runTCM $ TC.put db ((maybe mempty T.unpack $ bareTxt <$> iqFrom iq) <> "\0registration_code") $ show $ RegistrationCode code (formatJID to) time
+ return [
+ mkStanzaRec $ mkSMS componentJid to $ fromString ("Enter this verification code to complete registration: " <> show code),
+ mkStanzaRec $ iq {
+ iqTo = iqFrom iq,
+ iqFrom = iqTo iq,
+ iqType = IQResult,
+ iqPayload = Just verificationResponse
+ }
+ ]
-handleVerificationCode db toComponent componentHost password iq = do
+handleVerificationCode db componentJid password iq = do
time <- getCurrentTime
codeAndTime <- fmap (readZ =<<) $ TC.runTCM $ TC.get db regKey
log "HANDLEVERIFICATIONCODE" (password, iq, time, codeAndTime)
- if (fmap expires codeAndTime > Just ((-300) `addUTCTime` time)) then
- forM_ codeAndTime $ \RegistrationCode { regCode = code, tel = tel } ->
- case (show code == T.unpack password, iqTo iq, iqFrom iq) of
- (True, Just to, Just from) -> do
- writeStanzaChan toComponent $ iq {
- iqTo = iqFrom iq,
- iqFrom = iqTo iq,
- iqType = IQResult,
- iqPayload = Just $ Element (fromString "{jabber:iq:register}query") [] []
- }
- bookmarks <- fmap (fromMaybe [] . (readZ =<<)) (TC.runTCM $ TC.get db (tcKey tel "bookmarks"))
- forM_ (mapMaybe parseJID bookmarks) $ \bookmark ->
- sendInvite db toComponent from (Invite bookmark (fromMaybe to $ telToJid tel (formatJID to)) (Just $ fromString "Cheogram registration") Nothing)
- True <- TC.runTCM $ TC.put db (T.unpack (bareTxt from) <> "\0registered") (T.unpack tel)
- tcPutJID db tel "registered" from
- -- If there is a nick that doesn't end in _sms, add _sms
- nick <- TC.runTCM (TC.get db $ tcKey tel "nick")
- forM_ nick $ \nick -> do
- let nick' = (fromMaybe (fromString nick) $ T.stripSuffix (fromString "_sms") (fromString nick)) <> fromString "_sms"
- existingRoom <- (parseJID <=< fmap bareTxt) <$> tcGetJID db tel "joined"
- forM_ existingRoom $ \room -> do
- let toJoin = parseJID (bareTxt room <> fromString "/" <> nick')
- forM_ toJoin $ joinRoom db toComponent componentHost tel
- True <- TC.runTCM (TC.put db (tcKey tel "nick") (T.unpack nick'))
- return ()
- _ ->
- writeStanzaChan toComponent $ iq {
- iqTo = iqFrom iq,
- iqFrom = iqTo iq,
- iqType = IQError,
- iqPayload = Just $ Element (fromString "{jabber:component:accept}error")
- [(fromString "{jabber:component:accept}type", [ContentText $ fromString "auth"])]
- [NodeElement $ Element (fromString "{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas}not-authorized") [] []]
- }
- else
- void $ TC.runTCM $ TC.out db regKey
+ case codeAndTime of
+ Just (RegistrationCode { regCode = code, cheoJid = cheoJidT })
+ | fmap expires codeAndTime > Just ((-300) `addUTCTime` time) ->
+ case (show code == T.unpack password, iqTo iq, iqFrom iq, parseJID cheoJidT) of
+ (True, Just to, Just from, Just cheoJid) -> do
+ bookmarks <- fmap (fromMaybe [] . (readZ =<<)) (maybe (return Nothing) (TC.runTCM . TC.get db) (tcKey cheoJid "bookmarks"))
+ invites <- fmap concat $ forM (mapMaybe parseJID bookmarks) $ \bookmark ->
+ sendInvite db from (Invite bookmark cheoJid (Just $ fromString "Cheogram registration") Nothing)
+ let Just tel = T.unpack . strNode <$> jidNode cheoJid
+ True <- TC.runTCM $ TC.put db (T.unpack (bareTxt from) <> "\0registered") tel
+ tcPutJID db cheoJid "registered" from
+ stuff <- runMaybeT $ do
+ -- If there is a nick that doesn't end in _sms, add _sms
+ nick <- MaybeT . TC.runTCM . TC.get db =<< (hoistMaybe $ tcKey cheoJid "nick")
+ let nick' = (fromMaybe (fromString nick) $ T.stripSuffix (fromString "_sms") (fromString nick)) <> fromString "_sms"
+ tcPut db cheoJid "nick" (T.unpack nick')
+ room <- MaybeT ((parseJID <=< fmap bareTxt) <$> tcGetJID db cheoJid "joined")
+ toJoin <- hoistMaybe $ parseJID (bareTxt room <> fromString "/" <> nick')
+ liftIO $ joinRoom db cheoJid toJoin
+ return ((mkStanzaRec $ iq {
+ iqTo = iqFrom iq,
+ iqFrom = iqTo iq,
+ iqType = IQResult,
+ iqPayload = Just $ Element (fromString "{jabber:iq:register}query") [] []
+ }):invites)
+ _ ->
+ return [mkStanzaRec $ iq {
+ iqTo = iqFrom iq,
+ iqFrom = iqTo iq,
+ iqType = IQError,
+ iqPayload = Just $ Element (fromString "{jabber:component:accept}error")
+ [(fromString "{jabber:component:accept}type", [ContentText $ fromString "auth"])]
+ [NodeElement $ Element (fromString "{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas}not-authorized") [] []]
+ }]
+ _ -> do
+ void $ TC.runTCM $ TC.out db regKey
+ return []
regKey = (maybe mempty T.unpack $ bareTxt <$> iqFrom iq) <> "\0registration_code"
-handleRegister db _ toComponent _ iq@(IQ { iqType = IQGet }) _ = do
+handleRegister db componentJid iq@(IQ { iqType = IQGet }) _ = do
time <- getCurrentTime
codeAndTime <- fmap (readZ =<<) $ TC.runTCM $ TC.get db ((maybe mempty T.unpack $ bareTxt <$> iqFrom iq) <> "\0registration_code")
log "HANDLEREGISTER IQGet" (time, codeAndTime, iq)
if fmap expires codeAndTime > Just ((-300) `addUTCTime` time) then
- writeStanzaChan toComponent $ iq {
+ return [mkStanzaRec $ iq {
iqTo = iqFrom iq,
iqFrom = iqTo iq,
iqType = IQResult,
iqPayload = Just verificationResponse
- }
+ }]
- writeStanzaChan toComponent $ iq {
+ return [mkStanzaRec $ iq {
iqTo = iqFrom iq,
iqFrom = iqTo iq,
iqType = IQResult,
@@ 418,66 428,68 @@ handleRegister db _ toComponent _ iq@(IQ { iqType = IQGet }) _ = do
] []
- }
-handleRegister db toVitelity toComponent _ iq@(IQ { iqType = IQSet }) query
+ }]
+handleRegister db componentJid iq@(IQ { iqType = IQSet }) query
| [form] <- isNamed (fromString "{jabber:x:data}x") =<< elementChildren query,
- Just tel <- (normalizeTel . T.filter isDigit) =<< getFormField form (fromString "phone") = do
+ Just to <- ((`telToJid` formatJID componentJid) . T.filter isDigit) =<< getFormField form (fromString "phone") = do
log "HANDLEREGISTER IQSet jabber:x:data phone" iq
- sendRegisterVerification db toVitelity toComponent tel iq
-handleRegister db toVitelity toComponent _ iq@(IQ { iqType = IQSet }) query
+ registerVerification db componentJid to iq
+handleRegister db componentJid iq@(IQ { iqType = IQSet }) query
| [phoneEl] <- isNamed (fromString "{jabber:iq:register}phone") =<< elementChildren query,
- Just tel <- normalizeTel $ T.filter isDigit $ mconcat (elementText phoneEl) = do
+ Just to <- (`telToJid` formatJID componentJid) $ T.filter isDigit $ mconcat (elementText phoneEl) = do
log "HANDLEREGISTER IQSet jabber:iq:register phone" iq
- sendRegisterVerification db toVitelity toComponent tel iq
-handleRegister db toVitelity toComponent componentHost iq@(IQ { iqType = IQSet }) query
+ registerVerification db componentJid to iq
+handleRegister db componentJid iq@(IQ { iqType = IQSet }) query
| [form] <- isNamed (fromString "{jabber:x:data}x") =<< elementChildren query,
Just password <- getFormField form (fromString "password") = do
log "HANDLEREGISTER IQSet jabber:x:data password" iq
- handleVerificationCode db toComponent componentHost password iq
-handleRegister db toVitelity toComponent componentHost iq@(IQ { iqType = IQSet, iqPayload = Just payload }) query
+ handleVerificationCode db componentJid password iq
+handleRegister db componentJid iq@(IQ { iqType = IQSet, iqPayload = Just payload }) query
| [passwordEl] <- isNamed (fromString "{jabber:iq:register}password") =<< elementChildren query = do
log "HANDLEREGISTER IQSet jabber:iq:register password" iq
- handleVerificationCode db toComponent componentHost (mconcat $ elementText passwordEl) iq
-handleRegister db _ toComponent _ iq@(IQ { iqType = IQSet }) query
+ handleVerificationCode db componentJid (mconcat $ elementText passwordEl) iq
+handleRegister db componentJid iq@(IQ { iqType = IQSet }) query
| [_] <- isNamed (fromString "{jabber:iq:register}remove") =<< elementChildren query = do
log "HANDLEREGISTER IQSet jabber:iq:register remove" iq
tel <- maybe mempty T.pack <$> TC.runTCM (TC.get db $ T.unpack (maybe mempty bareTxt $ iqFrom iq) <> "\0registered")
- _ <- TC.runTCM $ TC.out db $ tcKey tel "registered"
- _ <- TC.runTCM $ TC.out db $ T.unpack (maybe mempty bareTxt $ iqFrom iq) <> "\0registered"
- writeStanzaChan toComponent $ iq {
+ forM_ (telToJid tel (formatJID componentJid) >>= \cheoJid -> tcKey cheoJid "registered") $ \regKey ->
+ TC.runTCM $ TC.out db regKey
+ void $ TC.runTCM $ TC.out db $ T.unpack (maybe mempty bareTxt $ iqFrom iq) <> "\0registered"
+ return [mkStanzaRec $ iq {
iqTo = iqFrom iq,
iqFrom = iqTo iq,
iqType = IQResult,
iqPayload = Just $ Element (fromString "{jabber:iq:register}query") [] []
- }
-handleRegister _ _ toComponent _ iq@(IQ { iqType = typ }) _
+ }]
+handleRegister _ _ iq@(IQ { iqType = typ }) _
| typ `elem` [IQGet, IQSet] = do
log "HANDLEREGISTER return error" iq
- writeStanzaChan toComponent $ iq {
+ return [mkStanzaRec $ iq {
iqTo = iqFrom iq,
iqFrom = iqTo iq,
iqType = IQError,
iqPayload = Just $ Element (fromString "{jabber:component:accept}error")
[(fromString "{jabber:component:accept}type", [ContentText $ fromString "cancel"])]
[NodeElement $ Element (fromString "{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas}feature-not-implemented") [] []]
- }
-handleRegister _ _ _ _ _ iq = log "HANDLEREGISTER UNKNOWN" iq
+ }]
+handleRegister _ _ iq _ = do
+ return []
-componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ toComponent _ (ReceivedMessage (m@Message { messageTo = Just to, messageFrom = Just from}))
+componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ (ReceivedMessage (m@Message { messageTo = Just to, messageFrom = Just from}))
| [x] <- isNamed (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}x") =<< messagePayloads m,
not $ null $ code "104" =<< isNamed (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}status") =<< elementChildren x = do
log "CODE104" (to, from)
- queryDisco toComponent from to
-componentStanza db toVitelity _ _ _ toComponent componentHost (ReceivedMessage (m@Message { messageTo = Just to, messageFrom = Just from}))
- | Just tel <- strNode <$> jidNode to,
- T.length tel == 11 && fromString "1" `T.isPrefixOf` tel = do
+ queryDisco from to
+componentStanza db mapToBackend _ _ _ componentJid (ReceivedMessage (m@Message { messageTo = Just to, messageFrom = Just from}))
+ | Just smsJid <- mapToBackend to = do
- existingRoom <- tcGetJID db tel "joined"
- componentMessage db toVitelity toComponent m existingRoom (bareTxt from) resourceFrom tel $
+ existingRoom <- tcGetJID db to "joined"
+ componentMessage db componentJid m existingRoom (bareTxt from) resourceFrom smsJid $
getBody "jabber:component:accept" m
- | Just jid <- (`telToJid` fromString componentHost) =<< strNode <$> jidNode to = do
+ | Just jid <- (`telToJid` formatJID componentJid) =<< strNode <$> jidNode to = do
- writeStanzaChan toComponent $ m {
+ return [mkStanzaRec $ m {
messageFrom = Just to,
messageTo = Just from,
messageType = MessageError,
@@ 492,10 504,10 @@ componentStanza db toVitelity _ _ _ toComponent componentHost (ReceivedMessage (
[NodeContent $ ContentText $ fromString "JID must include country code: " <> formatJID jid]
- }
+ }]
| otherwise = do
- writeStanzaChan toComponent $ m {
+ return [mkStanzaRec $ m {
messageFrom = Just to,
messageTo = Just from,
messageType = MessageError,
@@ 504,43 516,46 @@ componentStanza db toVitelity _ _ _ toComponent componentHost (ReceivedMessage (
[(fromString "{jabber:component:accept}type", [ContentText $ fromString "cancel"])]
[NodeElement $ Element (fromString "{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas}item-not-found") [] []]
- }
+ }]
resourceFrom = strResource <$> jidResource from
-componentStanza _ toVitelity _ toRejoinManager _ _ _ (ReceivedPresence p@(Presence { presenceType = PresenceError, presenceFrom = Just from, presenceTo = Just to, presenceID = Just id }))
- | fromString "CHEOGRAMREJOIN%" `T.isPrefixOf` id,
- Just tel <- strNode <$> jidNode to = do
+componentStanza _ mapToBackend _ toRejoinManager _ componentJid (ReceivedPresence p@(Presence { presenceType = PresenceError, presenceFrom = Just from, presenceTo = Just to, presenceID = Just id }))
+ | fromString "CHEOGRAMREJOIN%" `T.isPrefixOf` id = do
log "FAILED TO REJOIN, try again in 10s" p
- void $ forkIO $ threadDelay 10000000 >> atomically (writeTChan toRejoinManager $ ForceRejoin from tel)
- | Just tel <- strNode <$> jidNode to = do
+ void $ forkIO $ threadDelay 10000000 >> atomically (writeTChan toRejoinManager $ ForceRejoin from to)
+ return []
+ | Just smsJid <- mapToBackend to = do
let errorText = maybe mempty (mconcat . (fromString "\n":) . elementText) $ listToMaybe $
isNamed (fromString "{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas}text") =<<
elementChildren =<< isNamed (fromString "{jabber:component:accept}error") =<< presencePayloads p
- writeStanzaChan toVitelity $ mkSMS tel (fromString "* Failed to join " <> bareTxt from <> errorText)
-componentStanza db toVitelity toRoomPresences toRejoinManager toJoinPartDebouncer toComponent _ (ReceivedPresence (Presence {
+ return [mkStanzaRec $ mkSMS componentJid smsJid (fromString "* Failed to join " <> bareTxt from <> errorText)]
+componentStanza db mapToBackend toRoomPresences toRejoinManager toJoinPartDebouncer componentJid (ReceivedPresence (Presence {
presenceType = typ,
presenceFrom = Just from,
- presenceTo = Just to@(JID { jidNode = Just toNode }),
+ presenceTo = Just to,
presencePayloads = payloads
- })) | typ `elem` [PresenceAvailable, PresenceUnavailable] = do
- existingRoom <- tcGetJID db (strNode toNode) "joined"
+ })) | typ `elem` [PresenceAvailable, PresenceUnavailable],
+ Just smsJid <- mapToBackend to = do
+ existingRoom <- tcGetJID db to "joined"
log "JOIN PART ROOM" (from, to, typ, existingRoom, payloads)
- handleJoinPartRoom db toVitelity toRoomPresences toRejoinManager toJoinPartDebouncer toComponent existingRoom from to (strNode toNode) payloads (typ == PresenceAvailable)
-componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ toComponent _ (ReceivedPresence (Presence { presenceType = PresenceSubscribe, presenceFrom = Just from, presenceTo = Just to@JID { jidNode = Nothing } })) = do
+ handleJoinPartRoom db toRoomPresences toRejoinManager toJoinPartDebouncer componentJid existingRoom from to smsJid payloads (typ == PresenceAvailable)
+componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ (ReceivedPresence (Presence { presenceType = PresenceSubscribe, presenceFrom = Just from, presenceTo = Just to@JID { jidNode = Nothing } })) = do
- writeStanzaChan toComponent $ (emptyPresence PresenceSubscribed) {
- presenceTo = Just from,
- presenceFrom = Just to
- }
log "SUBSCRIBE" (from, to)
- writeStanzaChan toComponent $ (emptyPresence PresenceSubscribe) {
- presenceTo = Just from,
- presenceFrom = Just to
- }
-componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ toComponent _ (ReceivedPresence (Presence { presenceType = PresenceProbe, presenceFrom = Just from, presenceTo = Just to@JID { jidNode = Nothing } })) = do
+ return [
+ mkStanzaRec $ (emptyPresence PresenceSubscribed) {
+ presenceTo = Just from,
+ presenceFrom = Just to
+ },
+ mkStanzaRec $ (emptyPresence PresenceSubscribe) {
+ presenceTo = Just from,
+ presenceFrom = Just to
+ }
+ ]
+componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ (ReceivedPresence (Presence { presenceType = PresenceProbe, presenceFrom = Just from, presenceTo = Just to@JID { jidNode = Nothing } })) = do
log "RESPOND TO PROBES" (from, to)
- writeStanzaChan toComponent $ (emptyPresence PresenceAvailable) {
+ return [mkStanzaRec $ (emptyPresence PresenceAvailable) {
presenceTo = Just from,
presenceFrom = Just to,
presencePayloads = [
@@ 551,17 566,17 @@ componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ toComponent _ (ReceivedPresence (Presence { presenceTy
(fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/caps}ver", [ContentText $ fromString "4/LEvjGRsHBQRu9D+1NwytYdFUY="])
] []
- }
-componentStanza db toVitelity _ _ _ toComponent componentHost (ReceivedIQ iq@(IQ { iqFrom = Just _, iqTo = Just (JID { jidNode = Nothing }), iqPayload = Just p }))
+ }]
+componentStanza db _ _ _ _ componentJid (ReceivedIQ iq@(IQ { iqFrom = Just _, iqTo = Just (JID { jidNode = Nothing }), iqPayload = Just p }))
| iqType iq `elem` [IQGet, IQSet],
[query] <- isNamed (fromString "{jabber:iq:register}query") p = do
- handleRegister db toVitelity toComponent componentHost iq query
-componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ toComponent _ (ReceivedIQ (IQ { iqType = IQGet, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just to, iqID = id, iqPayload = Just p }))
+ handleRegister db componentJid iq query
+componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ (ReceivedIQ (IQ { iqType = IQGet, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just to, iqID = id, iqPayload = Just p }))
| Nothing <- jidNode to,
[_] <- isNamed (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info}query") p = do
log "DISCO ON US" (from, to, p)
- writeStanzaChan toComponent $ (emptyIQ IQResult) {
+ return [mkStanzaRec $ (emptyIQ IQResult) {
iqTo = Just from,
iqFrom = Just to,
iqID = id,
@@ 582,12 597,12 @@ componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ toComponent _ (ReceivedIQ (IQ { iqType = IQGet, iqFrom
(fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info}var", [ContentText $ fromString "urn:xmpp:ping"])
] []
- }
-componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ toComponent _ (ReceivedIQ (IQ { iqType = IQGet, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just to, iqID = id, iqPayload = Just p }))
+ }]
+componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ (ReceivedIQ (IQ { iqType = IQGet, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just to, iqID = id, iqPayload = Just p }))
| Just _ <- jidNode to,
[_] <- isNamed (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info}query") p = do
log "DISCO ON USER" (from, to, p)
- writeStanzaChan toComponent $ (emptyIQ IQResult) {
+ return [mkStanzaRec $ (emptyIQ IQResult) {
iqTo = Just from,
iqFrom = Just to,
iqID = id,
@@ 603,22 618,22 @@ componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ toComponent _ (ReceivedIQ (IQ { iqType = IQGet, iqFrom
(fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info}var", [ContentText $ fromString "urn:xmpp:ping"])
] []
- }
-componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ toComponent componentHost (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = IQSet, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just (to@JID {jidNode = Nothing}), iqID = id, iqPayload = Just p }))
+ }]
+componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ componentJid (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = IQSet, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just (to@JID {jidNode = Nothing}), iqID = id, iqPayload = Just p }))
| [query] <- isNamed (fromString "{jabber:iq:gateway}query") p,
[prompt] <- isNamed (fromString "{jabber:iq:gateway}prompt") =<< elementChildren query = do
log "jabber:iq:gateway submit" (from, to, p)
- case telToJid (T.filter isDigit $ mconcat $ elementText prompt) (fromString componentHost) of
+ case telToJid (T.filter isDigit $ mconcat $ elementText prompt) (formatJID componentJid) of
Just jid ->
- writeStanzaChan toComponent $ (emptyIQ IQResult) {
+ return [mkStanzaRec $ (emptyIQ IQResult) {
iqTo = Just from,
iqFrom = Just to,
iqID = id,
iqPayload = Just $ Element (fromString "{jabber:iq:gateway}query") []
[NodeElement $ Element (fromString "{jabber:iq:gateway}jid") [ ] [NodeContent $ ContentText $ formatJID jid]]
- }
+ }]
Nothing ->
- writeStanzaChan toComponent $ iq {
+ return [mkStanzaRec $ iq {
iqTo = Just from,
iqFrom = Just to,
iqType = IQError,
@@ 630,11 645,11 @@ componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ toComponent componentHost (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType
[(fromString "xml:lang", [ContentText $ fromString "en"])]
[NodeContent $ ContentText $ fromString "Only US/Canada telephone numbers accepted"]
- }
-componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ toComponent _ (ReceivedIQ (IQ { iqType = IQGet, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just (to@JID {jidNode = Nothing}), iqID = id, iqPayload = Just p }))
+ }]
+componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ (ReceivedIQ (IQ { iqType = IQGet, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just (to@JID {jidNode = Nothing}), iqID = id, iqPayload = Just p }))
| [_] <- isNamed (fromString "{jabber:iq:gateway}query") p = do
log "jabber:iq:gateway query" (from, to, p)
- writeStanzaChan toComponent $ (emptyIQ IQResult) {
+ return [mkStanzaRec $ (emptyIQ IQResult) {
iqTo = Just from,
iqFrom = Just to,
iqID = id,
@@ 643,45 658,51 @@ componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ toComponent _ (ReceivedIQ (IQ { iqType = IQGet, iqFrom
NodeElement $ Element (fromString "{jabber:iq:gateway}desc") [ ] [NodeContent $ ContentText $ fromString "Please enter your contact's phone number"],
NodeElement $ Element (fromString "{jabber:iq:gateway}prompt") [ ] [NodeContent $ ContentText $ fromString "Phone Number"]
- }
-componentStanza db _ _ _ _ toComponent componentHost (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = IQError, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just to }))
+ }]
+componentStanza db _ _ _ _ componentJid (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = IQError, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just to }))
| (strNode <$> jidNode to) == Just (fromString "create"),
Just resource <- strResource <$> jidResource to = do
log "create@ ERROR" (from, to, iq)
case T.splitOn (fromString "|") resource of
- (tel:_) -> do
- nick <- maybe tel fromString <$> TC.runTCM (TC.get db $ tcKey tel "nick")
+ (cheoJidT:_) | Just cheoJid <- parseJID cheoJidT -> do
+ mnick <- maybe (return Nothing) (TC.runTCM . TC.get db) (tcKey cheoJid "nick")
+ let nick = maybe (maybe mempty strNode (jidNode cheoJid)) fromString mnick
let Just room = parseJID $ bareTxt from <> fromString "/" <> nick
- leaveRoom db toComponent componentHost tel "Joined a different room."
- joinRoom db toComponent componentHost tel room
- _ -> return () -- Invalid packet, ignore
-componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ toComponent componentHost (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = IQResult, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just to }))
+ (++) <$>
+ leaveRoom db cheoJid "Joined a different room." <*>
+ joinRoom db cheoJid room
+ _ -> return [] -- Invalid packet, ignore
+componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ componentJid (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = IQResult, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just to }))
| (strNode <$> jidNode to) == Just (fromString "create"),
Just resource <- strResource <$> jidResource to = do
log "create@ RESULT" (from, to, iq)
- case map T.unpack $ T.splitOn (fromString "|") resource of
- (tel:name:[]) -> void $ createRoom toComponent componentHost [T.unpack $ strDomain $ jidDomain from] tel (name <> "_" <> tel)
- (tel:name:servers) -> void $ createRoom toComponent componentHost servers tel name
- _ -> return () -- Invalid packet, ignore
-componentStanza _ _ _ toRejoinManager _ _ _ (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = IQResult, iqID = Just id, iqFrom = Just from }))
+ case T.splitOn (fromString "|") resource of
+ (cheoJidT:name:[]) | Just cheoJid <- parseJID cheoJidT, Just tel <- strNode <$> jidNode cheoJid ->
+ createRoom componentJid [strDomain $ jidDomain from] cheoJid (name <> fromString "_" <> tel)
+ (cheoJidT:name:servers) | Just cheoJid <- parseJID cheoJidT ->
+ createRoom componentJid servers cheoJid name
+ _ -> return [] -- Invalid packet, ignore
+componentStanza _ _ _ toRejoinManager _ _ (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = IQResult, iqID = Just id, iqFrom = Just from }))
| fromString "CHEOGRAMPING%" `T.isPrefixOf` id = do
log "PING RESULT" from
atomically $ writeTChan toRejoinManager (PingReply from)
-componentStanza _ _ _ toRejoinManager _ _ _ (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = IQError, iqID = Just id, iqFrom = Just from }))
+ return []
+componentStanza _ _ _ toRejoinManager _ _ (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = IQError, iqID = Just id, iqFrom = Just from }))
| fromString "CHEOGRAMPING%" `T.isPrefixOf` id = do
atomically $ writeTChan toRejoinManager (PingError from)
-componentStanza _ toVitelity _ _ _ _ _ (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = IQError, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just to }))
- | Just tel <- strNode <$> jidNode to = do
+ return []
+componentStanza _ mapToBackend _ _ _ componentJid (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = IQError, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just to }))
+ | Just smsJid <- mapToBackend to = do
log "IQ ERROR" iq
- writeStanzaChan toVitelity $ mkSMS tel (fromString "Error while querying or configuring " <> formatJID from)
-componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ toComponent _ (ReceivedIQ (IQ { iqType = IQResult, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just to, iqID = Just id, iqPayload = Just p }))
+ return [mkStanzaRec $ mkSMS componentJid smsJid (fromString "Error while querying or configuring " <> formatJID from)]
+componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ (ReceivedIQ (IQ { iqType = IQResult, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just to, iqID = Just id, iqPayload = Just p }))
| [query] <- isNamed (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#owner}query") p,
[form] <- isNamed (fromString "{jabber:x:data}x") =<< elementChildren query = do
log "DISCO RESULT" (from, to, p)
uuid <- fromMaybe "UUIDFAIL" <$> (fmap.fmap) (fromString . UUID.toString) UUID.nextUUID
let fullid = if fromString "CHEOGRAMCREATE%" `T.isPrefixOf` id then "CHEOGRAMCREATE%" <> uuid else uuid
- writeStanzaChan toComponent $ (emptyIQ IQSet) {
+ return [mkStanzaRec $ (emptyIQ IQSet) {
iqTo = Just from,
iqFrom = Just to,
iqID = Just $ fromString fullid,
@@ 693,46 714,51 @@ componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ toComponent _ (ReceivedIQ (IQ { iqType = IQResult, iqF
fillFormField (fromString "muc#roomconfig_membersonly") (fromString "1")
form { elementAttributes = [(fromString "{jabber:x:data}type", [ContentText $ fromString "submit"])] }
- }
-componentStanza _ toVitelity _ _ _ toComponent _ (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = IQResult, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just to, iqID = Just id }))
- | Just tel <- strNode <$> jidNode to,
+ }]
+componentStanza _ mapToBackend _ _ _ componentJid (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = IQResult, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just to, iqID = Just id }))
+ | Just smsJid <- mapToBackend to,
fromString "CHEOGRAMCREATE%" `T.isPrefixOf` id = do
- writeStanzaChan toVitelity $ mkSMS tel (mconcat [fromString "* You have created ", bareTxt from])
- forM_ (parseJID $ bareTxt to <> fromString "/create") $
- queryDisco toComponent from
-componentStanza db _ _ _ _ toComponent componentHost (ReceivedIQ (IQ { iqType = IQResult, iqTo = Just to, iqFrom = Just from, iqPayload = Just p }))
- | Just tel <- strNode <$> jidNode to,
+ fmap (((mkStanzaRec $ mkSMS componentJid smsJid (mconcat [fromString "* You have created ", bareTxt from])):) . concat . toList) $
+ forM (parseJID $ bareTxt to <> fromString "/create") $
+ queryDisco from
+componentStanza db _ _ _ _ componentJid (ReceivedIQ (IQ { iqType = IQResult, iqTo = Just to, iqFrom = Just from, iqPayload = Just p }))
+ | Just _ <- strNode <$> jidNode to,
[query] <- isNamed (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info}query") p = do
log "DISCO RESULT" (from, to, p)
let vars = mapMaybe (attributeText (fromString "var")) $
isNamed (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info}feature") =<< elementChildren query
let muc_membersonly = fromEnum $ fromString "muc_membersonly" `elem` vars
True <- TC.runTCM $ TC.put db (T.unpack (formatJID from) <> "\0muc_membersonly") muc_membersonly
- when (fmap strResource (jidResource to) == Just (fromString "create")) $ do
- regJid <- tcGetJID db tel "registered"
- forM_ regJid $ \jid -> forM_ (parseJID $ bareTxt to) $ \to -> sendInvite db toComponent jid (Invite from to Nothing Nothing)
-componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ toComponent _ (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = IQGet, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just to, iqPayload = Just p }))
+ if (fmap strResource (jidResource to) == Just (fromString "create")) then do
+ regJid <- tcGetJID db to "registered"
+ fmap (concat . toList) $ forM ((,) <$> regJid <*> parseJID (bareTxt to)) $ \(jid, to) ->
+ sendInvite db jid (Invite from to Nothing Nothing)
+ else
+ return []
+componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = IQGet, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just to, iqPayload = Just p }))
| not $ null $ isNamed (fromString "{urn:xmpp:ping}ping") p = do
log "urn:xmpp:ping" (from, to)
- writeStanzaChan toComponent $ iq {
+ return [mkStanzaRec $ iq {
iqTo = Just from,
iqFrom = Just to,
iqType = IQResult,
iqPayload = Nothing
- }
-componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ toComponent _ (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = typ }))
+ }]
+componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = typ }))
| typ `elem` [IQGet, IQSet] = do
- writeStanzaChan toComponent $ iq {
+ return [mkStanzaRec $ iq {
iqTo = iqFrom iq,
iqFrom = iqTo iq,
iqType = IQError,
iqPayload = Just $ Element (fromString "{jabber:component:accept}error")
[(fromString "{jabber:component:accept}type", [ContentText $ fromString "cancel"])]
[NodeElement $ Element (fromString "{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas}feature-not-implemented") [] []]
- }
-componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s = log "UNKNOWN STANZA" s
+ }]
+componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ s = do
+ return []
participantJid payloads =
listToMaybe $ mapMaybe (parseJID <=< attributeText (fromString "jid")) $
@@ 740,21 766,44 @@ participantJid payloads =
elementChildren =<<
isNamed (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}x") =<< payloads
-component db toVitelity toRoomPresences toRejoinManager toJoinPartDebouncer toComponent componentHost = do
+component db backendHost toRoomPresences toRejoinManager toJoinPartDebouncer toComponent componentJid conferenceServers = do
thread <- forkXMPP $ forever $ flip catchError (log "component EXCEPTION") $ do
stanza <- liftIO $ atomically $ readTChan toComponent
log "COMPONENT OUT" stanza
+ case (stanzaFrom stanza, stanzaTo stanza) of
+ (Just from, Just to)
+ | strDomain (jidDomain to) == backendHost,
+ from == componentJid ->
+ forM_ (tcKey to "welcomed") $ \welcomedKey -> do
+ welcomed <- maybe False toEnum <$> liftIO (TC.runTCM $ TC.get db welcomedKey)
+ unless welcomed $ do
+ putStanza $ mkSMS componentJid to $ fromString "Welcome to CheoGram! You can chat with groups of friends (one at a time), by replying to this number. Reply with /help to learn more or visit cheogram.com"
+ tcPut db to "welcomed" (fromEnum True)
+ _ -> return ()
putStanza stanza
flip catchError (\e -> liftIO (log "component part 2 EXCEPTION" e >> killThread thread)) $ forever $ do
s <- getStanza
- liftIO $ componentStanza db toVitelity toRoomPresences toRejoinManager toJoinPartDebouncer toComponent componentHost s
+ liftIO $ case s of
+ (ReceivedMessage m@(Message { messageFrom = Just from, messageTo = Just to }))
+ | strDomain (jidDomain from) == backendHost,
+ messageType m /= MessageError,
+ Just txt <- getBody "jabber:component:accept" m,
+ Just cheoJid <- mapToComponent from ->
+ mapM_ sendToComponent =<< processSMS db componentJid conferenceServers from cheoJid txt
+ _ ->
+ mapM_ sendToComponent =<< componentStanza db (mapToBackend backendHost) toRoomPresences toRejoinManager toJoinPartDebouncer componentJid s
+ where
+ mapToComponent = mapToBackend (formatJID componentJid)
+ sendToComponent = atomically . writeTChan toComponent
-telToVitelity tel
- | not $ all isDigit $ T.unpack tel = Nothing
- | T.length tel == 10 = parseJID (tel <> fromString "@sms")
- | T.length tel == 11, Just tel' <- T.stripPrefix (fromString "1") tel = parseJID (tel' <> fromString "@sms")
+mapToBackend backendHost jid
+ | Just localpart <- strNode <$> jidNode jid,
+ Just ('+', tel) <- T.uncons localpart,
+ T.all isDigit tel = parseJID (localpart <> fromString "@" <> backendHost)
| otherwise = Nothing
normalizeTel tel
@@ 777,14 826,14 @@ stripCIPrefix prefix str
(prefix', rest) = T.splitAt (T.length $ CI.original prefix) str
-data Command = Help | Create Text | Join JID | JoinInvited | JoinInvitedWrong | Debounce Int | Send Text | Who | List | Leave | InviteCmd JID | SetNick Text | Whisper JID Text | VitelityBogus Text
+data Command = Help | Create Text | Join JID | JoinInvited | JoinInvitedWrong | Debounce Int | Send Text | Who | List | Leave | InviteCmd JID | SetNick Text | Whisper JID Text
deriving (Show, Eq)
-parseCommand txt room nick componentHost
+parseCommand txt room nick componentJid
| Just jid <- stripCIPrefix (fromString "/invite ") txt =
InviteCmd <$> (
parseJIDrequireNode jid <|>
- telToJid jid (fromString componentHost)
+ telToJid jid (formatJID componentJid)
| Just room <- stripCIPrefix (fromString "/join ") txt =
Join <$> (parseJID (room <> fromString "/" <> nick) <|> parseJID room)
@@ 794,11 843,11 @@ parseCommand txt room nick componentHost
let (to, msg) = T.breakOn (fromString " ") input in
Whisper <$> (
parseJIDrequireNode to <|>
- telToJid to (fromString componentHost) <|>
+ telToJid to (formatJID componentJid) <|>
(parseJID =<< fmap (\r -> bareTxt r <> fromString "/" <> to) room)
) <*> pure msg
| Just stime <- stripCIPrefix (fromString "/debounce ") txt,
- Just time <- readMay stime = Just $ Debounce time
+ Just time <- readMay (textToString stime) = Just $ Debounce time
| citxt == fromString "/join" = Just JoinInvited
| citxt == fromString "join" = Just JoinInvitedWrong
| citxt == fromString "/leave" = Just Leave
@@ 806,7 855,6 @@ parseCommand txt room nick componentHost
| citxt == fromString "/who" = Just Who
| citxt == fromString "/list" = Just List
| citxt == fromString "/help" = Just Help
- | citxt == fromString "You are not authorized to send SMS messages." = Just $ VitelityBogus txt
| otherwise = Just $ Send txt
citxt = CI.mk txt
@@ 814,51 862,51 @@ parseCommand txt room nick componentHost
getMessage (ReceivedMessage m) = Just m
getMessage _ = Nothing
-sendToRoom toComponent componentHost tel room msg = do
- log "SEND TO ROOM" (tel, room, msg)
+sendToRoom cheoJid room msg = do
+ log "SEND TO ROOM" (cheoJid, room, msg)
uuid <- (fmap.fmap) UUID.toString UUID.nextUUID
- writeStanzaChan toComponent $ (emptyMessage MessageGroupChat) {
+ return [mkStanzaRec $ (emptyMessage MessageGroupChat) {
messageTo = parseJID $ bareTxt room,
- messageFrom = telToJid tel (fromString componentHost),
+ messageFrom = Just cheoJid,
messageID = Just $ fromString ("CHEOGRAM%" <> fromMaybe "UUIDFAIL" uuid),
messagePayloads = [Element (fromString "{jabber:component:accept}body") [] [NodeContent $ ContentText msg]]
- }
-leaveRoom db toComponent componentHost tel reason = do
- existingRoom <- tcGetJID db tel "joined"
- log "LEAVE ROOM" (existingRoom, tel, reason)
- forM_ existingRoom $ \leaveRoom -> do
- writeStanzaChan toComponent $ (emptyPresence PresenceUnavailable) {
+ }]
+leaveRoom :: TC.HDB -> JID -> String -> IO [StanzaRec]
+leaveRoom db cheoJid reason = do
+ existingRoom <- tcGetJID db cheoJid "joined"
+ log "LEAVE ROOM" (existingRoom, cheoJid, reason)
+ return $ (flip map) (toList existingRoom) $ \leaveRoom ->
+ mkStanzaRec $ (emptyPresence PresenceUnavailable) {
presenceTo = Just leaveRoom,
- presenceFrom = telToJid tel (fromString componentHost),
+ presenceFrom = Just cheoJid,
presencePayloads = [Element (fromString "{jabber:component:accept}status") [] [NodeContent $ ContentText $ fromString reason]]
- return ()
-joinRoom db toComponent componentHost tel room =
- rejoinRoom db toComponent componentHost tel room False
+joinRoom db cheoJid room =
+ rejoinRoom db cheoJid room False
-rejoinRoom db toComponent componentHost tel room rejoin = do
- log "JOIN ROOM" (room, tel)
- password <- TC.runTCM $ TC.get db (tcKey tel (T.unpack (bareTxt room) <> "\0muc_roomsecret"))
+rejoinRoom db cheoJid room rejoin = do
+ log "JOIN ROOM" (room, cheoJid)
+ password <- maybe (return Nothing) (TC.runTCM . TC.get db) (tcKey cheoJid (T.unpack (bareTxt room) <> "\0muc_roomsecret"))
let pwEl = maybe [] (\pw -> [
NodeElement $ Element (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc}password") [] [NodeContent $ ContentText $ fromString pw]
]) password
uuid <- fromMaybe "UUIDFAIL" <$> (fmap.fmap) (fromString . UUID.toString) UUID.nextUUID
- writeStanzaChan toComponent $ (emptyPresence PresenceAvailable) {
+ return [mkStanzaRec $ (emptyPresence PresenceAvailable) {
presenceID = Just $ fromString $ (if rejoin then "CHEOGRAMREJOIN%" else "") <> uuid,
presenceTo = Just room,
- presenceFrom = telToJid tel (fromString componentHost),
+ presenceFrom = Just cheoJid,
presencePayloads = [Element (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc}x") [] ([
NodeElement $ Element (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc}history") [(fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc}maxchars", [ContentText $ fromString "0"])] []
] <> pwEl)]
- }
+ }]
-addMUCOwner toComponent room from jid = do
+addMUCOwner room from jid = do
log "ADD MUC OWNER" (room, from, jid)
uuid <- (fmap.fmap) UUID.toString UUID.nextUUID
- writeStanzaChan toComponent $ (emptyIQ IQSet) {
+ return [mkStanzaRec $ (emptyIQ IQSet) {
iqTo = Just room,
iqFrom = Just from,
iqID = fmap fromString uuid,
@@ 869,214 917,164 @@ addMUCOwner toComponent room from jid = do
(fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#admin}jid", [ContentText $ formatJID jid])
] []
- }
+ }]
-createRoom :: TChan StanzaRec -> String -> [String] -> String -> String -> IO Bool
-createRoom toComponent componentHost (server:otherServers) tel name = do
- log "START CREATE ROOM" (name, tel, server:otherServers)
+createRoom :: JID -> [Text] -> JID -> Text -> IO [StanzaRec]
+createRoom componentJid (server:otherServers) cheoJid name
-- First we check if this room exists on the server already
- case to of
- Just t -> queryDisco toComponent t jid >> return True
- Nothing -> return False
+ | Just t <- to = queryDisco t jid
+ | otherwise = return []
- to = parseJID $ fromString $ name <> "@" <> server
- Just jid = parseJID $ fromString $ "create@" <> componentHost <> "/" <> intercalate "|" (tel:name:otherServers)
-createRoom _ _ [] _ _ = return False
+ to = parseJID $ name <> fromString "@" <> server
+ Just jid = parseJID $ fromString "create@" <> formatJID componentJid <> fromString "/" <> intercalate (fromString "|") ((formatJID cheoJid):name:otherServers)
+createRoom _ [] _ _ = return []
mucShortMatch tel short muc =
node == short || T.stripSuffix (fromString "_" <> tel) node == Just short
node = maybe mempty strNode (jidNode =<< parseJID muc)
-sendInvite db toComponent to (Invite { inviteMUC = room, inviteFrom = from }) = do
+sendInvite db to (Invite { inviteMUC = room, inviteFrom = from }) = do
log "SEND INVITE" (room, to, from)
membersonly <- maybe False toEnum <$> TC.runTCM (TC.get db (T.unpack (bareTxt room) <> "\0muc_membersonly"))
- when membersonly $
- -- Try to add everyone we invite as an owner also
- addMUCOwner toComponent room from to
- writeStanzaChan toComponent $ (emptyMessage MessageNormal) {
- messageTo = Just room,
- messageFrom = Just from,
- messagePayloads = [
- Element (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}x") [] [
- NodeElement $ Element (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}invite") [
- (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}to", [ContentText $ formatJID to])
- ] []
+ -- Try to add everyone we invite as an owner also
+ (++) <$> (if membersonly then addMUCOwner room from to else return []) <*>
+ return [
+ mkStanzaRec $ (emptyMessage MessageNormal) {
+ messageTo = Just room,
+ messageFrom = Just from,
+ messagePayloads = [
+ Element (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}x") [] [
+ NodeElement $ Element (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}invite") [
+ (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}to", [ContentText $ formatJID to])
+ ] []
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ mkStanzaRec $ (emptyMessage MessageNormal) {
+ messageTo = Just to,
+ messageFrom = Just from,
+ messagePayloads = [
+ Element (fromString "{jabber:x:conference}x") [
+ (fromString "{jabber:x:conference}jid", [ContentText $ formatJID room])
+ ] [],
+ Element (fromString "{jabber:component:accept}body") []
+ [NodeContent $ ContentText $ mconcat [formatJID from, fromString " has invited you to join ", formatJID room]]
+ ]
+ }
- ]
- }
- writeStanzaChan toComponent $ (emptyMessage MessageNormal) {
- messageTo = Just to,
- messageFrom = Just from,
- messagePayloads = [
- Element (fromString "{jabber:x:conference}x") [
- (fromString "{jabber:x:conference}jid", [ContentText $ formatJID room])
- ] [],
- Element (fromString "{jabber:component:accept}body") []
- [NodeContent $ ContentText $ mconcat [formatJID from, fromString " has invited you to join ", formatJID room]]
- ]
- }
+registerToGateway componentJid gatewayJid did password = return [
+ mkStanzaRec $ (emptyIQ IQSet) {
+ iqTo = Just gatewayJid,
+ iqFrom = Just componentJid,
+ iqPayload = Just $ Element (fromString "{jabber:iq:register}query") []
+ [
+ NodeElement $ Element (fromString "{jabber:iq:register}phone") [] [NodeContent $ ContentText did],
+ NodeElement $ Element (fromString "{jabber:iq:register}password") [] [NodeContent $ ContentText password]
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
-processSMS db toVitelity toComponent componentHost conferenceServers tel txt = do
- nick <- maybe tel fromString <$> TC.runTCM (TC.get db $ tcKey tel "nick")
- existingRoom <- (parseJID <=< fmap bareTxt) <$> tcGetJID db tel "joined"
- case parseCommand txt existingRoom nick componentHost of
+processSMS db componentJid conferenceServers smsJid cheoJid txt = do
+ nick <- maybe (maybe (formatJID cheoJid) strNode (jidNode cheoJid)) fromString <$> maybe (return Nothing) (TC.runTCM . TC.get db) (tcKey cheoJid "nick")
+ existingRoom <- (parseJID <=< fmap bareTxt) <$> tcGetJID db cheoJid "joined"
+ case parseCommand txt existingRoom nick componentJid of
Just JoinInvited -> do
- invitedRoom <- tcGetJID db tel "invited"
+ invitedRoom <- tcGetJID db cheoJid "invited"
let toJoin = invitedRoom >>= \jid -> parseJID (bareTxt jid <> fromString "/" <> nick)
case toJoin of
- Just room -> do
- leaveRoom db toComponent componentHost tel "Joined a different room."
- joinRoom db toComponent componentHost tel room
- Nothing -> writeStanzaChan toVitelity $ mkSMS tel (fromString "You have not recently been invited to a group")
+ Just room ->
+ (++) <$>
+ leaveRoom db cheoJid "Joined a different room." <*>
+ joinRoom db cheoJid room
+ Nothing -> return [mkStanzaRec $ mkSMS componentJid smsJid (fromString "You have not recently been invited to a group")]
Just JoinInvitedWrong
- | Just room <- existingRoom -> sendToRoom toComponent componentHost tel room (fromString "Join")
+ | Just room <- existingRoom -> sendToRoom cheoJid room (fromString "Join")
| otherwise -> do
- invitedRoom <- tcGetJID db tel "invited"
+ invitedRoom <- tcGetJID db cheoJid "invited"
let toJoin = invitedRoom >>= \jid -> parseJID (bareTxt jid <> fromString "/" <> nick)
case toJoin of
- Just room -> do
- writeStanzaChan toVitelity $ mkSMS tel (fromString "I think you meant \"/join\", trying anyway...")
- joinRoom db toComponent componentHost tel room
- Nothing -> writeStanzaChan toVitelity $ mkSMS tel (fromString "You have not recently been invited to a group")
+ Just room ->
+ fmap ((mkStanzaRec $ mkSMS componentJid smsJid (fromString "I think you meant \"/join\", trying anyway...")):)
+ (joinRoom db cheoJid room)
+ Nothing -> return [mkStanzaRec $ mkSMS componentJid smsJid (fromString "You have not recently been invited to a group")]
Just (Create name) -> do
servers <- shuffleM conferenceServers
- validRoom <- createRoom toComponent componentHost servers (T.unpack tel) (T.unpack name)
- unless validRoom $
- writeStanzaChan toVitelity $ mkSMS tel (fromString "Invalid group name")
+ roomCreateStanzas <- createRoom componentJid servers cheoJid name
+ if null roomCreateStanzas then
+ return [mkStanzaRec $ mkSMS componentJid smsJid (fromString "Invalid group name")]
+ else
+ return roomCreateStanzas
Just (Join room) -> do
- leaveRoom db toComponent componentHost tel "Joined a different room."
- bookmarks <- fmap (fromMaybe [] . (readZ =<<)) (TC.runTCM $ TC.get db (tcKey tel "bookmarks"))
- joinRoom db toComponent componentHost tel $
+ leaveRoom db cheoJid "Joined a different room."
+ bookmarks <- fmap (fromMaybe [] . (readZ =<<)) (maybe (return Nothing) (TC.runTCM . TC.get db) (tcKey cheoJid "bookmarks"))
+ let tel = maybe mempty strNode (jidNode cheoJid)
+ joinRoom db cheoJid $
fromMaybe room $ parseJID =<< fmap (<> fromString "/" <> nick)
(find (mucShortMatch tel (strDomain $ jidDomain room)) bookmarks)
- Just Leave -> leaveRoom db toComponent componentHost tel "Typed /leave"
+ Just Leave -> leaveRoom db cheoJid "Typed /leave"
Just Who -> do
let f = fst :: (String, Maybe String) -> String
let snick = T.unpack nick
let room = maybe "" (T.unpack . bareTxt) existingRoom
presence <- fmap (fromMaybe [] . (readZ =<<)) (TC.runTCM $ TC.get db ("presence\0" <> room))
let presence' = filter (/= snick) $ map f presence
- if null presence' then
- writeStanzaChan toVitelity $ mkSMS tel $ fromString $
- "You are not joined to a group. Reply with /help to learn more"
+ if null presence then
+ return [mkStanzaRec $ mkSMS componentJid smsJid $ fromString $
+ "You are not joined to a group. Reply with /help to learn more"
+ ]
- writeStanzaChan toVitelity $ mkSMS tel $ fromString $ mconcat [
+ return [mkStanzaRec $ mkSMS componentJid smsJid $ fromString $ mconcat $ [
"You are joined to ", room,
- " as ", snick,
+ " as ", snick] ++ if null presence' then [] else [
" along with\n",
intercalate ", " presence'
- ]
+ ]]
Just List -> do
- bookmarks <- fmap (fromMaybe [] . (readZ =<<)) (TC.runTCM $ TC.get db (tcKey tel "bookmarks"))
- writeStanzaChan toVitelity $ mkSMS tel $ fromString $ "Groups you can /join\n" <> intercalate "\n" bookmarks
+ mbookmarks <- maybe (return Nothing) (TC.runTCM . TC.get db) (tcKey cheoJid "bookmarks")
+ let bookmarks = fromMaybe [] $ readZ =<< mbookmarks
+ return [mkStanzaRec $ mkSMS componentJid smsJid $ fromString $ "Groups you can /join\n" <> intercalate "\n" bookmarks]
Just (InviteCmd jid)
- | Just room <- existingRoom, Just from <- telToJid tel (fromString componentHost) ->
- sendInvite db toComponent jid (Invite room from Nothing Nothing)
- | otherwise -> writeStanzaChan toVitelity $ mkSMS tel (fromString "You are not joined to a group. Reply with /help to learn more")
+ | Just room <- existingRoom ->
+ sendInvite db jid (Invite room cheoJid Nothing Nothing)
+ | otherwise -> return [mkStanzaRec $ mkSMS componentJid smsJid (fromString "You are not joined to a group. Reply with /help to learn more")]
Just (SetNick nick) -> do
- forM_ existingRoom $ \room -> do
+ tcPut db cheoJid "nick" (T.unpack nick)
+ fmap (concat . toList) $ forM existingRoom $ \room -> do
let toJoin = parseJID (bareTxt room <> fromString "/" <> nick)
- forM_ toJoin $ joinRoom db toComponent componentHost tel
- True <- TC.runTCM (TC.put db (tcKey tel "nick") (T.unpack nick))
- return ()
+ fmap (concat . toList) $ forM toJoin $ joinRoom db cheoJid
Just (Whisper to msg) -> do
uuid <- (fmap.fmap) UUID.toString UUID.nextUUID
- writeStanzaChan toComponent $ (emptyMessage MessageChat) {
+ return [mkStanzaRec $ (emptyMessage MessageChat) {
messageTo = Just to,
- messageFrom = telToJid tel (fromString componentHost),
+ messageFrom = Just cheoJid,
messageID = Just $ fromString ("CHEOGRAM%" <> fromMaybe "UUIDFAIL" uuid),
messagePayloads = [Element (fromString "{jabber:component:accept}body") [] [NodeContent $ ContentText msg]]
- }
+ }]
Just (Send msg)
- | fromString "(SMSSERVER) " `T.isPrefixOf` msg -> return () -- bogus message from vitelity, ignore
- | Just room <- existingRoom -> sendToRoom toComponent componentHost tel room msg
- | otherwise -> writeStanzaChan toVitelity $ mkSMS tel (fromString "You are not joined to a group")
+ | Just room <- existingRoom -> sendToRoom cheoJid room msg
+ | otherwise -> return [mkStanzaRec $ mkSMS componentJid smsJid (fromString "You are not joined to a group")]
Just (Debounce time) -> do
- True <- TC.runTCM (TC.put db (tcKey tel "debounce") (show time))
- return ()
- Just Help -> do
- writeStanzaChan toVitelity $ mkSMS tel $ fromString $ mconcat [
- "Invite to group: /invite phone-number\n",
- "Show group participants: /who\n",
- "Set nick: /nick nickname\n",
- "List groups: /list\n",
- "Create a group: /create short-name"
- ]
- writeStanzaChan toVitelity $ mkSMS tel $ fromString $ mconcat [
- "Join existing group: /join group-name\n",
- "Whisper to user: /msg username message\n",
- "Leave group: /leave\n",
- "More info: http://cheogram.com"
- ]
- Just (VitelityBogus txt) -> log "Bogus Vitelity message" txt
- Nothing -> writeStanzaChan toVitelity $ mkSMS tel (fromString "You sent an invalid message")
-viteltiy db chunks toVitelity toComponent componentHost conferenceServers = do
- putStanza $ emptyPresence PresenceAvailable
- thread <- forkXMPP $ forever $ flip catchError (liftIO . log "vitelity EXCEPTION") $ do
- wait <- liftIO $ getStdRandom (randomR (1000000,2000000))
- stanza <- liftIO $ atomically $ readTChan toVitelity
- forM_ (strNode <$> (jidNode =<< stanzaTo stanza)) $ \tel -> do
- welcomed <- maybe False toEnum <$> liftIO (TC.runTCM $ TC.get db $ tcKey tel "welcomed")
- unless welcomed $ do
- putStanza $ mkSMS tel $ fromString "Welcome to CheoGram! You can chat with groups of friends (one at a time), by replying to this number. Reply with /help to learn more or visit cheogram.com"
- True <- liftIO (TC.runTCM $ TC.put db (tcKey tel "welcomed") (fromEnum True))
- liftIO $ threadDelay wait
- putStanza stanza
- log "VITELITY OUT" stanza
- liftIO $ threadDelay wait
- flip catchError (\e -> liftIO (log "viteltiy part 2 EXCEPTION" e >> killThread thread)) $ forever $ do
- m <- getMessage <$> getStanza
- mapM_ (log "VITELITY IN") m
- liftIO $ case (strNode <$> (jidNode =<< messageFrom =<< m), getBody "jabber:client" =<< m) of
- (Just tel, Just txt) ->
- case parseOnly (chunkParser tel) txt of
- Left _ -> processSMS db toVitelity toComponent componentHost conferenceServers tel txt
- Right chunk -> atomically $ writeTChan chunks chunk
- _ -> return ()
-data Chunk = Chunk Text Int Int Text | TimerExpire
-chunkParser tel =
- Chunk tel <$>
- (string (fromString "part:") *> decimal) <*>
- (string (fromString ":of:") *> decimal) <*>
- (string (fromString ":") *> takeText)
-multipartStitcher db chunks toVitelity toComponent componentHost conferenceServers =
- go mempty
- where
- go state = do
- chunk <- atomically $ readTChan chunks
- time <- getCurrentTime
- let (done, cont) = case chunk of
- Chunk tel part total txt ->
- Map.partitionWithKey (\(_,total) (_, items) -> total == Map.size items) $
- Map.insertWith (\(time, items') (_, items) ->
- (time, items' <> items)
- ) (tel,total) (time, Map.singleton part txt) state
- _ -> (mempty, state)
- forM_ (Map.toList done) $ \((tel, _), (_, items)) ->
- processSMS db toVitelity toComponent componentHost conferenceServers tel $
- mconcat $ map snd $ Map.toAscList items
- let (expired, unexpired) = Map.partition (\(t, _) -> time > 60 `addUTCTime` t) cont
- forM_ (Map.keys expired) $ \(tel, total) ->
- writeStanzaChan toVitelity $ mkSMS tel $ mconcat [
- fromString "Not all parts of your message with ",
- fromString (show total),
- fromString " parts arrived. Please send again."
+ tcPut db cheoJid "debounce" (show time)
+ return []
+ Just Help -> return [
+ mkStanzaRec $ mkSMS componentJid smsJid $ fromString $ mconcat [
+ "Invite to group: /invite phone-number\n",
+ "Show group participants: /who\n",
+ "Set nick: /nick nickname\n",
+ "List groups: /list\n",
+ "Create a group: /create short-name"
+ ],
+ mkStanzaRec $ mkSMS componentJid smsJid $ fromString $ mconcat [
+ "Join existing group: /join group-name\n",
+ "Whisper to user: /msg username message\n",
+ "Leave group: /leave\n",
+ "More info: http://cheogram.com"
+ ]
- go unexpired
+ Nothing -> return [mkStanzaRec $ mkSMS componentJid smsJid (fromString "You sent an invalid message")]
syncCall chan req = do
var <- atomically $ newEmptyTMVar
@@ 1088,15 1086,15 @@ data RejoinManagerCommand =
PingReply JID |
PingError JID |
Joined JID |
- ForceRejoin JID Text
+ ForceRejoin JID JID
-data RejoinManagerState = PingSent Text | Rejoining
+data RejoinManagerState = PingSent JID | Rejoining
-rejoinManager db toComponent componentHost toRoomPresences toRejoinManager =
+rejoinManager db sendToComponent componentJid toRoomPresences toRejoinManager =
next mempty
mkMucJid muc nick = parseJID $ bareTxt muc <> fromString "/" <> nick
- ourJids muc (x,y) = (,) <$> mkMucJid muc x <*> (T.stripSuffix (fromString $ "@" <> componentHost) =<< y)
+ ourJids muc (x,y) = (,) <$> mkMucJid muc x <*> (parseJID =<< y)
next state = atomically (readTChan toRejoinManager) >>= go state
@@ 1104,14 1102,14 @@ rejoinManager db toComponent componentHost toRoomPresences toRejoinManager =
next $! Map.delete mucJid state
go state (PingError mucJid) = do
forM_ (Map.lookup mucJid state) $ \x -> case x of
- PingSent tel -> atomically $ writeTChan toRejoinManager (ForceRejoin mucJid tel)
+ PingSent cheoJid -> atomically $ writeTChan toRejoinManager (ForceRejoin mucJid cheoJid)
_ -> return ()
next state
go state (Joined mucJid) =
next $! Map.delete mucJid state
- go state (ForceRejoin mucJid tel) = do
- atomically $ writeTChan toRoomPresences (StartRejoin tel mucJid)
- rejoinRoom db toComponent componentHost tel mucJid True
+ go state (ForceRejoin mucJid cheoJid) = do
+ atomically $ writeTChan toRoomPresences (StartRejoin cheoJid mucJid)
+ mapM_ sendToComponent =<< rejoinRoom db cheoJid mucJid True
next $! Map.insert mucJid Rejoining state
go state CheckPings = do
presenceKeys <- TC.runTCM $ TC.fwmkeys db "presence\0" maxBound
@@ 1119,72 1117,72 @@ rejoinManager db toComponent componentHost toRoomPresences toRejoinManager =
let Just muc = parseJID =<< T.stripPrefix (fromString "presence\0") (T.pack pkey)
log "go state CheckPings" $ fromString "Checking (ping?) participants in " <> formatJID muc <> fromString "..."
presences <- fmap (mapMaybe (ourJids muc) . fromMaybe [] . (readZ =<<)) (TC.runTCM $ TC.get db pkey)
- (\x -> foldM x state ((let Just x = parseJID (fromString "woo@conference.singpolyma.net/000") in x, fromString "000"):presences)) $ \state (mucJid, tel) ->
+ (\x -> foldM x state presences) $ \state (mucJid, cheoJid) ->
case Map.lookup mucJid state of
Nothing -> do
- log "PINGING" (mucJid, tel)
+ log "PINGING" (mucJid, cheoJid)
uuid <- fromMaybe "UUIDFAIL" <$> (fmap.fmap) (fromString . UUID.toString) UUID.nextUUID
- writeStanzaChan toComponent $ (emptyIQ IQGet) {
+ sendToComponent $ mkStanzaRec $ (emptyIQ IQGet) {
iqTo = Just mucJid,
- iqFrom = parseJID $ tel <> T.pack ("@" <> componentHost),
+ iqFrom = Just cheoJid,
iqID = Just $ fromString $ "CHEOGRAMPING%" <> uuid,
iqPayload = Just $ Element (fromString "{urn:xmpp:ping}ping") [] []
- return $! Map.insert mucJid (PingSent tel) state
+ return $! Map.insert mucJid (PingSent cheoJid) state
Just (PingSent _) -> do -- Timeout, rejoin
- log "PING TIMEOUT" (mucJid, tel)
- atomically $ writeTChan toRejoinManager (ForceRejoin mucJid tel)
+ log "PING TIMEOUT" (mucJid, cheoJid)
+ atomically $ writeTChan toRejoinManager (ForceRejoin mucJid cheoJid)
return state
Just Rejoining -> -- Don't ping, we're working on it
return state
--- tel, from (bare is MUC, resource is nick), Maybe participantJID
+-- tel@cheogram, from (bare is MUC, resource is nick), Maybe participantJID
data RoomPresences =
- RecordSelfJoin Text JID (Maybe JID) |
- RecordJoin Text JID (Maybe JID) |
- RecordPart Text JID |
- RecordNickChanged Text JID Text |
- Clear Text JID |
- StartRejoin Text JID |
- GetRoomPresences Text JID (TMVar [(String, Maybe String)])
+ RecordSelfJoin JID JID (Maybe JID) |
+ RecordJoin JID JID (Maybe JID) |
+ RecordPart JID JID |
+ RecordNickChanged JID JID Text |
+ Clear JID JID |
+ StartRejoin JID JID |
+ GetRoomPresences JID JID (TMVar [(String, Maybe String)])
roomPresences db toRoomPresences =
forever $ atomically (readTChan toRoomPresences) >>= go
- go (RecordSelfJoin tel from jid) = do
+ go (RecordSelfJoin cheoJid from jid) = do
-- After a join is done we have a full presence list, remove old ones
- void $ TC.runTCM $ TC.out db $ tcKey tel (muc from <> "\0old_presence")
- globalAndLocal tel from ((resource from, T.unpack . bareTxt <$> jid):)
- go (RecordJoin tel from jid) =
- globalAndLocal tel from ((resource from, T.unpack . bareTxt <$> jid):)
- go (RecordPart tel from) = do
- globalAndLocal tel from (filter ((/=resource from) . fst))
- go (RecordNickChanged tel from nick) =
- globalAndLocal tel from $
+ forM_ (tcKey cheoJid (muc from <> "\0old_presence")) (TC.runTCM . TC.out db)
+ globalAndLocal cheoJid from ((resource from, T.unpack . bareTxt <$> jid):)
+ go (RecordJoin cheoJid from jid) =
+ globalAndLocal cheoJid from ((resource from, T.unpack . bareTxt <$> jid):)
+ go (RecordPart cheoJid from) = do
+ globalAndLocal cheoJid from (filter ((/=resource from) . fst))
+ go (RecordNickChanged cheoJid from nick) =
+ globalAndLocal cheoJid from $
map (first $ \n -> if fromString n == resource from then T.unpack nick else n)
- go (Clear tel from) =
- void $ TC.runTCM $ TC.out db $ tcKey tel (muc from <> "\0presence")
- go (StartRejoin tel from) = do
+ go (Clear cheoJid from) =
+ forM_ (tcKey cheoJid (muc from <> "\0presence")) (TC.runTCM . TC.out db)
+ go (StartRejoin cheoJid from) = do
-- Copy current presences to a holding space so we can clear when rejoin is over
presences <- (fromMaybe [] . (readZ =<<)) <$>
- (TC.runTCM $ TC.get db $ tcKey tel (muc from <> "\0presence"))
+ maybe (return Nothing) (TC.runTCM . TC.get db) (tcKey cheoJid (muc from <> "\0presence"))
old_presences <- (fromMaybe [] . (readZ =<<)) <$>
- (TC.runTCM $ TC.get db $ tcKey tel (muc from <> "\0old_presence"))
- log "STARTREJOIN" (tel, muc from, presences, old_presences)
- True <- TC.runTCM $ TC.put db (tcKey tel (muc from <> "\0old_presence"))
+ maybe (return Nothing) (TC.runTCM . TC.get db) (tcKey cheoJid (muc from <> "\0old_presence"))
+ log "STARTREJOIN" (cheoJid, muc from, presences, old_presences)
+ tcPut db cheoJid (muc from <> "\0old_presence")
(show (presences <> old_presences :: [(String, Maybe String)]))
- void $ TC.runTCM $ TC.out db $ tcKey tel (muc from <> "\0presence")
- go (GetRoomPresences tel from rtrn) = do
+ forM_ (tcKey cheoJid (muc from <> "\0presence")) (TC.runTCM . TC.out db)
+ go (GetRoomPresences cheoJid from rtrn) = do
presences <- (fromMaybe [] . (readZ =<<)) <$>
- (TC.runTCM $ TC.get db $ tcKey tel (muc from <> "\0presence"))
+ maybe (return Nothing) (TC.runTCM . TC.get db) (tcKey cheoJid (muc from <> "\0presence"))
old_presences <- (fromMaybe [] . (readZ =<<)) <$>
- (TC.runTCM $ TC.get db $ tcKey tel (muc from <> "\0old_presence"))
- log "GETROOMPRESENCES" (tel, from, presences, old_presences)
+ maybe (return Nothing) (TC.runTCM . TC.get db) (tcKey cheoJid (muc from <> "\0old_presence"))
+ log "GETROOMPRESENCES" (cheoJid, from, presences, old_presences)
atomically $ putTMVar rtrn $ sort $ nubBy (equating fst) $ presences <> old_presences
- globalAndLocal tel from f = do
+ globalAndLocal cheoJid from f = do
modify ("presence\0" <> muc from) f
- modify (tcKey tel (muc from <> "\0presence")) f
+ forM_ (tcKey cheoJid (muc from <> "\0presence")) (\k -> modify k f)
modify :: String -> ([(String, Maybe String)] -> [(String, Maybe String)]) -> IO ()
modify k f = do
presence <- fmap (fromMaybe [] . (readZ =<<)) (TC.runTCM $ TC.get db k)
@@ 1193,24 1191,24 @@ roomPresences db toRoomPresences =
muc = T.unpack . bareTxt
resource x = fromMaybe "" (T.unpack . strResource <$> jidResource x)
-data JoinPartDebounce = DebounceJoin Text JID (Maybe JID) | DebouncePart Text JID | DebounceExpire Text JID UTCTime deriving (Show)
+data JoinPartDebounce = DebounceJoin JID JID (Maybe JID) | DebouncePart JID JID | DebounceExpire JID JID UTCTime deriving (Show)
-joinPartDebouncer db toVitelity toRoomPresences toJoinPartDebouncer = next mempty
+joinPartDebouncer db backendHost sendToComponent componentJid toRoomPresences toJoinPartDebouncer = next mempty
next state = do
msg <- atomically (readTChan toJoinPartDebouncer)
log "DEBOUNCE JOIN/PART" (msg, state)
go state msg >>= next
- recordJoinPart tel from mjid join
- | join = atomically $ writeTChan toRoomPresences $ RecordJoin tel from mjid
- | otherwise = atomically $ writeTChan toRoomPresences $ RecordPart tel from
+ recordJoinPart cheoJid from mjid join
+ | join = atomically $ writeTChan toRoomPresences $ RecordJoin cheoJid from mjid
+ | otherwise = atomically $ writeTChan toRoomPresences $ RecordPart cheoJid from
- sendPart tel from time = do
- log "DEBOUNCE PART, GONNA SEND" (tel, from, time)
- atomically $ writeTChan toRoomPresences $ RecordPart tel from
+ sendPart cheoJid from time = forM_ (mapToBackend backendHost cheoJid) $ \smsJid -> do
+ log "DEBOUNCE PART, GONNA SEND" (smsJid, from, time)
+ atomically $ writeTChan toRoomPresences $ RecordPart cheoJid from
now <- getCurrentTime
- writeStanzaChan toVitelity $ mkSMS tel $ mconcat [
+ sendToComponent $ mkStanzaRec $ mkSMS componentJid smsJid $ mconcat [
fromString "* ",
fromMaybe mempty (strResource <$> jidResource from),
fromString " left the group ",
@@ 1218,14 1216,14 @@ joinPartDebouncer db toVitelity toRoomPresences toJoinPartDebouncer = next mempt
fromString " minutes ago"
- sendJoin tel from time mjid = do
+ sendJoin cheoJid from time mjid = forM_ (mapToBackend backendHost cheoJid) $ \smsJid -> do
let nick = fromMaybe mempty (strResource <$> jidResource from)
- presences <- syncCall toRoomPresences $ GetRoomPresences tel from
+ presences <- syncCall toRoomPresences $ GetRoomPresences cheoJid from
now <- getCurrentTime
- log "DEBOUNCE JOIN, MAYBE GONNA SEND" (tel, from, presences)
+ log "DEBOUNCE JOIN, MAYBE GONNA SEND" (cheoJid, from, presences)
when (isNothing $ lookup (T.unpack nick) presences) $ do
- atomically $ writeTChan toRoomPresences $ RecordJoin tel from mjid
- writeStanzaChan toVitelity $ mkSMS tel $ mconcat [
+ atomically $ writeTChan toRoomPresences $ RecordJoin cheoJid from mjid
+ sendToComponent $ mkStanzaRec $ mkSMS componentJid smsJid $ mconcat [
fromString "* ",
fromString " joined the group ",
@@ 1233,26 1231,26 @@ joinPartDebouncer db toVitelity toRoomPresences toJoinPartDebouncer = next mempt
fromString " minutes ago"
- debounceCheck state tel from mjid join =
- case Map.lookup (tel, from) state of
- Just (_, _, j) | j /= join -> return $! Map.delete (tel, from) state -- debounce
+ debounceCheck state cheoJid from mjid join =
+ case Map.lookup (cheoJid, from) state of
+ Just (_, _, j) | j /= join -> return $! Map.delete (cheoJid, from) state -- debounce
Just (_, _, _) -> return state -- ignore dupe
Nothing -> do
- expire <- fmap (fromMaybe (-1) . (readZ =<<)) (TC.runTCM $ TC.get db (tcKey tel "debounce"))
+ expire <- fmap (fromMaybe (-1) . (readZ =<<)) (maybe (return Nothing) (TC.runTCM . TC.get db) (tcKey cheoJid "debounce"))
time <- getCurrentTime
- if expire < 0 then recordJoinPart tel from mjid join else
- void $ forkIO $ threadDelay (expire*1000000) >> atomically (writeTChan toJoinPartDebouncer $ DebounceExpire tel from time)
- return $! Map.insert (tel, from) (time, mjid, join) state
- go state (DebounceJoin tel from mjid) =
- debounceCheck state tel from mjid True
- go state (DebouncePart tel from) =
- debounceCheck state tel from Nothing False
- go state (DebounceExpire tel from time) =
- case Map.updateLookupWithKey (\_ (t,m,j) -> if t == time then Nothing else Just (t,m,j)) (tel, from) state of
+ if expire < 0 then recordJoinPart cheoJid from mjid join else
+ void $ forkIO $ threadDelay (expire*1000000) >> atomically (writeTChan toJoinPartDebouncer $ DebounceExpire cheoJid from time)
+ return $! Map.insert (cheoJid, from) (time, mjid, join) state
+ go state (DebounceJoin cheoJid from mjid) =
+ debounceCheck state cheoJid from mjid True
+ go state (DebouncePart cheoJid from) =
+ debounceCheck state cheoJid from Nothing False
+ go state (DebounceExpire cheoJid from time) =
+ case Map.updateLookupWithKey (\_ (t,m,j) -> if t == time then Nothing else Just (t,m,j)) (cheoJid, from) state of
(Just (t, mjid, join), state')
- | t == time && join -> sendJoin tel from time mjid >> return state'
- | t == time -> sendPart tel from time >> return state'
+ | t == time && join -> sendJoin cheoJid from time mjid >> return state'
+ | t == time -> sendPart cheoJid from time >> return state'
(_, state') -> return state'
openTokyoCabinet :: (TC.TCDB a) => String -> IO a
@@ 1266,34 1264,34 @@ main = do
hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
hSetBuffering stderr LineBuffering
- log "" "Starting..."
- (name:host:port:secret:vitelityJid:vitelityPassword:conferences) <- getArgs
- db <- openTokyoCabinet "./db.tcdb" :: IO TC.HDB
- chunks <- atomically newTChan
- toJoinPartDebouncer <- atomically newTChan
- toVitelity <- atomically newTChan
- toComponent <- atomically newTChan
- toRoomPresences <- atomically newTChan
- toRejoinManager <- atomically newTChan
- void $ forkIO $ forever $ threadDelay 1500000 >> atomically (writeTChan chunks TimerExpire)
- void $ forkIO $ multipartStitcher db chunks toVitelity toComponent name conferences
- void $ forkIO $ joinPartDebouncer db toVitelity toRoomPresences toJoinPartDebouncer
- void $ forkIO $ roomPresences db toRoomPresences
- void $ forkIO $ forever $ atomically (writeTChan toRejoinManager CheckPings) >> threadDelay 120000000
- void $ forkIO $ rejoinManager db toComponent name toRoomPresences toRejoinManager
- void $ forkIO $ forever $
- (log "runComponent ENDED" <=< (runEitherT . syncIO)) $
- (log "" "runComponent STARTING" >>) $
- runComponent (Server (fromString name) host (PortNumber $ fromIntegral (read port :: Int))) (fromString secret) (component db toVitelity toRoomPresences toRejoinManager toJoinPartDebouncer toComponent name)
- let Just vitelityParsedJid = parseJID $ fromString vitelityJid
- forever $
- (log "runClient ENDED" <=< (runEitherT . syncIO)) $
- (log "runClient ENDED INTERNAL" =<<) $
- (log "" "runClient STARTING" >>) $
- runClient (Server (fromString "s.ms") "s.ms" (PortNumber 5222)) vitelityParsedJid (fromMaybe mempty $ strNode <$> jidNode vitelityParsedJid) (fromString vitelityPassword) $ do
- void $ bindJID vitelityParsedJid
- viteltiy db chunks toVitelity toComponent name conferences
+ args <- getArgs
+ case args of
+ ("register":componentHost:host:port:secret:backendHost:did:password:[]) -> do
+ log "" "Registering..."
+ let Just componentJid = parseJID (fromString componentHost)
+ let Just gatewayJid = parseJID (fromString backendHost)
+ void $ runComponent (Server componentJid host (PortNumber $ fromIntegral (read port :: Int))) (fromString secret) $ do
+ mapM_ putStanza =<< registerToGateway componentJid gatewayJid (fromString did) (fromString password)
+ liftIO $ threadDelay 1000000
+ (name:host:port:secret:backendHost:conferences) -> do
+ log "" "Starting..."
+ let Just componentJid = parseJID (fromString name)
+ db <- openTokyoCabinet "./db.tcdb" :: IO TC.HDB
+ toJoinPartDebouncer <- atomically newTChan
+ sendToComponent <- atomically newTChan
+ toRoomPresences <- atomically newTChan
+ toRejoinManager <- atomically newTChan
+ void $ forkIO $ joinPartDebouncer db (fromString backendHost) (atomically . writeTChan sendToComponent) componentJid toRoomPresences toJoinPartDebouncer
+ void $ forkIO $ roomPresences db toRoomPresences
+ void $ forkIO $ forever $ atomically (writeTChan toRejoinManager CheckPings) >> threadDelay 120000000
+ void $ forkIO $ rejoinManager db (atomically . writeTChan sendToComponent) name toRoomPresences toRejoinManager
+ forever $ do
+ log "" "runComponent STARTING"
+ (log "runComponent ENDED" <=< (runEitherT . syncIO)) $
+ runComponent (Server componentJid host (PortNumber $ fromIntegral (read port :: Int))) (fromString secret)
+ (component db (fromString backendHost) toRoomPresences toRejoinManager toJoinPartDebouncer sendToComponent componentJid (map fromString conferences))
+ _ -> log "ERROR" "Bad arguments"