@@ 777,7 777,7 @@ stripCIPrefix prefix str
(prefix', rest) = T.splitAt (T.length $ CI.original prefix) str
-data Command = Help | Create Text | Join JID | JoinInvited | JoinInvitedWrong | Send Text | Who | List | Leave | InviteCmd JID | SetNick Text | Whisper JID Text | VitelityBogus Text
+data Command = Help | Create Text | Join JID | JoinInvited | JoinInvitedWrong | Debounce Int | Send Text | Who | List | Leave | InviteCmd JID | SetNick Text | Whisper JID Text | VitelityBogus Text
deriving (Show, Eq)
parseCommand txt room nick componentHost
@@ 797,6 797,8 @@ parseCommand txt room nick componentHost
telToJid to (fromString componentHost) <|>
(parseJID =<< fmap (\r -> bareTxt r <> fromString "/" <> to) room)
) <*> pure msg
+ | Just stime <- stripCIPrefix (fromString "/debounce ") txt,
+ Just time <- readMay stime = Just $ Debounce time
| citxt == fromString "/join" = Just JoinInvited
| citxt == fromString "join" = Just JoinInvitedWrong
| citxt == fromString "/leave" = Just Leave
@@ 993,6 995,9 @@ processSMS db toVitelity toComponent componentHost conferenceServers tel txt = d
| fromString "(SMSSERVER) " `T.isPrefixOf` msg -> return () -- bogus message from vitelity, ignore
| Just room <- existingRoom -> sendToRoom toComponent componentHost tel room msg
| otherwise -> writeStanzaChan toVitelity $ mkSMS tel (fromString "You are not joined to a group")
+ Just (Debounce time) -> do
+ True <- TC.runTCM (TC.put db (tcKey tel "debounce") (show time))
+ return ()
Just Help -> do
writeStanzaChan toVitelity $ mkSMS tel $ fromString $ mconcat [
"Invite to group: /invite phone-number\n",
@@ 1185,13 1190,17 @@ roomPresences db toRoomPresences =
data JoinPartDebounce = DebounceJoin Text JID (Maybe JID) | DebouncePart Text JID | DebounceExpire Text JID UTCTime deriving (Show)
-joinPartDebouncer toVitelity toRoomPresences toJoinPartDebouncer = next mempty
+joinPartDebouncer db toVitelity toRoomPresences toJoinPartDebouncer = next mempty
next state = do
msg <- atomically (readTChan toJoinPartDebouncer)
log "DEBOUNCE JOIN/PART" (msg, state)
go state msg >>= next
+ recordJoinPart tel from mjid join
+ | join = atomically $ writeTChan toRoomPresences $ RecordJoin tel from mjid
+ | otherwise = atomically $ writeTChan toRoomPresences $ RecordPart tel from
sendPart tel from time = do
log "DEBOUNCE PART, GONNA SEND" (tel, from, time)
atomically $ writeTChan toRoomPresences $ RecordPart tel from
@@ 1224,8 1233,10 @@ joinPartDebouncer toVitelity toRoomPresences toJoinPartDebouncer = next mempty
Just (_, _, j) | j /= join -> return $! Map.delete (tel, from) state -- debounce
Just (_, _, _) -> return state -- ignore dupe
Nothing -> do
+ expire <- fmap (fromMaybe (-1) . (readZ =<<)) (TC.runTCM $ TC.get db (tcKey tel "debounce"))
time <- getCurrentTime
- void $ forkIO $ threadDelay 120000000 >> atomically (writeTChan toJoinPartDebouncer $ DebounceExpire tel from time)
+ if expire < 0 then recordJoinPart tel from mjid join else
+ void $ forkIO $ threadDelay (expire*1000000) >> atomically (writeTChan toJoinPartDebouncer $ DebounceExpire tel from time)
return $! Map.insert (tel, from) (time, mjid, join) state
go state (DebounceJoin tel from mjid) =
@@ 1261,7 1272,7 @@ main = do
void $ forkIO $ forever $ threadDelay 1500000 >> atomically (writeTChan chunks TimerExpire)
void $ forkIO $ multipartStitcher db chunks toVitelity toComponent name conferences
- void $ forkIO $ joinPartDebouncer toVitelity toRoomPresences toJoinPartDebouncer
+ void $ forkIO $ joinPartDebouncer db toVitelity toRoomPresences toJoinPartDebouncer
void $ forkIO $ roomPresences db toRoomPresences
void $ forkIO $ forever $ atomically (writeTChan toRejoinManager CheckPings) >> threadDelay 120000000