
2f9baf922244627452cbc16753f2925a55c5a06d — Stephen Paul Weber 7 years ago c9d2212
Pass through IQ errors when reasonable
1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

M Main.hs
M Main.hs => Main.hs +3 -3
@@ 939,9 939,6 @@ componentStanza _ _ _ _ toRejoinManager _ _ _ (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = IQEr
		log "PING ERROR RESULT" from
		atomically $ writeTChan toRejoinManager (PingError from)
		return []
componentStanza _ (Just smsJid) _ _ _ _ _ componentJid (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = IQError, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just to })) = do
	log "IQ ERROR" iq
	return [mkStanzaRec $ mkSMS componentJid smsJid (fromString "Error while querying or configuring " <> formatJID from)]
componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (ReceivedIQ (IQ { iqType = IQResult, iqFrom = Just from, iqTo = Just to, iqID = Just id, iqPayload = Just p }))
	| [query] <- isNamed (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#owner}query") p,
	  [form] <- isNamed (fromString "{jabber:x:data}x") =<< elementChildren query = do

@@ 1048,6 1045,9 @@ componentStanza db maybeSmsJid _ _ _ _ _ componentJid (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqTyp
		_ | typ `elem` [IQGet, IQSet] -> do
			log "REPLY WITH IQ ERROR (no route)" iq
			return [mkStanzaRec $ iqNotImplemented iq]
		_ | typ == IQError, Just smsJid <- maybeSmsJid -> do
			log "IQ ERROR" iq
			return [mkStanzaRec $ mkSMS componentJid smsJid (fromString "Error while querying or configuring " <> formatJID from)]
		_ -> log "IGNORE BOGUS REPLY (no route)" iq >> return []
componentStanza _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s = do