
1f965c2b99040442d15d3cd316306a15eaa7af32 — Stephen Paul Weber 4 years ago 589e068
Only say could not join if tried to join
1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

M Main.hs
M Main.hs => Main.hs +3 -2
@@ 685,12 685,13 @@ componentStanza _ (Just smsJid) _ _ toRejoinManager _ _ componentJid (ReceivedPr
		log "FAILED TO REJOIN, try again in 10s" p
		void $ forkIO $ threadDelay 10000000 >> atomically (writeTChan toRejoinManager $ ForceRejoin from to)
		return []
	| otherwise = do
	| fromString "CHEOGRAMJOIN%" `T.isPrefixOf` id = do
		log "FAILED TO JOIN" p
		let errorText = maybe mempty (mconcat . (fromString "\n":) . elementText) $ listToMaybe $
			isNamed (fromString "{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas}text") =<<
			elementChildren =<< isNamed (fromString "{jabber:component:accept}error") =<< presencePayloads p
		return [mkStanzaRec $ mkSMS componentJid smsJid (fromString "* Failed to join " <> bareTxt from <> errorText)]
	| otherwise = return [] -- presence error from a non-MUC, just ignore
componentStanza db (Just smsJid) _ toRoomPresences toRejoinManager toJoinPartDebouncer _ componentJid (ReceivedPresence (Presence {
		presenceType = typ,
		presenceFrom = Just from,

@@ 1289,7 1290,7 @@ rejoinRoom db cheoJid room rejoin = do

	uuid <- fromMaybe "UUIDFAIL" <$> (fmap.fmap) (fromString . UUID.toString) UUID.nextUUID
	return [mkStanzaRec $ (emptyPresence PresenceAvailable) {
		presenceID = Just $ fromString $ (if rejoin then "CHEOGRAMREJOIN%" else "") <> uuid,
		presenceID = Just $ fromString $ (if rejoin then "CHEOGRAMREJOIN%" else "CHEOGRAMJOIN%") <> uuid,
		presenceTo = Just room,
		presenceFrom = Just cheoJid,
		presencePayloads = [Element (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc}x") [] ([