
136ab5e06d02d02fa2e4e6d788aee3b02bd88f99 — Stephen Paul Weber 8 years ago ac3da57
Invite registered jid when SMS creates a room
1 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

M Main.hs
M Main.hs => Main.hs +7 -2
@@ 625,13 625,18 @@ componentStanza _ toVitelity toComponent _ (ReceivedIQ (IQ { iqType = IQResult, 
	| Just tel <- strNode <$> jidNode to,
	  fromString "CHEOGRAMCREATE%" `T.isPrefixOf` id = do
		writeStanzaChan toVitelity $ mkSMS tel (mconcat [fromString "* You have created ", bareTxt from])
		queryDisco toComponent from to
		forM_ (parseJID $ bareTxt to <> fromString "/create") $
			queryDisco toComponent from
componentStanza db _ toComponent componentHost (ReceivedIQ (IQ { iqType = IQResult, iqTo = Just to, iqFrom = Just from, iqPayload = Just p }))
	| [query] <- isNamed (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info}query") p = do
	| Just tel <- strNode <$> jidNode to,
	  [query] <- isNamed (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info}query") p = do
		let vars = mapMaybe (attributeText (fromString "var")) $
			isNamed (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info}feature") =<< elementChildren query
		let muc_membersonly = fromEnum $ fromString "muc_membersonly" `elem` vars
		True <- TC.runTCM $ TC.put db (T.unpack (formatJID from) <> "\0muc_membersonly") muc_membersonly
		when (fmap strResource (jidResource to) == Just (fromString "create")) $ do
			regJid <- tcGetJID db tel "registered"
			forM_ regJid $ \jid -> forM_ (parseJID $ bareTxt to) $ \to -> sendInvite db toComponent jid (Invite from to Nothing Nothing)
		joinStartupTels db toComponent componentHost from to
componentStanza _ _ toComponent _ (ReceivedIQ (iq@IQ { iqType = typ }))
	| typ `elem` [IQGet, IQSet] =