
13097ffebde26fa5297a0db00aade13c866b243a — Christopher Vollick 3 years ago 38584b3
Handle Group Jingle Messages

The old jingle handling was constructing a message, and then passing it through
part of the message processing system to try and get a resulting message that
would go out to the backend.

But not all the logic lived in that part of the processing pipeline. The group
logic, in particular, lives on the ingress side where I get a message from the
user, and translate it into a message with multiple receivers.

So, to try and bring these together I've instead pulled the receiver apart from
the XMPP bits a little. So now there's a new thread that just pulls from XMPP
and puts on a channel, and the actual handling logic pulls out of that channel
and processes it.
That logic barely changed at all.

But what that means is that our Jingle code can now produce a message that
looks like the user sent it directly, and then push it in the front of our
pipeline, as though the user sent it directly. Rather than the half-and-half
approach from before.

Hopefully this kind of approach also avoids future issues where we want to
produce something and want it to work in all cases. There's nothing about
Jingle in particular in the fix, really.
1 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

M Main.hs
M Main.hs => Main.hs +10 -7
@@ 1095,8 1095,8 @@ participantJid payloads =
	elementChildren =<<
	isNamed (fromString "{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}x") =<< payloads

component db redis statsd backendHost did adhocBotIQReceiver adhocBotMessage toRoomPresences toRejoinManager toJoinPartDebouncer toComponent processDirectMessageRouteConfig jingleHandler componentJid registrationJids conferenceServers = do
	thread <- forkXMPP $ forever $ flip catchError (log "component EXCEPTION") $ do
component db redis statsd backendHost did adhocBotIQReceiver adhocBotMessage toRoomPresences toRejoinManager toJoinPartDebouncer toComponent toStanzaProcessor processDirectMessageRouteConfig jingleHandler componentJid registrationJids conferenceServers = do
	sendThread <- forkXMPP $ forever $ flip catchError (log "component EXCEPTION") $ do
		stanza <- liftIO $ atomically $ readTChan toComponent

		let tags = maybe "" (";domain=" ++) (textToString . strDomain . jidDomain <$> stanzaTo stanza)

@@ 1115,8 1115,11 @@ component db redis statsd backendHost did adhocBotIQReceiver adhocBotMessage toR

		putStanza stanza

	flip catchError (\e -> liftIO (log "component part 2 EXCEPTION" e >> killThread thread)) $ forever $ do
		stanza <- getStanza
	recvThread <- forkXMPP $ forever $ flip catchError (log "component read EXCEPTION") $
		(atomicUIO . writeTChan toStanzaProcessor) =<< getStanza

	flip catchError (\e -> liftIO (log "component part 2 EXCEPTION" e >> killThread sendThread >> killThread recvThread)) $ forever $ do
		stanza <- atomicUIO $ readTChan toStanzaProcessor
		let tags = maybe "" (";domain=" ++) (textToString . strDomain . jidDomain <$> stanzaFrom (receivedStanza stanza))
		liftIO $ StatsD.push statsd [StatsD.stat ["stanzas", "in" ++ tags] 1 "c" Nothing]
		liftIO $ forkIO $ case stanza of

@@ 1968,6 1971,7 @@ main = do
			redis <- Redis.checkedConnect redisConnectInfo
			toJoinPartDebouncer <- atomically newTChan
			sendToComponent <- atomically newTChan
			toStanzaProcessor <- atomically newTChan
			toRoomPresences <- atomically newTChan
			toRejoinManager <- atomically newTChan

@@ 2015,7 2019,7 @@ main = do
				(\iq@(IQ { iqPayload = Just jingle }) path ->
					forM_ (isNamed (s"{urn:xmpp:jingle:1}content") =<< elementChildren jingle) $ \content -> do
					let fileDesc = mfilter (/=mempty) $ fmap (mconcat . elementText) $ headZ (isNamed (s"{urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:file-transfer:5}desc") =<< elementChildren =<< isNamed (s"{urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:file-transfer:5}file") =<< elementChildren =<< isNamed (s"{urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:file-transfer:5}description") =<< elementChildren content)
					fromIO_ (mapM_ (atomically . writeTChan sendToComponent) =<< componentStanza db (mapToBackend backendHost =<< stanzaTo iq) [registrationJid] (writeTChan adhocBotMessages) toRoomPresences toRejoinManager toJoinPartDebouncer processDirectMessageRouteConfig componentJid (
					atomicUIO $ writeTChan toStanzaProcessor $
						let url = jingleStoreURL ++ (T.takeWhileEnd (/='/') $ fromString path) in
						ReceivedMessage $ (emptyMessage MessageNormal) {
							messageFrom = iqFrom iq,

@@ 2027,7 2031,6 @@ main = do
								] ++ (maybe [] (\desc -> pure $ NodeElement $ Element (s"{jabber:x:oob}desc") [] [NodeContent $ ContentText desc]) fileDesc))
					fromIO_ $ atomically $ writeTChan sendToComponent $ mkStanzaRec $ (emptyIQ IQSet) {
						iqTo = iqFrom iq,
						iqFrom = iqTo iq,

@@ 2061,5 2064,5 @@ main = do

				(log "runComponent ENDED" <=< (runExceptT . syncIO)) $
					runComponent (Server componentJid host (PortNumber port)) secret
						(component db redis statsd backendHost did adhocBotIQReceiver (writeTChan adhocBotMessages) toRoomPresences toRejoinManager toJoinPartDebouncer sendToComponent processDirectMessageRouteConfig jingleHandler componentJid [registrationJid] conferences)
						(component db redis statsd backendHost did adhocBotIQReceiver (writeTChan adhocBotMessages) toRoomPresences toRejoinManager toJoinPartDebouncer sendToComponent toStanzaProcessor processDirectMessageRouteConfig jingleHandler componentJid [registrationJid] conferences)
		_ -> log "ERROR" "Bad arguments"