
0b952d50a1ec88bf4bec205e3ff48ee31f05b37f — Stephen Paul Weber 9 years ago 59c6ca3
Print errors at least
1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

M Main.hs
M Main.hs => Main.hs +4 -4
@@ 222,12 222,12 @@ componentStanza _ _ toComponent (ReceivedIQ (IQ { iqType = typ, iqFrom = Just fr
componentStanza _ _ _ _ = return ()

component db toVitelity toComponent = do
	forkXMPP $ forever $ flip catchError (const $ return ()) $ do
	forkXMPP $ forever $ flip catchError (liftIO . print) $ do
		stanza <- liftIO $ atomically $ readTChan toComponent
		putStanza $ stanza

	--forever $ getStanza >>= liftIO . componentStanza db toVitelity
	forever $ flip catchError (const $ return ()) $ do
	forever $ flip catchError (liftIO . print) $ do
		s <- getStanza
		liftIO $ componentStanza db toVitelity toComponent s

@@ 245,11 245,11 @@ getMessage _ = Nothing
viteltiy db toVitelity toComponent = do
	putStanza $ emptyPresence PresenceAvailable

	forkXMPP $ forever $ flip catchError (const $ return ()) $ do
	forkXMPP $ forever $ flip catchError (liftIO . print) $ do
		stanza <- liftIO $ atomically $ readTChan toVitelity
		putStanza $ stanza

	forever $ flip catchError (const $ return ()) $ do
	forever $ flip catchError (liftIO . print) $ do
		m <- getMessage <$> getStanza
		liftIO $ case (strNode <$> (jidNode =<< messageFrom =<< m), getBody "jabber:client" =<< m) of
			(Just tel, Just txt) -> case parseCommand txt tel of